Results for: is the us at war with iran

Are All the World's Problems Ours?
The topic of discussion between Pompeo and the prime minister: In the event of a U.S. war with Iran, Iraqis would ensure the protection … The countdown to a June confrontation with Iran has begun. … Iran has no nukes or ICBMs. It wants no war with us. It does not threaten us.…
If You Thought War Expensive, Wait Until You Pay for Obama's Peace
The free flow of oil is the main strategic reason that the US is involved in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. … Think the “end” of the Iraq War as announced by Obama is the beginning of peace? Not so fast. … with the US on one side and Iran on the other.        …
5 Reasons Not To Bomb Syria
– During the Cold War, America used to semi-regularly ally itself with some rather unsavory leaders and groups. … In other words, both sides are bad guys, but this bad guy would work with us instead of the Soviets. … Could they retaliate against us with terrorist attacks? That's certainly possible. Will they go after Israel to get at us?…
The Way to Box in Barack on Iraq
The shadow of the Iraq War still hovers over the 2008 presidential race. … His next dodge will be to talk up diplomacy - that a dialogue with the mullahs can hold Iran at bay. … But no negotiations are possible with al Qaeda - and Americans realize that talks with Iran will go nowhere unless we have the leverage…
Iran's Western enablers
– If the US were taking the Iranian threat seriously, the Obama administration would not be begging Iran to negotiate with it after Teheran … If the US were interested in contending with the danger Iran constitutes to global security, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would … Whereas Middle Eastern countries have no choice but to deal with Iran, the US and its European allies apparently believe that they…
Iran: The Head of the Snake
– Hezbollah is blacklisted as a terrorist organization by the US, EU and UK and is also heavily backed by Iran. … In a frenzy of diplomatic activity, the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US said in a joint statement, "This is not … joins the war with Hamas and opens a Northern Front.…
Reconsidering the Suez Campaign
At the end of the game, the US had disavowed its strategic alliance with Israel because Jerusalem refused to give Washington veto power … Indeed, it makes clear that a breach of relations with the US is unavoidable. … He then explained what is at stake for the West.…
Remembering September 11, 2001 and 2012
– This Wednesday, there will be a massive rally at the US Capitol against the JCPOA. … Spare us the rhetorical explanation that the only alternative is war – history dispels that assertion. … Regardless, we shall all be deemed as “the crazies” if at the time when we remember 9-11 we enable the Islamic Republic of Iran to…
Bush Derangement Syndrome a Problem for Obama
– Should war with Iran erupt, you can bet the 2012 election that the Obama administration hopes the national press will conveniently … Lantos asked Crocker if the U.S. would pursue diplomacy with Iran. … Obama's excuses for failing to shut Gitmo may convince left-wing law profs, but leading America in a hot war with Iran is another matter…
Kerry: Major Concessions in Deal Were 'Thrown in as Add-ons' for Iran
At the same time, 68 percent are concerned the White House has been so eager to get a deal that economic sanctions against Iran are … Obama’s false choice of war and diplomacy, the truth is that war becomes less likely when diplomacy is accompanied by the credible … The President removed that credible threat from Iran by insisting war was the only (bad) alternative to his diplomacy, as well as by…
Welcome Back, Carter,_carter
The truth is, all wars are wars of choice, including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Korean and Vietnam … OK, maybe the war on teen obesity is a war of convenience, but that's the only one I can think of. … Iran is a primitive nation in the middle of a desert that happens to sit on top of a large percentage of the world's oil and gas reserves…
Marco Rubio Dismantles Leftist Arguments Against Killing Soleimani…mantles-leftist-arguments-against-killing-soleimani-n2558890
us to the brink of warFACT: Obama deal helped Iran fund the acceleration of its missile program & its support for Shia terrorist proxies … is desperate to start a war in the Middle EastFACT: Trump has had several opportunities to justifiably respond militarily to Iran … Constitution & War Powers Resolution — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 3, 2020FICTION: Strike on Soleimani is the reason Iran will…
Iran Shoots Down US Drone, Says Its 'Ready for War'
The location of where the drone was shot down is being disputed, with U.S. officials telling the Associated Press the drone was in … Hossein Salami said Iran is ready for war.  … The only solution for the enemies is to respect the territorial integrity and national interests of Iran."…
After the ISIS War, a US-Russia Collision?
