Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Fate of the Democrats' Future May Lie in Georgia
– It reflects the battle within the national Democratic Party's ranks over where it goes from here. … That is a serious existential question for Democratic operatives. Both of these women are very strong candidates for governor. … It is the race that nobody is talking about and everyone should be talking about when it comes to the future of both the Democratic
Trigger Warning, Democrats: Your Path To Political Revival Is Through Trump Voters…ur-path-to-political-revival-is-through-trump-voter-n2344136
– There are no candidates; the GOP rules supreme. … The notion of a permanent Democratic majority that was all the rage post-2008 was shattered by 2010. … Democrats simply don’t have good candidates.…
For Democrats, There's No Fool Like an Old Fool
– Despite plenty of favorable media coverage, Democratic Party leaders are having plenty of problems raising money. … The Democratic National Committee (DNC) finished the month of June with a significant debt of $3.3 million. … Theoretically, the Democrats could face a 2020 presidential campaign with four major candidates above the age of 72: Waters, Hillary…
Maxine Waters Jokes About Running for President: I'll Do It If Millennials Want Me To…shell-run-for-president-if-millennials-want-her-to-n2357917
– Brace yourselves for the lineup of potential Democratic presidential candidates for the 2020 election—Rep. … “I’m just going up to do a county Democratic thing. That’s all,” she told The Daily Caller. … I don’t have any presidential aspirations,” she said. “If the millennials want me to do it, I’d do it, though.”…
Be Very Worried About the Future of Free Expression
– You can see it with TV personalities like Chris Cuomo, former Democratic Party presidential hopeful Howard Dean, mayors of big cities … It's major political candidates arguing that open discourse gives "aid and comfort" to our enemies.…
Poll: Majority of Americans Say Democrats Have No Agenda Except Opposing Trump…say-democrats-have-no-agenda-except-opposing-trump-n2355958
Democratic leaders are reluctant to pursue that approach as it only energizes the GOP base. … As Democratic officials debate their party's message, so do voters across America. … The Democratic Party is also basically leaderless and increasingly unhinged, which isn't helpful.  …
Berryville Bust: Democrats Not Really Liking The New Economic Message, But Does It Matter For 2018?…t-really-liking-the-new-economic-message-but-does-i-n2362921
– Some — including the Democratic National Committee and individual state party committees — are busy preparing their own, independent … You saw that with Georgia’s special election; Democratic turnout was the highest in a decade. … The Democrat, Jon Ossoff, still lost, which brings us to the other issue: candidates.…
Here's Why Hillary Clinton's Book Title on Her 2016 Campaign Disaster Is Very, Very Fitting…book-title-on-her-2016-campaign-disaster-is-very-ve-n2360864
– “What Happened” is the name of the book the former first lady and two-time presidential loser is writing, which could be either a thorough … In fact, she was given the Obama data machine, though Democratic tech staffers say that she just didn’t know how to use it. … The disheveled self-described Democratic socialist from the state of Vermont mounted a worthy primary challenge.…
Stop the Presses!
– Two presidential races and two losses so far, but they couldn’t possibly be her fault. The third time would be the charm! … The Democratic congressional candidates lost the election. Where Mr.…
It's High Noon on the GOP's Promise to 'Repeal and Replace'
– Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, an early advocate of the single-payer system, later said he supported the … During the 2008 presidential campaign, Dean talked about the health care proposals of Democratic candidates Barack Obama and then-Sen … while someday we may end up with a single-payer system, it's clear that we're not going to do it all at once, so I think both candidates
Trump's Circular Firing Squad
– Usually, the out-of-power opposition -- in this case, the Democratic Party -- offers most of the criticism and all of the alternative … So far, Trump's most furious Democratic opponents have not been able to offer alternative visions to Trump's agenda that might help … Democrats as of yet have no obvious presidential candidates or even credible spokespeople to make the case against Trump.…
The Democratic Economic Plan, Or How They're Hoping You’re Too Stupid To Notice It’s Clinton’s Agenda…n-or-how-theyre-hoping-youre-too-stupid-to-notice-i-n2358620
– National Committee for blowing up her presidential ambitions. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT.), who energized liberals with his surprisingly successful run against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential … There are also a dozen Democratic districts where Trump won.…
Report: Sanders Eying 2020 Run
– Bernie Sanders may have lost the 2016 Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton, but that doesn’t mean his presidential aspirations … The source also said he’s also being mindful of other Democratic candidates who may enter the race.  … In April, he appeared front and center on a tour across red states with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez.…
