Results for: jim jordan

Behind the Kerfuffle, Stark Choices
Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, was railing against "cronyism," voicing concerns about the administration's investment of taxpayer dollars into … "Ultimately, we'll stop it on Election Day, hopefully," Jordan said. … Solyndra and "cronyism" cries aside, Jordan was making a basic civic point: Elections matter.…
House Conservatives Gather to Discuss Romney, Taxes, War on Women, and Communists…s_gather_to_discuss_romney_taxes_war_on_women_and_communists
Jim Jordan (OH) jumped in right away and captured the attitude many of these conservatives have toward the nominee: “We’re excited … Jordan made a point to say, “When you talk to [Romney] in person, he is genuine, and he cares about the issues you care about.” … Jordan said, they’re all in for the larger goal at hand, namely defeating Obama. Rep.…
Congressman Passionately Defends Right to Privacy at DC Summit…mpion-school-choice-freedom-of-privacy-at-dc-summit-n1792689
Jim Jordan took to the Heritage microphone next to lay out a simple 3-part strategy to transform the welfare state: Work, strong family … Jordan is hoping to tackle all three with his Welfare Reform Bill to try and undo the harm done by the Obama administration’s policies…
IRS Scandal: Nothing to See Here...
Jim Jordan, R-Ohio claims the DOJ assigned the case to an attorney who donated more than $5,000 to Barack Obama's campaigns.…
Obama Impeachment Almost Complete
Jim Jordan wants to know what the White House knew about the IRS targeting scandal, and when they knew it-- as if we didn’t know … Jordan essentially is saying where there is smoke there is fire, and oh yeah, where there’s fire, there is fire too. … And no matter what Lois Lerner or Jim Jordan have to say about it, Obama himself was the guy who caused his own impeachment of the…
Obama Impeachment Almost Complete
Jim Jordan wants to know what the White House knew about the IRS targeting scandal, and when they knew it-- as if we didn’t … Jordan essentially is saying where there is smoke there is fire, and oh yeah, where there’s fire, there is fire too. … And no matter what Lois Lerner or Jim Jordan have to say about it, Obama himself was the guy who caused his own impeachment of the…
Mr. Romney: Take Ben Bernanke's Resignation On Day One
– Meanwhile, ranking House colleagues of Paul Ryan, including JEC Vice Chairman Kevin Brady and Republican Study Committee Chairman JimJordan, press good money — monetary reform — as central to restoring economic growth.…
Final Gallup, Rasmussen Polls: Romney 49, Obama 48
– On the latter element, Josh Jordan notices that after indies suddenly settling into a virtual tie immediately post-Sandy, Romney's … Jim Geraghty's insider, "Middle Cheese," is also feeling pretty sanguine about things, based on his discussion with Romney campaign…
Busting Open Energy's Den of Deception
Jim Jordan (R-OH), pressed Secretary Chu on nine of the firms that received loans, revealing their political connections. … Yet Jordan was perplexed, “so if you weren’t helping your buddies, and you were basing your decisions on the merits of the loan, how … Jordan concluded, “If it wasn’t your political buddies, it had to be incompetence.”…
Pickering's Red Flags
– insiders whose public record is less a matter of what he’s done than what he’s been: U.S. ambassador to Russia, Israel, El Salvador, JordanJim, I agree with what you say about both domestic politics and the wedge issue.…
Economic Stagnancy, the People's House, and the 2012 Election
Jim Jordan, outgoing chairman of the Republican Study Committee and staunch advocate of good monetary policy.…
The End Of The Karl Rove Death Grip Signals A Reagan Renaissance
– These are Kevin Brady, Jim Jordan, and, of course, Paul Ryan. … Jim Jordan has made a smart crusade for economic growth policy a signature matter. … Jordan — like Kemp — is one of few championship athletes to have served in the House.…
Winning the Defense Spending Debate
Jim Jordan of Ohio, who said that while slashing the defense budget is undesirable, it is better than nothing.…
Turning Attention to the Chief Suspect in the Crime of Ghastly Unemployment…on_to_the_chief_suspect_in_the_crime_of_ghastly_unemployment
– .; Fraser Institute Fellow’s Jerry Jordan; and Professors Steve Hanke, George Selgin, Lawrence White and Alan Meltzer, the last being … incoming chairman of the House Financial Affairs Committee Jeb Hensarling, outgoing chairman of the House Republican Study Committee JimJordan all have good monetary policy as a top tier agenda item.…
Okla. Baptists renew focus on Sunday School
Jordan pointed out some leadership principles he gleaned from Nehemiah: -- "God's leaders see what others ignore. … "But the greatest rubble is plain, everyday apathy," Jordan said. … In conclusion, Jordan said, "I ask you to take hands with me and others. Can we arise and build?…
How to Resolve the Fiscal Cliff? Elementary, My Dear Watson!…resolve-the-fiscal-cliff--elementary-my-dear-watson-n1477221
Jim Jordan (term limited out, and thus unencumbered by the duties, of the chairmanship of the Republican Study Committee) now is at…
DeMint, Jordan, Garrett Unveil Spending Reduction Act,_jordan,_garrett_unveil_spending_reduction_act
– Senator Jim DeMint, in partnership with Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) Rep. … Jim Jordan and Chairman of the RSC Budget and Spending Task force Scott Garrett, have unveiled their solution to reducing federal spending…
The Spending Cuts Challenge
Jim Jordan, (R-OH) chairs a study committee made up of economic and socially conservative members.…
Why the Q1 Economic Contraction Matters Politically
– AEI's Jim Pethokoukis has been tweeting data points and projections that suggest the US economy will bounce back to some degree in … Obama approval on the issues- Economy 39-59 Budget 35-62 Immigration 38-60 Foreign Policy 42-56 Jobs 40-58 #LikeABoss — Josh Jordan
ACLJ: "Lost" IRS Emails Most Egregious Obama Administration Stonewalling Tactic Yet
– That revelation prompted Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa and Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan to reiterate the…
After Revelations DOJ Collaborated With IRS on Targeting, Oversight Reiterates Calls For Special Prosecutor…esents-major-conflict-of-interest-for-investigation-n1849915
– steps to examine nonprofit groups engaged in otherwise lawful political speech," Chairman Darrell Issa and Subcommittee Chairman JimJordan wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday. … Further, Issa and Jordan are demanding Holder provide the following information to the Committee for review: 1.…
Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed Confidential Tax Information, Database to FBI For Investigation Ahead of 2010 Midterms
– Issa and Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan have sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen demanding more information about the…
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