Results for: Barack Obama Website

Make Hashtag, Not War
– After Boko Haram, the extremist Islamic group in Nigeria, kidnapped 276 mostly Christian schoolgirls, the Obama Administration took … to Twitter, with Michelle Obama and others holding up signs with the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. … magazine's website to declare the hashtag #LoveWins will conquer ISIS.…
It Was Not Always So
– In fact, the pace does seem to have quickened in Barack Obama's America. … Barack Obama's White House set up a website in which citizens could report other citizens for daring to speak critically of Obamacare … But then Barack Obama stood up and literally told people to start taking guns to knife fights.…
Illogical Spins on the Logic of Diversity
– Paris attacks, fueled by a cynical media strategy directed by the president himself, the national conversation turned quickly from BarackObama has been on a tear about how rejecting refugees is "not American" and how those refugees are akin to the pilgrims who arrived … Ethnic food fads are denounced for their insensitivity; the website recently offered "The Feminist Guide to Being…
Cruz: The Maple Leaf Candidate?
– non-candidate Donald Trump crowned himself king of the "birther" movement, with his constant questions about whether President BarackObama was born in Kenya or the United States. … This month, GOP political consultant-turned-analyst Tony Quinn wrote a piece for the website Fox&Hounds headlined "Ted Cruz Cannot…
Climate Change
– President Barack Obama has staked his legacy on getting some kind of global agreement on climate change. … The current global average temperature, according to the website, is "shy of 60° F.…
Democrats' Problem: Americans Have Little Faith in Government…s-problem-americans-have-little-faith-in-government-n2090511
– One of them is the fact that the two signature policies of Barack Obama -- the Affordable Care Act and the nuclear agreement with Iran … Barack Obama's job approval is currently 44 percent, and Clinton, like Nixon and Gore, seems unlikely to undergo serious testing in … Obama and Clinton have called for more gun control measures. But California already has the laws they want Congress to pass.…
GOP to Produce New Debt Plan By Sunday Afternoon
– President Barack Obama's chief of staff says the president will veto any last-minute debt package from Congress unless it extends the … Daley was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if Obama would veto a plan that doesn't extend the limit into 2013, and Daley said: "Yes. … Obama that included $800 billion in revenues through tax reform was still on the table.…
Tim Pawlenty's Illusion of Dullness
– It's of Barack Obama. This choice does not reflect a heroic sublimation of ego. … Pawlenty wants to convey a simple message: He is nothing like Obama, and that's an excellent thing. … The broad theme of Pawlenty's "Road to Results" tour is directed at Obama.…
Stopping Obama's 'Pay Their Fair Share' Shenanigans
– But is President Barack Obama's pitch reflecting honest economic inequity or more dishonest spin from his bag of duck-'n'-weave political … Here is a small set of examples of recent quotes from a single page of entries on the White House website (italics added): -- … Well, The Associated Press recently ran a fact check on the Obama administration's accuracy in calculating tax brackets.…
Solyndra Latest: Obama Silent As More Sordid Details Emerge
– In short, the Obama administration expedited approval for half-a-billion dollars in federal loan guarantees to a politically-connected … Obama is treating it as such with his silence.  Unfortuately for him, the Solyndra information drip hasn't dried up.  … Argonaut is an investment arm of the family foundation of George Kaiser, a political supporter of President Barack Obama.…
A Prayer for 5772
– Many of Abbas's supporters in Ramallah held posters of US President Barack Obama. On them Obama was portrayed as a monkey. … Bush's presidency to realize that the racist depiction of Obama was not a fluke. … Matthew Knee discussed this issue in depth in a recent article published at the Legal Insurrection website.…
Xavier Becerra Attacks Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Conscience…attacks-freedom-of-speech-and-freedom-of-conscience-n2582634
– Under this language, President Barack Obama's HRSA issued regulations mandating that insurance plans cover all "Food and Drug Administration … The Obama administration fought them in court over this regulation through the remainder of Obama's tenure. … Wade," said his campaign website.…
Lawless: Three Federal Judges Slam Obama Administration's Noncompliance
– legally-dubious, unpopular immigration fiat: A federal judge up in arms about non-compliance with a court order blocking President Barack … And on the Obama State Department's noncompliance on the court-ordered timely release of Hillary Clinton's emails -- at least the ones … The Obama administration does not believe the rules apply to them.  …