– forces backed by Iran that have moved into a deconfliction zone around the town of Tanf in southwestern Syria, where there is a coalition … principal ally and leader of the Gulf Arabs in the regional struggle for hegemony with Shiite Iran. … , at the expense of Damascus, we could find ourselves in a collision with Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, Iran and even Turkey.…
Is the Hamas Attack Just the Tip of the Spear
The extent of the attack and the tools of war used give every indication that Iran was involved both in supplying the weapons and in … Saudi Arabia, concerned about the growing strength of Iran, is asking for help in creating the nuclear capability to match Iran. … Saudi Arabia is working to increase its ties to the US. Iran is nurturing better relationships with Russia and China.…
Adam Schiff Blames America for Iran's Aggression, Flip Flopping From 2015…adam-schiiff-seems-to-no-longer-be-opposed-to-iran-n2546637
Iran is also responsible for killing at least 600 U.S. troops during the Iraq war.   … an war with Iran. … Iran, however, has been at war with the U.S for decades and continues its aggression toward Americans and their allies.…
When, If Ever, Can We Lay This Burden Down?
with the Taliban to bring about peace, and a U.S. withdrawal from America's longest war. … Moammar Gadhafi, Libya is still mired in civil war, with its capital, Tripoli, under siege. … The Philippines wants us to take their side in the dispute with China over tiny islets in the South China Sea.…
Strike, Israel! Strike Now!
– He coupled his seizure of the Rhineland with offers of peace talks and with—that great distraction—the Berlin Olympics. … Now, consider this: Iran has been at war with the U.S. for more than thirty years. When they seized our U.S. … Marines and Navy corpsmen in Beirut in 1983, that, too, was an act of war. The Iranians are also at war with Israel.…
Tim Scott: We Have to Strike in Iran
Iran," the main benefactor of Hamas. … "strike in Iran""You actually have to cut off the head of the snake, and the head of the snake is Iran, and not simply their proxies … head of the snake and the head of the snake is Iran and not simply the proxies.'"…
Dress Rehearsal for a Mideast War?
– As the Spanish Civil War exposed the impotence of the League of Nations, Syria's conflict is exposing the paralysis of the United Nations … civil war could become a proxy war for all in the region, beginning with Lebanon. … Third, as Syria is aligned with Iran in the conflict with Israel and with Russia on the world stage, greater powers may come to see…
Xi Jinping's Middle Eastern Adventures
The initiative is all the more brazen when the US Navy is currently engaged in patrolling sea-lanes in the Gulf, ostensibly to protect … for China and a symbolic defeat for the US, which has backed the Saudi war against the Houthi rebels with American weapons. … China’s imprudent intervention is a retrograde step. Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
The Natural Map of the Middle East
– Wells in "What Is Coming: A Forecast of Things to Come After the War" in the year of Verdun and the Somme Offensive. … Answer: Al-Qaida, which, during the Iraq War, urged the United States to bomb Iran back to the Stone Age. … If a U.S. war on Iran is good for al-Qaida, how can it be good or us? Patrick J.…
US Holds All the Cards in Showdown With Iran
– In May 2018, the Donald Trump administration withdrew the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran, popularly … But the truth is that America has all the cards and Iran none in its game of chicken. … party responsible for giving us the disastrous nuclear deal that had so empowered Iran in the first place.…
Tom Cotton Challenges Iran's Foreign Minister to a Debate on The Constitution Via Twitter
The repeated provocative statements made by members of the Iranian leadership demonstrate why Iran cannot be trusted and why the President … Rather, they foreshadow the dangerous posture Iran will take and has taken repeatedly—including as recently as yesterday with the interception … I'll leave you with this: I hope @SenTomCotton takes the high road too.…
Iran Agreement: Déjà Vu All Over Againéjà-vu-all-over-again-n2025437
– That is not a viable consideration with Iran. Reagan also believed in the mantra “trust but verify.” … How can we ever trust the Iranian regime, which has been at war with America since 1979 and has not changed its belligerent behavior … Not to mention the plethora of human rights violations of which Iran is guilty.…
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