Results for: Barack Obama Website

Political Word Games
– One of the highly developed talents of President Barack Obama is the ability to say things that are demonstrably false, and make them … Nor is it likely that Barack Obama has never heard of it. … Barack Obama is a master at that as well.In the comment on the case pending before the Supreme Court, President Obama said that he…
A Titanic Misappropriation of Reagan
Barack Obama, like other politicians who sense Americans’ deep appreciation of Ronald Reagan, is now out there invoking the Gipper. … Obama ignored the fact that Mr. … But this titanic cultural and political struggle we are undergoing is about more than Barack Obama.…
Time For a Cease-Fire in the Phony 'War on Women'
– "That's 92 percent of the jobs lost while Barack Obama has been president." … "So 92 percent of jobs lost under Barack Obama were women?" asked one. "Could you repeat that?" asked another. … Romney campaign officials say they're not trying to suggest that Barack Obama has somehow targeted women for bad treatment, but that…
BP Ledger, April 16 edition
– Throughout his career, Brody has had the opportunity to speak with and interview many big name individuals including Barack Obama, … Brody feels that it will be a tight race for president with President Obama a slight favorite due to the power of incumbency and the … The website for complete information is…
John Barrow and President Obama: The Wrong Pairing For Georgia
– He claims to be an independent voice but brags about working ‘hand-in-hand’ with Barack Obama. … To illustrate how Barrow and Obama are the wrong pairing for Georgia families the NRCC released a TV ad, billboard and website ( … After nearly four years of crushing debt and big-government programs, it’s obvious that Obama and Barrow are the wrong pairing for…
Obama Money Machine Ramps Up for Romney
– With Rick Santorum's exit from the GOP race leaving Mitt Romney as the presumptive GOP nominee, the Barack Obama campaign machine has … Heightened rhetoric surrounding the "Buffett Rule" is certainly a part of what the Obama campaign is trying to do to Romney. … On the White House website, there's a tool to determine an average tax rate and compare it to Romney's rate.…
Santorum drops out, wants focus on November
– campaign, effectively clearing the path for presumptive nominee Mitt Romney to focus on a general election matchup with President Obama … hurt Republicans' chances of defeating Obama. … Obama in November. ...…
A Plumber To Snake The DC Drain
Barack Obama a simple question about taxes, in front of the media, and his life was turned upside down. … To learn more about Joe’s campaign, visit his website by clicking here.…
If Mormonism Is Fair Game, so Is Jeremiah Wright
– True, Obama apparently severed ties to Wright, but Obama did so only after the very salvation of his first presidential campaign depended … Obama joined his church. Obama attended Wright's "Audacity to Hope" sermon. … But when Obama instinctively sides with the black professor versus a white Cambridge cop doing his job; when Obama injects himself…
Soros and Obama vs. Sheriff Joe Arpaio
– across our nation, a sheriff is the epitome of good and necessary county law enforcement.As documented on the Durham County, N.C., website … It is pathetic that President Barack Obama, as well as the entire left-wing progressive establishment, is in a multimillion-dollar … smear campaign to discredit and take down Sheriff Joe, as the sheriff's own re-election website proclaims, because he has "led the…
Man Bites Dog…Likes the Taste
– I mention that last one because that’s what a young Barack Obama did to dogs during his time in Indonesia. … Now, I don’t care Barack Obama ate dogs. … Jeremiah Wright, into whose church an adult Barack Obama willingly walked and stayed for 20 years.…
Obama Justice Department Now Referring Reporters to Media Matters for Information on Fast and Furious…porters_to_media_matters_for_information_on_fast_and_furious
– afternoon, Free Beacon reporter CJ Ciaramella requested a comment from the Justice Department about my new book Fast and Furious: Barack … Media Matters, the far Left website funded by George Soros, is now serving as a mouth piece for the United States Department of Justice … If you want the truth, read my book Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Coverup.…
The Student-Loan Scam
– In effect, our leaders suggest that future millionaire attorneys who graduate from Harvard Law School (as both Obama and Romney did … But it shouldn’t have been that hard, either—given the fact that the Obama tax returns (made public on the White House website) show … And there’s scant justification for the government subsidizing decisions like those by Barack Obama to attend Columbia (as an undergraduate…
