Results for: Republican National Committee

Democrats Playing The Race 'deck' In Midterm Elections
– The milder stuff includes a letter to black voters from the Democratic National Committee appealing for racial solidarity. … Anthony Brown is in a close race with Republican Larry Hogan, the state Democratic Party sent out a flyer.…
Will Garcia Be A Victim Of Democrats' 'Abortion Distortion' Campaign?…a-victim-of-democrats-abortion-distortion-campaign-n1913673
– The ad is sponsored by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. … They are a political action committee dedicated to electing conservative women to public office. … Regardless, the National Republican Congressional Committee decided to spend $100,000 in television ads in the final week of the election…
Sen. Landrieu Wants You to Forget When She Called The Border Fence ‘Dumb’…you-to-forget-when-she-called-the-border-fence-dumb-n1912198
– was 100 percent behind a border fence: “I support a strong border and have for many years as chair of the Homeland Security Committee … Now, the Republican National Committee is calling her bluff.…
Two Things to Count On: Georgia vs. Florida and Clinton Vs. Bush…to-count-on-georgia-vs-florida-and-clinton-vs-bush-n1912229
– Clinton, she was basically robbed of the nomination in 2008 by a crafty, left-leaning Democratic National Committee. … They punished Clinton for the actions of a Republican Florida legislature, which chose to move up to an earlier date that state's presidential … primary, in violation of national party rules.…
For North Carolina Voters, It's A Choice Between The 'Sins Of Raleigh' Or Washington…a-choice-between-the-sins-of-raleigh-or-washington-n1912191
– As a result, both sides have prominent national figures heading down to stump for them. … An ad sponsored by the National Republican Senatorial Committee features a clip of Hagan campaigning against Dole: “Voting 92 percent … If immigration becomes an issue in the waning days of the 2014 cycle, it will surely play into Republican hands, as it’s a topic that…
Jeb Bush and Taxes -- Ready my Lips, Part II
– many others, assert it's because of an answer Bush gave in 2012 to a hypothetical question posed by a member of the House Budget CommitteeNational Convention: "Read my lips: no new taxes." … The national debt has passed $17 trillion, and continues to climb.…
Report: House Dems Fear 'Debilitating Losses' Next Week
– With much of the national media attention (such as it exists) focused on this year's Senate races, the battle for the House of Representatives … With President Barack Obama’s unpopularity hindering their candidates and Republican cash flooding into races across the country, Democrats … Over the last several days, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has directed resources to maintain seats in Hawaii and…
How Ebola Killed Democratic Party
– A Republican landslide is forming. How bad will the coming election results be for Obama and Democrats? … Polls show generic Republican Congressional candidates leading by more than four years ago.  … Even Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman won’t answer questions about the President.…
Dealing With A Thrashing-About Lame Duck President
– How should the new Republican-led Congress deal with the lame duck president? … mostly Chairman Grassley should just put a "Gone to Lunch, Back in 2017 sign" on the doors of the hearing room of the Judiciary Committee … The fence is the visible expression of the invisible resolve to control the border for national security purposes and its construction…
Proper Staffing and Reform of JCT and CBO Is an IQ Test for the Republican Party…jct-and-cbo-is-an-iq-test-for-the-republican-party-n1919302
– The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) are congressional bureaucracies that wield tremendous … Steve Entin is superb, but he would be an inspired pick for the Joint Committee on Taxation, not the CBO. … This video explains the Joint Committee on Taxation’s revenue-estimating methodology.…
Proper Staffing and Reform of JCT and CBO Is an IQ Test for the Republican Party…jct-and-cbo-is-an-iq-test-for-the-republican-party-n1919301
– The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) are congressional bureaucracies that wield tremendous … Steve Entin is superb, but he would be an inspired pick for the Joint Committee on Taxation, not the CBO. … This video explains the Joint Committee on Taxation’s revenue-estimating methodology.…
Meet the GOP Leadership of the 114thñoz/2014/11/13/meet-the-gop-congressional-leadership-of-the-114th-n1918422
– Senate: Senate Republican Leader:  Mitch McConnell (R-KY)  Senate Republican Whip:  John Cornyn (R-TX)  Senate Republican Conference … Chairman: John Thune (R-SD)  Senate Republican Policy Chairman: John Barrasso (R-WY)  Senate Republican Vice Conference Chairman … : Roy Blunt (R-MO) National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman: Roger Wicker (R-MS) Editor's Note: An earlier version of this…
Did the Wave Election Put Tax Reform on the Agenda?
