Results for: Barack Obama Website

Unsinkable Obama's Looming Iceberg
– President Obama has been this generation's Teflon president. … The same could be said of Barack Obama Presidency--you have to elect him to find out what his fundamental transformation really means … Obama was elected promising to return America's standing in the world.…
5 Things The Obama Administration Had No Idea The Obama Administration Was Doing…tion-had-no-idea-the-obama-administration-was-doing-n1734940
– Given that Barack Obama seems to know so little about what's going on in his administration that it's starting to resemble a "Hogan's … The account suggests President Barack Obama went nearly five years without knowing his own spies were bugging the phones of world leaders … I think it was on Friday.” 5) Obama didn't know the website was going to fail.…
Obamacare Spiraling Downward
– The Presidency of Barack Obama is spiraling downward largely because of Obamacare and it is not clear to me that Mr. … Obama can avoid a Presidential face plant. … Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius testified before a House committee about the ongoing disaster that is the Obamacare website
The Tipping Point We've Dreamed Of?
– "We voted for Barack Obama. Twice." "We thought it was the right thing to do," Debbie adds. … We liked our policy, and we believed Barack Obama when he said we could keep it." … We need those candidates to patiently, pleasantly, but boldly point out that the Obama era is simply not working.…
Broken Promises/Broken Presidencies
– Many of these rejected and dejected millions are Obama voters. … Obama needs desperately to sign up and sign on. He needs them to rush the website like shoppers at Walmart on Black Friday. … But they voted for Barack Obama based on his pledged word: If you like your plan, you can keep it.…
The President Who Wasn’t There
– President Obama loves to golf. President Obama loves to campaign. President Obama loves to hobnob with celebrities. … As President, Barack Obama is every bit the bomb-thrower you’d expect from a progressive activist community organizer – all sizzle, … Barack Obama travels the country giving pep-rally style speeches, attends fundraisers and golfs.…
Single Tear: With WH Allies in Crisis, Big Labor Sits Out Obamacare Fight…allies-in-crisis-big-labor-sits-out-obamacare-fight-n1733240
– in the public battle over the problematic Obamacare website. … Accusations that the pledge was misleading are potentially a deeper threat to Obama than the website glitches that have plagued … Obama has downplayed the problems with the website, saying it's like a cash register not working, and has stressed that the underlying…
CBS News: Obamacare Promises "Directly At Odds" With Reality…mad-about-losing-plans-paying-more-under-obamacare-n1732572
– "The Affordable Care Act is not just a website," the president cooed last week, hoping to convince increasingly dubious … He's right that his law amounts to so much more than its broken website and telephone hotline that also can't sign people up. … Shorter CBS News: Obama lied. Shorter conservatives: We told you so.…
Rude Awakening: Californians 'Shocked' by Premium Increases, Dropped Coverage…nians-shocked-by-premium-increases-dropped-coverage-n1732382
Barack Obama waltzed to victory in California last year, trampling Mitt Romney by 21 percentage points. … Many people assumed Barack Obama and company were telling them the truth about his law, and that Republicans were lying. … navigators manning the phones at the 1-800 number hyped by Obama as an alternative to the (effectively shut down) website cannot actually…
Gentlemen's Mail
– When Senator Barack Obama became President-elect Barack Obama, then President Barack Obama there was not-so-secret high-fiving in … Obama on October 9, 2009 for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." … Alexander never had that meeting with President Obama, but stopped short of saying no one had informed the U.S. President.…
NPR: Obamacare ‘Right Back in the Spotlight’
– Victor Davis Hanson predicted, “If the rollout of Obamacare gets any more incoherent, soon Barack Obama may be echoing the same concerns … As the very real problems with Obamacare – problems that extend well beyond a dysfunctional website – continue to emerge, there will…
House Dem on Obamacare: "I Don't Know How He F***ed This Up So Badly"…n-obamacare-i-dont-know-how-he-fed-this-up-so-badly-n1746954
– By "he," this unnamed rank-and-file Democrat means President Obama, of course -- and the answer isn't complicated … And the website woes haven't let up either. … Yes, Obama would veto a bill that's quite literally named after his most famous presidential promise.…
Civil War: Democrats Tearing Themselves Apart Over Obamacare
– How about right here: Democrats are on the verge of abandoning President Barack Obama on vital elements of his signature … And they’re unconvinced the White House will meet its self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline to fix the website. … “There’s no way Obama and Pelosi will let their legacy go down in flames.…
