Results for: donald trump comments on john mccain

Trump Expresses Love for ‘Legal’ Immigrants and Mexicans
– Business mogul and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may have surprised some people when he recently told an estimated … John McCain, a prisoner of war for more than five years who was tortured by the enemy during the Vietnam War. … John McCain has failed miserably to fix the situation and to make it possible for veterans to successfully manage their lives,” Trump
Trump: No, I Don't Owe McCain an Apology
– In case you missed it, Donald Trump implied over the weekend that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) wasn’t an actual war hero. Why? … John McCain has called his own constituents who want a secure border “crazies.” … John McCain on Monday played down his personal spat with Donald Trump, but said that Trump should apologize to prisoners of war after…
Bill Clinton:An Angry White Man Who Doesn't Know Much
– In his bookstore remarks with customers, Clinton also excoriated Donald Trump and claimed that he “doesn’t know much,” except how to … supporters than previous GOP presidential candidates, such as Mitt Romney or Senator John McCain (R-AZ), received.  … In typical Trump fashion, he responded to Clinton’s comments in a tweet.…
Republicans Launch Sharp Attacks in South Carolina Debate…icans-launch-sharp-attacks-in-south-carolina-debate-n2119887
– The fireworks started on foreign policy, when Jeb Bush attacked Donald Trump for accommodating Russia in Syria and Trump argued we … Then Trump called the Iraq War a big mistake and went on to say George W. … Bush said Trump disparaged women and John McCain, a parry that hasn't worked yet, and Trump seized on Bush's comment that if he mooned…
40 Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump
– The same traits that make Donald Trump great on reality TV would make him temperamentally unfit to be President. 13) Trump is caught … , Trump University, Trump Casinos and the New Jersey Generals. 33) Trump mocked prisoners of war: I don’t much care for John McCain … , but Trump didn’t just insult McCain, he mocked every American prisoner of war when he said,“(John McCain is) not a war hero….…
Partisan Divide Keeps Popping Up in Supreme Court Rulings…an-divide-keeps-popping-up-in-supreme-court-rulings-n2536406
– It's not often that President Donald Trump appears more knowledgeable and honest about American jurisprudence than a Supreme Court … justice -- any Supreme Court justice -- but on Thanksgiving week, Trump demonstrated a more realistic insight into how political the … A recap on Trump's trash talking of American judges: During the 2016 election, Trump asserted that U.S.…
The Season of Trump
– I have a history with Donald Trump. … Having rescinded an invitation from him to a gathering in August after his comments on Megyn Kelly, I watched as Trump supporters descended … who could not stop Donald Trump.…
Candidates and the Media Need to Show Courage
– Cruz said: "I like Donald Trump. ... … And listen, I commend Donald Trump for standing up and focusing America's attention on the need to secure our borders." … I don't remember Mitt Romney, John McCain or George W.…
Message to the Political Elite: Trump Gets It, You Don't
– They immediately called on Trump to back off on his statements. … John McCain labeled those who attended "the crazies" and rebuked Trump for his comments about illegal immigrants. … So when asked about well-known former POW McCain and his comments on Trump, Trump said, "He's not a war hero," and, "He was a war hero…