– So did the Republican wave in the mid-term elections make reform more likely? … Does the rise of a newly elected Republican Senate change that calculus? … The head of the National Socialist Workers Party gets a double-dose – hereand here – of bad news about Obamacare.…
Questions for the Nominee
– Lynch is sure to be confirmed by either the present Democratic-controlled Senate this fall or by the newly constituted Republican-controlled … Republican senators have a duty to ask her probing questions. … Hence, I suggest to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that they permit Lynch to distinguish herself from Holder by inducing…
Democratic Road Back To The Majority Is Uncertain
Republican Sen. … about the Republican grip on the House should now be gone. … or Democratic Party, compared with the national average.…
New Federal Program to Double SNAP Value When Used to Buy Fresh Fruit and Vegetables…p-value-when-used-to-buy-fresh-fruit-and-vegetables-n1917844
– The Crossroads Farmer's Market was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the National Watermelon Association, and used that money to … And last year, Stabenow, who is chairwoman of the Senate's Agriculture Committee, proposed including it in the so-called farm bill. … On the other side of Capitol Hill, the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Republican Frank Lucas, from Oklahoma, was hearing…
The Heart of the RNC – The Radical Neanderthal Core
– Dirty politics, lies and cover-ups are the liberal, socialist Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) stock in trade, but one hopes … for higher standards from the Republican National Committee (RNC). … On Saturday, November 8, Arizona’s RNC National Committeeman Bruce Ash got on the airwaves with quasi-conservative radio talk-show…
A Tent Too Big
– Hopefully, though, Republican apparatuses like the Republican National Committee as well as individual campaigns have been readying … If 2012 proved anything, it’s that winning midterm elections does not always portend a successful national election, especially if … Well-meaning (and well-paid) Republican flacks might spin our dilemma as evidence of healthy “free market competition,” a depth of…
District of Cannabis: How Will Congress Respond to Marijuana Legalization in the Nation's Capital?…nd-to-marijuana-legalization-in-the-nations-capital-n1917414
– might have more luck this time, since his earlier amendment was approved by the House but not the Senate, which will soon have a Republican … Rand Paul, R-Ky., who is expected to chair a key committee that oversees the District, believes Congress should respect the will of … "We believe that a new Republican Congress will not interfere with something that deals solely with personal liberties."…
Big Truthy Is Watching (Some of) You
– On Monday, House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Chairman Rep. … Lamar Smith, R-Texas, requested that the National Science Foundation send him all information about how and why the taxpayer-subsidized … Chris Coons, as well as a "Republican activist in Pennsylvania" whose Twitter account was then shut down after Truthy identified tweets…
Obama Giveth, Obama Gets Crushed
– Living under different laws than the rest of us is so ingrained in our national leadership, that it seems they hardly give it a second … “The present era of incredible rottenness is not Democratic,” wrote Mark Twain, “it is not Republican, it is national.” … What Jindal is referring to are the candidates who made bizarre comments during the election, like Todd Akin the Missouri Republican
GOP Leaders Shouldn't Forget That They Won Because Obama Sucks, Not Because They're Great…ey-won-because-obama-sucks-not-because-theyre-great-n1915796
– Hell, I'm a conservative and even I don't love the Republican Party. … The National Republican Senatorial Committee? Everyone in that organization should be fired and run out of politics. … Thank you, Republican Governors Association.…
How the GOP Establishment Plans to Steal Your Election
– Beltway types -- not Republican voters. … and others threw themselves on in reaction to what is well described as a "Republican wave." … According to "multiple GOP sources," the National Journal reports, a new Republican proposal circulating in the House sets forth that…
White House Kicks Hagel on His Way Out the Door
– John McCain,R-Ariz., who is slated to take over as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee in January, said that Hagel ‘was … frustrated with aspects of the administration’s national security policy and decision-making process,’ citing ‘excessive micro-management … "superficial," and a political attempt to convince dissatisfied Americans that the White House is engaging in a post-election, national
Why Do some Advocates of Small Government Want to Keep a Democrat Appointee at CBO?…government-want-to-keep-a-democrat-appointee-at-cbo-n1923450
– So nobody should be surprised that I think the incoming Republican majority should install new leadership at CBO (and the Joint Committee … Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, who…is most famous as the author of the anti-tax pledge that binds virtually every Republican … post is an exaggeration,” Mitchell writes, “but it’s certainly a logical conclusion based on” CBO’s claim that paying down the national
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