Results for: is the us at war with iran

Obama's Diversionary Tactics
– As the Washington Post pointed out on Friday, US President Barack Obama purposely provoked the current fight with Prime Minister Binyamin … ’s ties with the US. … At every opportunity, Netanyahu needs to pound the message that the Palestinians’ commitment to Israel’s destruction is the sole reason…
Are Jewish Americans Undermining Israel?
– Senator Joe Lieberman, a Democrat, was on his way to losing with his own party. I suspected at the time that Mr. … I sensed at the time that the “anti-Lieberman” sentiment was not just about him being “pro-Bush.” … And now, with the remaining vestiges of Judeo-Christian tradition having been swept away, and with Barack Obama as the party’s leader…
The Palestinian Move
– Of course, the problem with this strategy is that the Palestinians might accept the deal, with Hamas secretly intending to resume theThe second is to accept the concept of the 1967 borders and bet on the Palestinians rejecting it as they did with Bill Clinton. … It is about the Palestinian relationship with the Arabs and Israel’s relationship with Europe and the United States.…
In Defense of American Exceptionalism
– In “The Myth of American Exceptionalism,” he boldly posits that the “problem of the 21st century” isthe culture of smugness. … At the conclusion of World War II, the British rejected Winston Churchill -- without whose vision and determination Hitler might well … In other words: At present, there is no substitute for American leadership. America is the indispensible nation.…
Is Tribalism the Future?
– to war over Adolf Hitler's claim to the Sudetenland. … He is echoed today by Mordechai Kedar of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam at Bar-Ilan University. … us-versus-them view of the Arab world.…
Finding Out
The critique is misplaced. … again is caught in the web of ambivalence. … is potentially catastrophic for the people of Libya.…
Netanyahu’s Time to Choose’s_time_to_choose
– It is a tragedy that after more than a decade of the PA choosing war with Israel and peace with Hamas, Israel’s leaders are still incapable … It is a tragedy that Israel’s leaders cannot find the courage to say the joke of the peace process is really a deadly serious war process … The notion that Israel will be worse off it Netanyahu admits that Abbas has again chosen war against the Jews over peace with us has…
How to Define Contemporary Liberalism?
– -- The president ordered the word "terror" stricken from the name of the war against it. -- He has killed the manned space … -- It refuses to seal the border and tolerates a drug war spilling into the Southwest from Mexico. -- Despite liberalism's best … As its regnant practitioner, Obama is fashioning an image as the only adult in D.C. -- indeed one of the few on the planet.…
Jimmy Carter the Elder
– But back then Carter knew much better than the rest of us how to make peace  with dictators. … Carter ordered the US to withdraw from the Moscow Olympics and punished US farmers for selling wheat to the Soviets.   … The worst relations with our allies and adversaries and everyone else since the end of the Second World War... so far. …
Obama Foreign Policy: Moral Muddle
The U.S. would close Guantanamo; eschew the term "war on terror"; withdraw from Iraq on a fixed timetable; befriend Iran, Syria, China … with the Muslim world. … Yet the world is well stocked with Gadhafis. Most of them are fanatical enemies of the United States.…
This Week's Tweets I Like
The truth is that the debt problem in the US is not only big, but much bigger than most are acknowledging. … But one product of the 70s is still going strong and growing at a rapid rate, despite America’s monstrous fiscal crisis. … There is no quick fix in Libya that doesn’t involve US troops; the Saudis hate us; Iran has no respect for us; Israel doesn’t trust…
Obama's Altruistic Foreign Policy
With the Obama administration unwilling to enforce the no-fly zone with US combat aircraft, unwilling to take action to depose Gaddafi … The US went to war against the Taliban in 2001 because the Bush administration rightly held them accountable for Osama bin Laden and … The Taliban's barbaric treatment of women and girls probably couldn't have justified their overthrow at the hands of the US military…
An Unhappy United Nations Birthday
The Charter’s other great post-World War II vision: for the UN to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” … And right now, of course, a broad swath of the Middle East is in flames with the region’s ancient Christian communities facing annihilation … The truth is, at age 70, the UN is decadent if not decrepit.…
The Dark Specter of Vietnam
– If the answer is the Kurdish Peshmerga, that is understandable, though not palatable for Turkey. … with the 4-5 bubbas remaining from the 54 Syrians who were trained with $45M taxpayer resources? … I admire the stand the Jordanians have made,, but is that the right deployment airfield?…
Another Ground War in the Middle East?
– In that civil war, the regime's two leading antagonists are the al-Nusra Front, which is the local al-Qaida affiliate, and the Islamic … On Sept. 29, President Obama suggested at the United Nations that he was ready to work with Russia and Iran -- both of which are allied … What the United States needs is not another ground war in the Middle East, but a policy of containment that prevents the Islamic State…
Hillary: On Second Thought, I Do Support Some Boots on the Ground in Syria…hought-i-do-support-us-boots-on-the-ground-in-syria-n2074304
– But, he said, she opposes the U.S. entering a larger ground war in the Middle East to combat the rise of Islamic militants. … The administration's formal policy is one of regime change, as Assad is a murderous, Moscow-backed puppet of Iran.   … American foreign policy is adrift, and the world knows it.  …
US Intelligence Is No Match for Iranian Deception
– This deal is not based on trust," President Obama said when he announced in July that a nuclear accord had been negotiated with Iran … "You don't have to trust the people you're dealing with. … It is all well and good to claim that the nuclear deal with Iran is "based on verification."…
Leading on Paris Climate Treaty?
The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War and created the United States. … “Vanishing” Arctic and Greenland ice is freezing at historical rates, and growing at a record pace in Antarctica. … won’t cut emissions, so US efforts are useless – is crumbling.…
The Republican War -- Over War Policy
– Still, it is well that Republicans air their disagreements. For war and peace are what the presidency is about. … Ike ended Truman's war in Korea and kept us out of Indochina after the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu. … He gave us 7 years of peace and prosperity. Nixon pledged to end the U.S. war in Vietnam, and did.…
GOP Endgame: Rubio vs. Cruz?
– crown at stake is exciting. … Cruz’s positioning is very impressively calibrated at the moment. … This nation is going to turn the page, and that’s what this election should be about, and, as I said at the first debate, if I am our…
What Is America's Mission Now?
Is Iran really the worst situation in the Middle East today? … World War II and the Cold War gave us moral clarity. … From Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech in 1946 to the end of the Cold War, if you stood with us against the "Evil Empire" of…
Understanding the Third Terror War
– It was part and parcel of the new Palestinian terror war that is just coming into view. … But in truth, the discussion about how the US will respond to the planned Palestinian declaration is largely beside the point. … What the Palestinian silence on who committed what atrocity tells us is that in this new terror war, the Palestinians believe they…
A War We Don't Need
– Contrary to pithy bumper-sticker truisms, war is occasionally the answer. But can anyone explain why it's the answer now? … At the moment, at least, polls insist that Americans are generally supportive of the United States' intervening in the civil war now … Is Libya more vital to our national interest than Iran or North Korea or the Kurds of Turkey?…
Iran Should Be America's Target in Middle East
– Nation by nation, the hotbed of the world is melting down. It started with Egypt, now Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and others. … In some ways, it brings back memories of the Carter administration's reaction to both the situation at the time in Iran and to theIran will be the catalyst that thrusts us unwillingly into a scary, new 21st century world.…
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