Results for: is the us at war with iran

The World Wants No Part of Woke, but It's Glad We Do
– Crime is spiking at levels not seen in 40 years. … Yet the military is less eager to explain why the United States met utter humiliation in Afghanistan or why the army only has met about … But the higher they go, the harder it is to service the gargantuan $30 trillion -- and climbing -- national debt.…
Biden's Bumbling and Stumbling Could Start WWIII…27/bidens-bumbling-and-stumbling-could-start-wwiii-n2613623
– Putin is on the ropes. … His only hope is to hang on through the winter while fighting a war of attrition against the Ukrainian people. … Xi is waiting to see what ensures Taiwan being recognized as part of Communist China with the least possible cost to the Chinese Communist…
It's Time for A New Generation of American Leaders
– This is the first mobilization in Russia since World War 2. This is serious. This is new in the modern era. … We are watching history unfold in front us and are sitting on the sidelines with no plan of action. … Right now, it is the amazing resolve of the Ukrainian people that is keeping Putin at bay, but we cannot count on that. …
Is Our Military Prepared for Another 9/11 Attack?…20/is-our-military-prepared-for-another-911-attack-n2613303
– City, at the Pentagon and in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. … No one in their right mind argues that honorably ending the war in Afghanistan was the wrong thing to do. … But doing the "right thing" the wrong way is always potentially disastrous.…
A Stagflation Genie Roars Out of the Bottle
– Today, an even more virulent stagflation than I envisioned is taking deep root in the US and global economies. … Today, while the U.S. unemployment rate remains low in the United States, inflation is running at a 40-year high[i] and negative GDP … With stagflation, such asset allocation is no hedge at all as BOTH stock and bond prices fall and only very risky short selling offers…
White Lives Matter, Obviously
– BLM is just another tool in the totalitarian arsenal, aimed at corroding liberty by corrupting the social, moral, and cultural ties … During the Yeezy show at Paris Fashion week, Candace and Ye strolled into the spotlight sporting shirts printed with the revolutionary … This is at the heart of why Democrats and statist Republicans can be so cruel.…
Zelensky’s Stoking Antisemitic Flames Could Get Himself Burned…stoking-antisemitic-flames-could-get-himself-burned-n2615053
– Zelensky is simply making up nonsensical arguments as if Russia needed an excuse to turn to Iran, or Iran as the leader of global terror … alliance with Iran.  … He could start with the other “I” countries: Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland and Italy. Ok, maybe not Iran.…
At the Edge of Winter -- A Crucial Contest
The Biden Regime's effort to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action -- the so-called nuclear weapons deal with Iran -- must … The Saudis have been warning for months that Iran is their No. 1 adversary and are increasingly alarmed by secret U.S. efforts to lift … and our "pain at the pump" -- until after the Nov. 8 midterm election.…
Veterans Day and the Midterm Elections
– One plausible explanation for this absurd and demoralizing development in the US military is that it is an extension of the elite capture … When CRT is embraced at the top it must be embraced down the chain of command. … than at any prior time, except the period in the immediate aftermath of the Vietnam War.…
Allied Military Cohesion is Key to Facing New Global Threats…litary-cohesion-is-key-to-facing-new-global-threats-n2615316
War than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis, a 13 day showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union 60 years ago … A countrywide anti-government uprising in the Islamic Republic of Iran risks regional conflagration as the regime’s theocratic leaders … That’s no way to treat our friends if we expect them to partner with us in the event of armed conflict with Moscow, Beijing, Tehran…
Israel and Lebanon’s High Energy Shotgun Wedding
– Unlike a joyous wedding, the event was described as tense because the neighboring countries are still officially at war, and Lebanon … The lack of formal recognition of Israel by Lebanon meant the agreement was not signed between them but, rather, with the US. … Timing was an issue on both sides, with the US rushing it through before the end of President Aoun’s term on October 31, and before…
On a Collision Course with National Disaster
The administration is creating total societal chaos, fomenting disorder and undermining the rule of law at every turn. … It is at war with law enforcement, which ensures domestic tranquility, and it is destroying our southern border. … I know I'm not the only one who feels this way and who is seeing this nightmare with eyes wide open.…
Biden Administration: Six Month Security Review
– As we crossed yesterday the threshold of six months in office for the Biden administration, much of the focus is on the historic spending … Iranian sponsored militias conduct these attacks at the encouragement of Iran’s leaders using Iran-supplied weapons or Iran-sourced … We responded to that violence not with further retaliatory strikes but by announcing the opening of talks with the Iraqi government…
A Tonkin Gulf Incident in the Gulf of Oman?