Obama Suffers Amnesia About His First Year As President
– What is it with Barack Obama and 27 months? … The problem, of course, is that Barack Obama has been president for 40 months. … Even later, in January 2010, a headline on the website Politico told the story straight out: "Obama: Health bill will create jobs."…
Bad News: Obama's Big "Reframing" Speech A Re-run of Every Other Obama Speech…mas_big_reframing_speech_a_rerun_of_every_other_obama_speech
Obama essentially repackaged the exact same speech he delivered in April, but inserted the names "Romney" and "Bush" a few more times … The RNC is already having a field day, rolling out a new website that needles Obama for his intellectual and leadership bankruptcy: … Obama give in several years."…
White House National Security Leaks Draw Surprising Political Pushback…e_national_security_leaks_draw_surprising_political_pushback
– A string of White House information leaks, each leak a war-story skit crafted to buff President Barack Obama's tough-dude cred in … While the article notes the U.S. has not officially admitted using cyberweapons, the Obama-Stuxnet skit serves notice. … A Vietnam vet friend tipped me to its unfinished website,…
7 Ways Conservative Activists Are Being Harassed By the Left
– /10 of the same amount of harassment that conservatives do, it would be a front page story in every major paper in America and BarackObama would be giving speeches about it. … Michelle was one of the many people to link to the website and publish the press release and when, inevitably, these morons were deluged…
Is Obama Creating a Pro-Gay Boy Scouts of America?
– Is it a coincidence that Turley and his wife, Lynne, were just guests at a state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama and first … lady Michelle Obama in honor of British Prime Minister David Cameron at the White House on March 14? … Is it a coincidence that, as the White House website explained, "Ernst & Young LLP will honor (the Obama administration's Network for…
Now Available: Free "Obama" Phones
– Enter Barack Hussein Obama in 2012.  His way of spreading the wealth around is “free” healthcare.  … This website, owned by an anonymous person or entity, features a flattering image of candidate Obama and serves as a campaign tool … If Obama didn’t intend to take credit, he would demand the disclaimer on the website. …
The Politics of Immigration --and Everything Else
– What Barack Obama wishes to accomplish by way of immigration outreach, chiefly to Hispanics, is his re-election. … President Obama, following the Supreme Court decision Monday, called it "unmistakably clear ... that Congress must act on comprehensive … about William Murchison, and to see features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Eco Scare Scams Raise Obama Campaign Cash
– The committee has not let go, however, of the investigation into the “cozy ties” between the Obama administration and green energy … Woolard is also a Barack Obama donor and has visited the White House 10 times since Obama took office.” … Watch your mail box for the “thank you” note for your Obama campaign donation.…
Why the 'Disrespect' for President Obama?
– As Obama stood in the White House Rose Garden and outlined the plan, Neil Munro, a reporter with a conservative website, shouted, " … Obama holds few press conferences, a matter of frustration to the White House press corp. … animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American.…
The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall and Epic Fail of the Hope and Change Presidency…he_rise_fall_and_epic_fail_of_the_hope_and_change_presidency
– The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall and Epic Fail of the Hope and Change Presidency is my new book, and new books mean book tours … "The Brief Against Obama" is intended as a comprehensive guide to the promises, predictions, platitudes and polemics President Obama … This is why Mitt Romney will win in November: Barack Obama has failed, and in spectacular fashion.…
Can Obama Be Re-Elected on Broken Promises?
– If President Bush No. 41 could lose a re-election by breaking one promise, how can President Barack Obama win a second term when he … (From Barack Obama presidential campaign fact sheet in 2008.) … --"Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe the United States has to be frank with the Chinese about such failings and will press them to…
The Dream Act Is a Nightmare
– That was the obvious question Barack Obama refused to answer when a reporter, doing his job, sought an answer, rather than a canned … It sets forth 21 instances when Obama or his administration has committed an unlawful or unconstitutional act. … We all concede that Obama is playing politics for the Hispanic vote.…
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