– federal government has been able to sign up only 26,794 people. 26,794 people is something short of what the Administration of BarackObama had hoped for, had sneered at Republicans for doubting, and had assured the American public it was on target to produce. … Starting tomorrow, the website has to average 52,828 Americans signing up each and every day.…
The Continuing Obamacare Disaster
– You know things are going poorly for the Obama White House when even theNew York Times is writing about the “third world experience … Even as President Barack Obama sold a new health care law in part by assuring Americans they would be able to keep their insurance … Obama insisted anew Thursday that the problem is limited to people who buy their own insurance.…
Report: 52 Million Americans Could Lose Current Coverage Under Obamacare…ericans-could-lose-current-coverage-under-obamacare-n1744103
– Americans will experience the president's broken promise firsthand once the law is fully implemented: Even as President BarackObama sold a new health care law in part by assuring Americans they would be able to keep their insurance plans, his administration … Period,” Obama said as he pitched the plan, the unqualified promise he made repeatedly.…
Netanyahu: Iranian deal "A Mistake of Historic Proportions"
– President Barack Obama described the emerging agreement Thursday in an interview with NBC News, saying that if Iran doesn't live … to have undone whatever good will was created between the Israeli and U.S. governments during a high-profile visit by President Obama … theNational Weather Servicewould be putting out a hurricane warning right now,” diplomatic correspondentChemi Shalevwrote on the website
Impeaching Himself, Period
Barack Obama was evidence of his inexperience. … But they lined up in lockstep with the Obama administration, even though warned by outgoing Sen. … We might have a lot more confidence in government competence if the Obama administration could get even its own website up to date.…
President a No Show at Gettysburg -- Thank Goodness!
Obama has been busy selling ObamaCare and working "24/7" on the next rollout of the website. … Obama doesn't have competent help. … If Barack Obama had agreed to show up at the Sesquicentennial of the Gettysburg Address, the comparisons might not have been favorable…
Panic: Democrats Sweating Bullets Over Saturday's Obamacare Deadline…sweating-bullets-over-saturdays-obamacare-deadline-n1753025
– by the end of the month, as promised: Some Capitol Hill Democrats are preparing to launch broadsides against President BarackObama if the Affordable Care Act website isn’t fixed by the end of the month. … And she has been unable to access the federal health exchange website, which has been hampered by technical problems.…
How to Stop Elite Republican Plans to Take the GOP Down The Way of the Whigs…can-plans-to-take-the-gop-down-the-way-of-the-whigs-n1752986
– WhigParty reportedly claims, according to its national chairman, 30,000 members (although most of these appear to be signups at its website … … Schmidt’s wizardry produced a 2008 presidential campaign that downplayed the differences between McCain and BarackObama on social issues – including marriage. … The result?…
Obamacare: Female Cancer Patient Dropped from Employer-Based Health Plan
– The Chicago Tribune's editorial board notices that Obamacare's roster of losers seems to grow by the day: If President BarackObama and Democratic leaders think the outcry against Obamacare is fierce now, watch if millions more Americans get blindsided with … will face higher premiums or higher deductibles, and they'll be required to share private medical and financial information on a website
The Passing of Progressivism
– When Americans elected Barack Obama in 2008, we understood he was a progressive. … Obama insisted he learned that the IRS was investigating conservatives only when that story made the news. … Obama must not have thought to ask where all the classified information came from.…
Change: WH Won't Say How Much Obama Knew About Obamacare's Tech Meltdown…how-much-obama-knew-about-obamacares-tech-meltdown-n1749689
– One staple in Barack Obama's excuse-making diet is that when bad things happen, he doesn't know anything. … During his press conference last week, Obama stated that he wasn't "directly informed" about the myriad tech headaches, then cited … routine, brushing off his smoldering crater of failure as a mere underestimation of difficulties: Obama: "I think…
Priorities: Obama Won’t Speak at Event Commemorating 150th Anniversary of Gettysburg Address
Barack Obama isn’t going to Gettysburg today to pay tribute to the nation’s greatest president. … President Obama attended hundreds of fundraisers and campaign events during his first four years in office. … Yet now he can’t find the time to make a brief appearance in Gettysburg because of a...malfunctioning website?…
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