CNN Reporters: The Democrats Are A Disaster, Leaderless, And In Complete Disarray…are-a-disaster-leaderless-and-in-complete-disarray-n2366150
– With no good candidates, it’ll be hard for them to make that argument. … The perspective from the network's senior White House correspondent came during a panel segment on possible Democratic candidates in … the 2020 presidential election on CNN's "Inside Politics."…
It's Working: Anthem Abandons Additional Markets in Nevada, Georgia…nthem-abandons-additional-markets-in-nevada-georgia-n2365743
– The problems continued even as Hillary Clinton was widely expected to win the presidential election. … “There’s a concern that [Sanders allied] people will try to make a stir,” said a senior Democratic aide working on a 2018 campaign. … Will Democrats' left-wing base demand that in addition to abortion fanaticism, candidates must pledge math-challenged, unflinching…
Mutiny on the Potomac
– He received the votes of almost 63 million Americans, the highest total ever for a Republican Party presidential candidate. … A veto would have surely been overturned in an embarrassing display of presidential weakness. … to liberal candidates such as Hillary Clinton.…
Radioactive: Democrats Are Starting To See Nancy Pelosi as A Cancer…ocrats-are-starting-to-see-nancy-pelosi-as-a-cancer-n2364210
– House candidates, only one – a former Senate staffer from Orange County, California – would state support for the congresswoman staying … on as leader of the House Democratic Caucus. … Democratic turnout was the highest in a decade, and they still couldn’t win.…
The Problem of Competitive Victimhood
– The startling 2016 presidential election weakened the notion of tribal identity rather than a shared American identity. … Many working-class voters left the Democratic Party and voted for a billionaire reality-TV star in 2016 because he promised jobs and … In 2020, Democratic candidates will certainly avoid stereotypical putdowns of "clingers," "irredeemables" and "deplorables."…
The Legal System: The Left's Ace in the Hole to Trump the Trump Card…m-the-lefts-ace-in-the-hole-to-trump-the-trump-card-n2371137
– They use the media to assist in elections, tarnishing Republican candidates and giving free gushing coverage to Democratic candidates … It could become very time consuming, reducing his ability to fulfill presidential duties.…
Silicon Valley Billionaires Are the New Robber Barons…licon-valley-billionaires-are-the-new-robber-barons-n2369394
– They head off criticism by investing mostly in the Democratic Party, the traditional font of social and political criticism of corporate … Of the political donations to presidential candidates that year from employees at Google and Apple, over 90 percent went to Obama. … As long as they appeared cool, as they long as they gave lavishly to left-wing candidates, and as long as they mouthed liberal platitudes…
Total Disaster: A Guide to How Bad the Democratic Party Is Right Now…guide-to-how-bad-the-democratic-party-is-right-now-n2367282
– The rancor, a spillover from the contentious Democratic presidential primary last year, is aggravating divisions in a state regarded … candidates from Bernie to Elizabeth Warren to Obama understood, but which the institutional Democratic Party now seems incapable of … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has said there will be no such test for candidates, which infuriated the progressives…
Clinton Fatigue Still Strong Then and Now
– Nevertheless, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton might actually be wise to keep Bill off the trail going forward, or at … This 1998 speech assured his place on the Democratic ticket two years later. … Gray Davis in the 2003 recall election, for New York Democratic mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer in 2005, for Democratic presidential
Rejected: Ryan Fails To Keep Clinton Away From Information Briefings…pt-to-keep-clinton-away-from-information-has-failed-n2191747
– House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) made a formal request a few days ago to deny Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton access to intelligence … Clapper refuses to take the privilege of access to information briefings given to presidential nominees away from Clinton. … “Briefings for the candidates will be provided on an even-handed non-partisan basis."…
Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
– It is about defeating the far left liberal agenda that any Democratic nominee would champion. … Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate is an especially significant indication that he will govern as a conservative. … Clinton will not do this but will continue to allow in what she thinks will be thousands of future Democratic voters.…
Parties Change. Not Always For The Better.
– When a Howard Dean declares that he represents "the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party," or when a Tea Party conservative lambastes … In Harry Truman's day, there was no contradiction between robust anticommunism and loyalty to the Democratic Party. … In the long run, there are no immutable Republican or Democratic values.…
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