Results for: national political news

Vivek Ramaswamy Says Pence Let a Prime Opportunity Pass Him By Before Certifying 2020 Results…e-one-historic-thing-before-certifying-2020-results-n2627600
– The billionaire said he would have tried to codify those initiatives before signing off on the 2020 election (via NBC News):  Asked … by NBC News' Chuck Todd if Pence did the right thing on Jan. 6 by certifying the results of the election in an interview on "Meet … Hindsight is 20/20, but let’s drop this fiction that these reforms would have passed, given the political situation unraveling at the…
Democrats And The Hitler Lie
– Somewhere along the line, these characteristics have become ascribed to the political right, or as they love to say nowadays, “The … Mao, Stalin, Pol  Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim, Amin, and everyone else you can think of are people of the political … When you point out that the Nazis were literally the “National Socialist German Workers Party,” they don’t get how nothing about that…
Covert Influence Operations, by Americans Against Other Americans
– Sadly their own political biases helped create this environment we’re now living in with the American news media.   … How do you keep your political adversaries off balance and infighting instead of focusing their energies against their political opponents … Don’t make our enemies and our political adversaries' jobs any more accessible than it already is.…
The Paths Forward for the GOP Presidential Field
– Still, pre-debate expectations were high enough -- and his national horse race polling deficit with Trump wide enough -- that it was … And there was the glib charlatan Vivek Ramaswamy, whose egomania and insufferably grating nature were finally exposed before a national … A post-debate Fox News focus group and most available post-debate polling revealed DeSantis as the most popular choice when those who…
Republican Debate: Whatever Happened in the Debate, Fundamentals Could Still Matter…pened-in-the-debate-fundamentals-could-still-matter-n2627503
– that he's legally barred from communicating with or whether it was wise for Trump campaign spokesmen not to be allowed in the Fox News … states, where candidates have been most active and voters most engaged, Trump has been polling below 50%, significantly below his national … Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and…
As First Debate Approaches, Is GOP Race Already Over?
– Certainly the national polls support that point. … It has become a standard of political commentary to say DeSantis is running a terrible campaign. … (Byron York is chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner.…
As Trump Skips GOP Debates, What If Biden Refuses to Debate Him Next Fall?…bates-what-if-biden-refuses-to-debate-him-next-fall-n2627297
– Citing a CBS News poll showing him far ahead of his party's nominating field, Trump wrote in a Truth Social post that "the public knows … If his political calculations or whims shift for whatever reason, it's possible that the former president could attend one or more … The conventions are over, Biden and Trump have been nominated.Biden leads by mid-single-digits in most national polling, tighter in…
With Two Senior Citizens in Legal Trouble, 2024 Set to Be Historic and Totally Insane…trouble-2024-set-to-be-historic-and-totally-insane-n2627321
– Trump may face four trials, thanks to legal efforts fueled by political animus rather than fact. … There are many targets the GOP could use to keep Biden’s corruption in the 2024 news. … In this case, Biden’s camp would have to pound more Tums to settle the political heartburn from a third-party candidacy. …
Don’t Be A Useful Idiot
– His entire theory of marxist exploitation and infiltration was based on the skillful manipulation of the political rube. … And, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, the cool iPhone, which houses a big lithium battery from which TikTok woke, totalitarian … Third, debt: increasing national debt increases the level of poverty and taxation.…
Conservatives Have CNN Upset (Again), and Kasie Hunt Caught Editing Evidence…ght-editing-evidence-and-wapo-journos-failed-civics-n2627317
– Writer John Blake is very upset that conservatives have been successful at turning preferred terms and policies of liberals into political … In the article that addresses the political divide in the nation’s culture, the writers looked at one aspect of the government – the … In a segment where they spoke with a representative from the National Audobon Society, Chanel 11 News instructs us to turn off the…
A Quick Bible Study Vol. 179: What the Bible Says About ‘Text with Jesus’ A.I.…ol-179-what-the-bible-says-about-text-with-jesus-ai-n2627225
– At the bottom of the Washington Post article, I saw it was reposted from “Religion News Service.” … Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … Myra is also Executive Director of and National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.…
No Clue Why the Deficit Exploded
– supported, it is time to haul out the Democratic thesaurus.Just a quick refresher on the bifurcated language used in the press for the political … The House has subpoenaed the National Archives for all correspondence from this account, a total that NARA says is well over 5,000, … HeraldThis summer was the hottest on record, new climate data shows: "Climate breakdown has begun" — CBS News
Absurd Attacks Against Tuberville 'Strengthen His Resolve' in Fighting Pentagon's Abortion Policy