Obama's Savage Administration
– President Barack Obama hates bullying.That's why he took time out in the middle of a Congressional election cycle -- in peak season … On the contrary, search the White House website for Savage's name and two It Gets Better links come up. … So it isn't that the Obama administration hates bullies.…
2014 Political Battle Lines
– President Barack Obama laid out his 2014 agenda during his address on Jan. 4, but also provided insight into the Democratic campaign … Obama conjured images of parents trying to make ends meet, and cited facts from the Congressional Budget Office about the potential … What's really needed, as Obama says, is more jobs, and additional unemployment compensation does not provide jobs, just money.…
Obama: Perhaps Racism Has Something to Do with My Ugly Approval Ratings?…sm-has-something-to-do-with-my-low-approval-ratings-n1781546
– President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according … to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine’s website today. … “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama
5 Disasters Yet To Come With Obamacare
– Sorry, but Barack Obama still thinks you need maternity care and that costs more money. … 3) The Employer Mandate: There's a reason Barack Obama delayed the employer mandate and will probably delay it again next year. … What was it Barack Obama said again? Oh, yes, "Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."…
Obama Bullying Nuns (Part 2)
– I showed how President Barack Obama already has repeatedly broken that promise over the past few years. … It's one of a host of great resources at his website, … --Visit the website started by my dear friends Norm and Anne Miller,…
Obama Moves to Weaponize IRS
– “But desperate to force his radical agenda on the American people, Barack Obama and his chosen political tool, the IRS, are now trying … “Rather than preparing a solid defense to confront these serious allegations, a brazen Barack Obama has chosen instead to reconfigure … We’re talking about Barack Hussein Obama.…
Alcohol vs. Marijuana (Part 1)
– President Barack Obama even claimed one of those arguments when he recently told New Yorker Editor David Remnick, "As has been well-documented … Obama explained, "(Smoking marijuana is) not something I encourage, and I've told my daughters I think it's a bad idea, a waste of … No wonder the Drug Free America Foundation said on its website this past week about Obama: "His laissez-faire attitude about legalization…
Super Bowl Sunday: O'Reilly to Interview Obama at the White House…y-oreolly-to-interview-obama-before-tduring-pregame-n1783643
– Mediaite reports: O’Reilly Factor host Bill O’Reilly will interview President Barack Obama during the Super Bowl pregrame … It will be O’Reilly’s third interview with Obama, the last airing before the 2011 Super Bowl. … be taped and aired on Monday night’s edition of the O’Reilly Factor, after which the entire segment will be available on Fox’s website
Shrinkage: Obama’s Second-Term Disaster
– When Barack Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, he had everything a president could dream of – a 70 percent approval … Rather than unite the country behind his agenda, President Obama insulated himself inside a bubble of extremist progressive advisors … But President Obama has gone from big to small; from a grand vision of fundamental transformation to pot legalization.…
Obligatory Post: Obama Weighs in on Pot Debate
– recent assertion that pot is not “more dangerous than alcohol” is turning lots of heads: President Obama … issue and on its website. … Obama used marijuana recreationally as a kid and…later became president of the United States.…
Millennials Unhappy With Obama's War on the Young
– Voters under 30, the millennial generation, produced numbers for Barack Obama 13 percentage points above the national average in 2008 … Tech-savvy millennials must have been astonished that government produced a website that didn't work. … Evidently, the Obama Democrats think it's progressive for the young to subsidize the working-age old.…
Obama Wage Hike is Obamacare by 'Other Means'
– With due respect to Harry Reid, Barack Obama and other great priests of the Do-Nothing State, providing more leisure time for people … Oh, think of what a website he would build. Or an Olympics he would run. … Because, like many of the policies pursued by the administration, that’s what the proposal by Obama to hike the minimum wage actually…
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