Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Chris Matthews: Voter ID Laws Are Ageist!
– The good news: Chris Matthews appears to be moving away from the sole argument that Voter ID laws are racist. … Bad news: He's lumping seniors into the pile of who Republicans "don't want voting" or who they want to "kill off."   … It's actually very simple: Republicans don't want ineligible voters, you know, like illegal immigrants, fake people and dead people…
A Government of Men, Not Laws
– Adams meant that a government in which law is applied at the discretion of powerful people is a bad government. … time to stop denying citizenship to responsible young people just because they were brought here as children of undocumented immigrants … And when we try to decide for ourselves via state governments, we are told that we're violating the constitutional order.That's precisely…
Hiding Holder's 2000 Smoking Guns
– And like his predecessor of 1972, it will not be Obama’s friends’ bad behavior; but, rather his response that will reveal the President … Government plan to track illegal gun distribution across the Mexican border.  … U.S. scrutiny of the operation began when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by illegal immigrants with a Fast and Furious…
New Jokes about the Idiots in Washington
– But unlike other groups, Asian immigrants are just here to do the jobs Americans aren’t smart enough to do. … Over the weekend President Obama issued an order that allows some illegal immigrants to stay in the country. … Now even our immigrants are being made in China. Craig Ferguson It’s a great day for our president.…
7 Reasons Obama’s Amnesty For Under 30 Illegals Is Terrible Policy
– 1) It's illegal: Since there are currently no work permits for illegal aliens, handing them out would require a change in the existing … Replacing laws with illegal presidential decrees creates instability and unreliability that makes for bad policy that helps paralyze … Instead, Barack Obama wants to give hundreds of thousands, if not millions of illegal immigrants work permits so they can take jobs…
Obama Campaign Tears America Apart
immigrants. … Sure, the result would be a massive influx of illegal immigrants flooding across the border in search of the next amnesty package. … Sure, the new program would create more competitors for low-wage jobs, hurting nonillegal immigrants.…
Obamanomics Is Final Nail in Keynesians’ Coffin
immigrants. … Besides the 12.7 million Americans that are counted as unemployed, another 8.2 million are employed part-time for economic reasons … We are now well past Obama's own self-imposed deadline, and still no real recovery.…
Drop in Illegal Immigration Opens Door for Real Reform
– of Mexican illegal immigrants living here. … Yes, state and local laws intended to make life unpleasant for illegal immigrants may have had some effect. … America still needs immigrants -- they are a major reason for our economic vitality.…
5 Reasons It's Good For Libertarians, Gays and Donald Trump's Hair to Be At CPAC…_for_libertarians,_gays_and_donald_trumps_hair_to_be_at_cpac
– This is supposed to be a bad thing? … If for some reason, there were tens of thousands of conservative illegal immigrants in the United States, mysteriously, you'd find … Are we going to change the Libertarians or are they going to change us?…
Illegal Immigrants Broke into a Border Patrol Agent's Home and Tried to Steal His Uniforms
– His own family are victims of illegal immigrants breaking into their home. … immigrants on state trespassing charges after the area experienced a rise in crime this year. … I saw immigrants get into houses, breaking in, damaging, taking things.…
What Will 2022 Mean for the Border Crisis?
– It does not include the number of illegal immigrants who have been able to avoid apprehension. … sending and begs a similar question when it comes to illegal immigrants: How much was able to get away? … "Illegal immigrants still entering faster than we can pick them up. A lot more are walking into town now.…
Five Lessons America Can Learn From The Failures Of Other Nation-States…ns_america_can_learn_from_the_failures_of_other_nationstates
– And the fewer babies you have today, the fewer babies are around to have babies in 20 years. … Here in the United States, we have more than 10 million illegal immigrants in our country whose first loyalty is not to the United … Could we one day see large numbers of Mexican illegal immigrants who believe that the southwestern United States rightfully belongs…