– Despite lamenting what they call "baseless political attacks against these men and women" from Tuberville, and speaking about what … My holds are not affecting national security, no matter what national pundits are saying. … As Tuberville made clear to NBC News' Sahil Kapur, though, he remains committed.…
There's a Clear Contrast in How Biden and DeSantis Handled Disasters
– He had been on vacation when the news of the disaster broke, offering a "no comment" when asked, and also arrived in Maui from Lake … outlets and political pundits across various networks. … But, when others push a political agenda in the face of tragedy, as Biden did when on the ground in Florida.…
The Mind-Blowing Bias in the DOJ's Trial Against 5 Pro-Lifers Will Shock You
– According to Catholic News Agency, the jury pool was stacked with pro-abortion activists who admittedly marched for abortion and donated … The National Library of Medicine notes that at Harriet's gestational age, all parts of the baby's eyes are developed, fingerprints … Aultman, an ex-abortionist turned pro-lifer, told Live Action News that the baby boy appeared to be near-term third trimester and "…
There’s a Cancer in America
– In 2008 a little known junior senator from Illinois burst onto the national political scene and in a surprising upset stole the Democrat … Then suddenly in 2008 he became a national figure, the darling of the news media, and was successfully challenging Hillary Clinton … How did an unknown out of nowhere defeat the Clinton political machine?…
The Daily Beast Has the Most Ironic Failure of the Year
– Consider first all the foaming at the mouth we see across the news spectrum about fake news and disinformation. … Next, reminisce about the broad industry attacks on Fox News for being disreputable and trafficking in false news reports. … The Disney Company has been going through a slog of bad news for over a year.…
Insane New COVID Restrictions – Plus Schools Caught Hiding Information From Parents…plus-schools-caught-hiding-information-from-parents-n2627929
– Reading scores on the national test known as NAEP plummeted, but math scores fell further, by margins not seen in decades of testing … “It must be ‘game over'” for the program, the CTU says...But, as initially reported** by SubX News, she sends one of her kids to to … That's compared to a national average of 12 percent of all children who are educated privately. Think about that.…
Success: Greg Abbott's Migrant-Busing 'Stunt' Continues to Deliver Hard Lessons to 'Sanctuary' Cities…ntinues-to-deliver-hard-lessons-to-sanctuary-cities-n2627926
– The act of Republican governors sending busloads of illegal immigrants to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions has been a major political … As CBS 2 Political Investigator Dana Kozlov reported Monday night, one alderman is proposing a deterrent. … Jamie Eldridge told CBS News.  …
WSJ Poll Shows Biden-Trump Rematch Remains Close
– This is not the only poll to have shown Republicans, and Americans of all political parties, are concerned with the political nature … A poll released last month from CBS News found such concern as well.  … ' "This Week," NBC News' "Meet the Press," and CNN's "State of the Union."…
Is Brian Kemp Abandoning Trump When It Comes to His Legal Troubles in Georgia?…o-when-it-comes-to-trumps-legal-troubles-in-georgia-n2627859
– I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents. … "In Georgia, we will not be engaging in political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment. … “In Georgia, we will not be engaging in political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment.…
A Peek Into the J-Schools Helps Explain Our Partisan Press Industry…j-schools-helps-explain-our-partisan-press-industry-n2627818
– has found, accelerated during the pandemic with at least a hundred more news organizations (local and national) closing.  … America’s growing news deserts have become vulnerable to wealthy partisans setting up local news outlets to push their political agendas … If you were expecting to see examples of these problematic news outlets from both sides of the political spectrum you will be left…
The Two Words That Come to Mind When Voters Think About a Trump-Biden Rematch…rds-voters-use-the-most-to-describe-trump-and-biden-n2627792
– Emergency services have quickly responded to those in need; even CBS News admitted it. … Biden and Trump both have political baggage that could fill a fleet of B-52 bombers. Trump has been indicted four times. … Campbell suggested that Trump reads so little about policy and national security that he might be “functionally illiterate.”…
Outlets Serving As Biden’s PR Spin Office
– The sad news came out that the unintentional national figure Joe The Plumber recently passed away following a bout with cancer. … Mark is a true innovator who has transformed for the digital age two of the world’s most respected news organizations. … How preposterous is this "breaking news"? Let us count the ways. — (@snopes) August 30, 2023…
‘Pro-Life’ Candidates Running from Abortion Isn’t Just Cowardice, It’s Bad Politics…from-abortion-isnt-just-cowardice-its-bad-politics-n2627634
– Of course, these messages get lost if you’re an average consumer of news. … They sacrifice their principles on the altar of an ill-conceived political strategy when it matters most. … Chelsey Youman is the Texas State Director and National Legislative Advisor for Human Coalition Action.…
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