Results for: Barack Obama Website

Sorry, Joe, You're Going to Have to Answer The Question About Packing the Courts…ave-to-answer-the-question-about-packing-the-courts-n2577182
– His campaign website also says he supports the Green New Deal. So, what gives? … Barack Obama has called the filibuster a “relic of Jim Crow” that has to go. [...] Millions of voters dislike Mr.…
Will Justice Amy Star in 'The Five'?
– On the other side would sit the three liberals: 82-year-old Stephen Breyer and Barack Obama appointees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
Destroying the Institutions We Inherited
– In 2009, the Nobel Peace Prize went to President Barack Obama, despite the fact that Obama had only been president for eight months … Many felt the award was a political statement -- aimed at empowering Obama and criticizing the policies of his then-unpopular predecessor … Yet even The New York Times -- without explanation -- erased from its own website Hannah-Jones' earlier description of 1619 as "our…
Less Than a Month To Go
– Additionally, voters who voted for Barack Obama and then Trump appear to be going to Biden now. … First, do the gains from some of the new groups of voters offset the further drift of women, seniors and Obama-Trump voters? … out more about Erick Erickson and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Trump Contracts COVID-19; What Happened to Compassion?
– During the Barack Obama administration, the country faced the H1N1 virus, or swine flu. … Did the Obama administration, unlike the Trump administration, respond to that crisis with scientific-based action that saved the lives … Joe Biden aide Ron Klain, who served Biden in the White House during the Obama administration, candidly admitted no.…
The Legacy of Obama and Biden: Weaponizing Federal Agencies…acy-of-obama-and-biden-weaponizing-federal-agencies-n2578708
– Then, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected.  … We have yet to learn the full story about what Barack and Joe knew and when they knew it. … In any other era, Lerner, an Obama/Biden devotee, would already be serving hard time.…
Here's Why Trump's Final Debate Was a Game-Changer
– I ran because of Barack Obama. Because you did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would have never run." … I ran because of Barack Obama...cause you did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would of never run. … They like Barack Obama. They like Donald Trump.…
Biden's 7 Economic Deadly Sins
– plan is further to the socialist left than anything such liberal nominees of yesteryear, including Jimmy Carter, George McGovern, BarackObama and even Hillary Clinton, ever dreamed. … out more about Stephen Moore and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
The Relentless Revolution
– Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, former Labor Department secretary under Bill Clinton and adviser to BarackObama. … His website is …
Ground Zero: Georgia, Georgia, Georgia
– Georgia’s Secretary of State website keeps records of all statewide elections going back to 1988. … That was a Democratic wave year, in which Barack Obama won a commanding victory, narrowly losing Georgia by mid-single digits. … Obama had major coattails, helping Democrats net eight seats across the country. Georgia GOP incumbent (Sen.…
The Real Collusion Scandal of the 2016 Campaign
– Quick -- who helped moderate the atrocious CNBC Republican primary debate in 2015 -- made a promise to Podesta after then-President BarackObama nominated Sylvia Mathews Burwell for Health and Human Services secretary, saying she would "make sure to defend her when things … In February 2016, the website Gawker published a cache of emails between reporters and Clinton PR operative Phillippe Reines.…
John Lewis Helped Win the Civil Rights War; Why Are We Still Fighting It?…n-the-civil-rights-war-why-are-we-still-fighting-it-n2572948
– In 2008, America elected Barack Obama. Obama got a higher percentage of the white vote than did John Kerry four years earlier. … Voters, even those who did not vote for Obama, thought they hired the presidential candidate they saw on "60 Minutes." … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
The Journalistic Malpractice of Touting 'Devout' Biden
– Former President Barack Obama was a great Christian. Hillary Clinton was a great Christian. … There's no mention of the Obama-Biden administration dragging Catholic nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor through the courts to … There's no mention of Biden pressuring Obama into advocating for same-sex marriage or of the fact that Biden presided over a gay wedding…
Anti-Gunners Will Hate This New Book on Gun Control
– Lott decimates the leftwing Vox website’s claim, previously made by President Barack Obama, that America has a “unique” problem when … But given the FBI’s role in the apparent conspiracy of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and various … In any event, Lott explains how “During the Obama administration, the FBI issued false reports to the media in order to advance the…
Barack Obama and His Race Card
– Former President Barack Obama once again pulled out the race card for political gain, consequences be damned. … Yes, Obama just compared Trump to that man. … Obama.…
Puppets and Puppeteers Peddling 'White Privilege'
– The same website claims in 2017, the Obama’s purchased an 8,200 square-foot mansion in Washington, D.C., for $8.1 million. … During his 2018 speech in Johannesburg, Barack Obama backhandedly trashed Trump and his tax cuts (which helped the middle class) while … Obama also said rich people could help others without taking “a vow of poverty” and stumped for “some form of progressive taxation”…
After 100 Years of Women Voting, All Votes Are in Peril
Barack Obama carried North Carolina in 2008 by a mere 14,177 votes. … The Post slipped this feature discussed above onto their website, late on a Friday; an opportune time to ensure that a distracted public…
Is There Any Racial or Ethnic Group that Joe Biden Hasn’t Insulted Yet?…l-or-ethnic-group-that-joe-biden-hasnt-insulted-yet-n2574082
– Then, he called his future former boss, President Barack Obama, the first "clean" black man to run for the presidency. … It's not that Democrats like this guy like Obama. They don't; you see it with the enthusiasm numbers. … CNN covered it one time today on air, and not a single time on their website or Twitter. MSNBC didn't mention it once.…
By Their Red Stars You’ll Know Them
– The better-known Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has yet to endorse a presidential candidate, but its website calls for passing the “Heroes … , Tom Bradley, Ed Roybal, Diane Watson, Maxine Waters and Karen Bass, and in 2008 worked to elect Barack Obama.  … His website is …
Kamala Harris: 'There is No Vaccine Against Racism'
– During the convention, former President Barack Obama, as he did during the eight years of his presidency, pushed the America-is-a-racist-nation … When in private practice, young attorney Obama was on an eight-member legal team representing one of the plaintiffs in a class-action … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
A Tale of Two Tax Cuts
– During Barack Obama's first term in office, when the economy was ailing as it is today, they were all for a payroll tax cut. … Under Obama, Pelosi described the payroll tax cut as "a victory for all Americans, for the security of our middle class, for the health … All of this is to say that Democrats were FOR the payroll tax cut (under Obama) before they were against it (under Trump). …
Hope Motivates Better Than Pessimism
– That’s why a right-wing website spoke of “Doomsday Democrats,” offering, “10 Gloomy Moments from the Democratic National Convention … The same website criticized former President Obama’s convention speech, stating, “Former President Barack Obama on Wednesday abandoned…
Obama Should Fool No One With His Bipartisan Mask
– I urge those who still indulge the fiction that former President Barack Obama is a uniter and great statesman to read the transcript … Obama is confusing President Trump with himself. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Will the Catholic Bishops Call Out Joe?
– Once he had become vice president in 2012, however, Biden even got out ahead of Barack Obama in urging that homosexual unions be granted … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
More Random Thoughts When Not Out Protesting
– Michelle Obama says "quarantine," the "racial strife" and the "hypocrisy" of the Trump administration are "dispiriting," giving her … -- Barack Obama, July 30, 2020. "Officers"? "Necks"? "Black Americans"?? That's like saying when O.J. … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
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