– For years, Israel and Iran have been in a shadow war, with Iran backing Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthi rebels in Yemen … in a new war with Iran. … -Iran deal is consummated, that U.S. sanctions remain in place, and that a U.S. war with Iran remain a possibility.…
We Now Have the Worst President of the Last Century
– ), it is undeniable that the semi-lucid weirdo who is marginally our president is so terrible that Jimbo is no longer the worst prezzy … Yes, the stench of failure with this ridiculous simulacrum of an administration is just like that of the out-of-his-depth dork from … Declaring war on the other half of America – checkarino! At this point, we’re past the mere longing for some more mean tweets.…
Afghanistan: Biden's Biggest Blunder! Now What?…1/08/17/afghanistan-bidens-biggest-blunder-now-what-n2594243
– He and his toadies at the Pentagon assured us the Afghan government could survive without U.S. troops, air support, intelligence or … The American embassy is abandoned beneath a Taliban flag. … don't become the ultimate winners of the Afghanistan war?…
Wait…The Taliban Just Bought Off Afghan Army Commanders…And Nobody Did Anything?…t-off-afghan-army-commandersand-the-cia-did-nothing-n2594182
– After two decades of war in the Middle East, we have Afghanistan that’s back in the Taliban's hands and Iraq is pretty much a client … From my understanding, the level of corruption within the Afghanistan military and the government, that is part of how the Taliban … Forget the fiasco at Hamid Karzai airport in Kabul right now, we tried the exact same thing with the South Vietnamese army.…
Biden's Disastrous Foreign-Policy Instincts
– Qasem Soleimani, accusing then-President Donald Trump of putting us on the precipice of an "endless war in the Middle East." … David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of the book "First Freedom: A Ride Through America's Enduring History … With the Gun."…
– Yeah, we know your boss is a senile old fool with delusions of competence. His failure will be addressed at the ballot box. … But your failure, generals and admirals, is something only you can address, at least until President DeSantis comes and separates theThe Chinese are laughing at us. The Taiwanese have got to be rethinking their position. Iran is cackling. Our allies are furious.…
'Vanity Fair' Fixates on Criticizing Republicans Over Response to Afghanistan Disaster…g-republicans-over-response-to-afghanistan-disaster-n2594741
– , 2021 Following the sensational headline, which acknowledges the "criticism Biden has faced is well-deserved" and the administration … the chaotic conclusion to the 20-year war on Biden while ignoring the role his predecessors—including Republicans Trump and George … The withdrawal has been a mess, but voters may see the chaos that’s come with it as an inevitability.…
The Bitter Fruits of Interventionism
– While the triumphant Taliban have no interest in a renewed war with the United States, they do have an ideological interest in trumpeting … Biden's reputation as a capable veteran of half a century at the highest levels of the U.S. government is being daily deconstructed … At the end of the 1970s, our Near East ally, the shah of Iran, was overthrown, and an anti-American Islamic republic led by Ayatollah…
Joe Biden, Foreign Policy Genius in Training
– Questionable Voting Joe Biden opposed offering aid to the South Vietnamese in 1975 when they were at the height of their war against … If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being … This year, Biden has uncorked some doozies: “America is back, diplomacy is back,” he said at the State Department, adding that his…
Afghanistan's Ripple Effect
– In remarks Friday at the White House, President Biden again proved he is out of touch with reality. … Several allies have been critical, among them German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who met with Biden at the White House last month. … It is right for our allies who fought valiantly with us to feel betrayed.…
Aftermath of an Afghanistan Debacle
– Three decades ago, after the breakup of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, Republican Sen. … A few mortar shells landing on the tarmac of the lone runway at HKIA, and no plane can fly in or out until the runway is repaired. … The Cambodians who backed us underwent a genocide, with a fraction of the entire population annihilated by the Khmer Rouge of Pol Pot…
Imperial Capital but America-First Nation
– Yet the evidence seems compelling that anti-interventionism is where the country is at, and the Congress knows it. … Still, there is no stomach for war with Iran. … Yet if there is no stomach in Middle America for war with Iran and a manifest desire to pull the troops out and come home, there is
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