Results for: jim jordan

In Iraqi Kurdistan, Baptists partner for clinic, school
– BAPTIST PARTNERS Nabeeh Abbassi, immediate past president of the Jordan Baptist Convention and pastor of West Amman Baptist Church, … Abbassi, also the provost at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, said he is thankful to God for the "unique Kurdish leadership … "We must help each other, from Jordan, from Iraq, from Brazil, from America -- we must help each other to preach the Gospel in all…
The war isn't over for military families
– I don't know if Maher, the Christian Iraqi pastor photographer Jim Veneman and I met during our travels to Baghdad in 2003, would have … most of his family were killed just a couple of years after we met, returning home from a church conference they had attended in Jordan
Conservative Rising Star, Jim Jordan,_jim_jordan
Jim Jordan (OH-4) -- one of the exciting young conservative "rising stars" who have recently stormed onto the political scene to give … If he hopes to change the culture in Washington, Jordan will have his hands full.  But he's used to fighting.  … A former wrestler, Jordan equates wresting with political campaigns and public policy battles. …
Defenders of Economic Freedom
– Royce, Edward 16 96% CA 48 R Campbell, John 17 96% OH 4 R Jordan … , Jim 18 96% MN 2 R Kline, John 19 96% TX 19 R Neugebauer, Randy…
Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is rapidly climbing the "most followed" rankings.…
FIRST-PERSON: A yellow shirt army from 12 state conventions
Jim Futral, executive director for Mississippi Baptists, was so kind to call and offer assistance. … Anthony Jordan, executive director for Oklahoma Baptists, contacted me expressing concern and support. … Their executive director, Jim Austin, called and pledged prayer support during this most difficult time.…
A Better Way to Reform Welfare
Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) advocates linking food stamps to work -- those receiving it should either have a job or be actively seeking one … “The aim of welfare should be to help people reach the point where they no longer need it,” Jordan says.…
Governing While Drunk on Partisanship
Jordan. … $4 trillion (and never get to balance) and Ryan would reduce about $6 trillion (and get to balance in the late 2030's), the RSC/Jordan … plan would reduce it by $9.1 trillion and get to balance by 2020.If the Jordan plan, or something like it, is not enacted into law…
Only the Republican Study Committee Budget Gets the Job Done
– Measured by the "Ignatius standard", I would argue that only the Republican Study Committee, chaired by Congressman Jim Jordan, has…
Hillary's 'Victory Lap' of Lies
– Congressman Jim Jordan caught a lot of attention on the substance when he noted that at 10:32 p.m. on the night of the attack, Hillary…
OUCH: Rep. Jordan Tells MSNBC Anchor He'll Buy Her Book Because it's '30 Percent Off'…anchor-hell-buy-her-book-because-its-30-percent-off-n2430707
Jim Jordan (R-OH) at the end of their interview Friday that just once she'd appreciate it if he actually answer one of her questions … Tur said parts of the dossier have been corroborated, while Jordan dismissed it as "garbage." WATCH: Katy Tur spars with Rep. … Yeah, it was like 30 percent off at Barnes & Noble, I need to buy it and read the whole thing," Jordan said.…
Gardner: AG Sessions Lied to Me About Marijuana Legalization…p-lawmakers-say-its-time-for-a-new-attorney-general-n2430038
– Mark Meadows (NC) and Jim Jordan (OH), are demanding he step down Thursday, but for a whole different reason.…
Jim Jordan Has These Russian Dossier Questions For the FBI
Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 3, 201813) Was the briefing done to “legitimize” the dossier? … Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 3, 201816) Why was FBI General Counsel Jim Baker reassigned two weeks ago? … Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 3, 2018It doesn’t work that way in America.…
Ezell, state execs discuss future direction,_state_execs_discuss_future_direction
– "The conversation was forthright and candid on everyone's part," said Jim Futral, executive director for the Mississippi Baptist Convention … attendance were Randy Davis of Tennessee, Stephen Davis of Indiana, David Hankins of Louisiana, Fred Hewett of Montana, Anthony Jordan
U.S. Reps & Americans Back Indiana Law Defunding Planned Parenthood
– Trent Franks, Scott Garrett, Vicky Hartzler, Jeb Hensarling, Tim Huelskamp, Randy Hultgren, Lynn Jenkins, Bill Johnson, Walter Jones, JimJordan, Mike Kelly, Steve King, John Kline, Doug Lamborn, Jeff Landry, James Lankford, Robert Latta, Kenny Marchant, Thaddeus McCotter…
Rep. Allen West Explains Why He Voted for Boehner Plan
– Jason Chaffetz and chair of the Republican Study Committee Jim Jordan. The letter is dated July 28, 2011.…
Obama Donor: Stimulus Was Like a Hooker in Prison
Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked Chu whether his decisions had been influenced by several specific people tied to the administration, including…
The Grumpy Economist, Meets The Gold Standard
– Kevin Brady and Jim Jordan are leading figures among the rising stars on whom may depend the future of the Republican Party and, maybe … Brady, as vice chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, and Jordan, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, are beginning to take…
Congress to Constituents: It’s Your Fault
– Can you picture Huelskamp or McClintock, or other conservative leaders like Senators Jim DeMint (R-SC), Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee … (R-UT) or Representatives Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Tom Graves (R-GA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), blaming their constituents for their own failings…
James Bond -- 007 -- And How the Gold Standard Got Contaminated
Jim Jordan, already had been calling for monetary reform as one of his five major economic growth planks.…
Santorum wins backing of social conservatives
Jim Richards, executive director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, also attended the meeting, which was held at Judge Paul … Jordan and Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice -- a leading Christian legal group -- have endorsed Romney.…
What Exactly is the Actual "State" of This Union?
– Of course media types from all stripes called it great and magnetic, but it was like Michael Jordan scoring 23 points in his prime … had been in place a few decades ago, some of today's great American businesses wouldn't be a reality today.Last night I interviewed Jim
The Real Reason the NAACP Went to Geneva
– Among the "Not Free" members are Angola, China, Congo, Cuba, Jordan, Russia and Saudi Arabia. … One can only say that if in the past 100 years, fewer blacks were disenfranchised than in the past 12 months, all the claims about Jim
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