Results for: is the us at war with iran

Does Attention To Syria Necessarily Contradict 'America First?'…ntion-to-syria-necessarily-contradict-america-first-n2311789
– In these unpredictable times, one thing anyone could easily predict is that the President’s mercurial curiosities would lead us to … A sensible, measured American engagement in the Middle East is thoroughly compatible with what most Trump voters saw, and admired, … And it is noticed in Beijing, where the Chinese President is freshly returned from watching Trump give the launch order over dessert…
Is Trump Enlisting in the War Party?
at war not only with ISIS and al-Qaida, but with Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. … But if the president has thrown in with the neocons and War Party, and we are plunging back into the Mideast maelstrom, Trump should … An after-Easter battle is shaping up in Congress on the same issue: Is the president authorized to take us into war against Assad and…
Here's What World Leaders Had to Say About US Strike on Syrian Airfield…aders-had-to-say-about-us-strike-on-syrian-airfield-n2310279
The United Kingdom is fully supportive:   “[W]e fully support the strike. … We have been in close contact with US government over the last couple of days in preparation for this. … Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said in a statement that the “unilateral action is dangerous, destructive and violates…
Meet The New Realism, Same As The Old Realism
– I am sympathetic to the Trump administration's disgust with the Assad regime. … The Iraq War, which I supported, is hardly an experience anyone would like to repeat. … Despots are better off having WMDs they can threaten us with, as the North Koreans and Iranians firmly believe.…
U.S. Diplomatic Strategy…elps-terminate-north-koreas-nuclear-weapons-program-n2315045
– Cooperate to terminate -- that's the gist of the U.S. diplomatic strategy to deal with North Korea's rogue nukes. … At the moment, South Korea has faith in its alliance with the U.S. and has no need to possess nuclear weapons. … can reach targets around the world, including the US."…
War Cries Drown Out 'America First'
– "This is something President Trump is going to deal with in the first year." … Though Korea is the crisis of the moment, it is not the only one. … Russia and Iran are reportedly negotiating with the Taliban. Pakistan is said to be aiding them.…
Tin Foil Hat Time: MSNBC Host Wonders If Russia And Trump Plotted To Distract Us From Collusion Probe With Syrian Missile Strike…us-from-collusion-probe-with-syrian-missile-strike-n2312562
The most obvious reason, like the Russia collusion rabbit hole, is that there is zero evidence. … Second, there is no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, which sort of undercuts the whole motive for this whack … At the time, this was an off-the-record gathering.…
The Rise of the Generals
Iran is back on the front burner. … While Tillerson concedes that Tehran is in compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, Trump says it is violating "the spirit of the agreement … And until Hezbollah is eviscerated, Assad is gone, and Iran is smashed the way we did Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen, the flowering of…
In this New Cuban Missile Crisis, Are We Already in Checkmate?…ew-cuban-missile-crisis-are-we-already-in-checkmate-n2323077
– a rogue state such as North Korea or Iran could destroy the US. … The key is to stop them before they get more ICBM’s, when they can hold the US mainland at risk. … No American president is going to take out North Korea, at the risk of Los Angeles or Chicago, for the security purposes of Japan and…
Comey & The Saturday Night Massacre
– "This is the end of the Third Temple," Dayan was quoted. … If he had to, Nixon told me, he would reach down to a GS-7 at Justice to fire Cox: "We can't have that viper sleeping in the bed with … And the deep-state determination to bring him down is as great as it was with Nixon.…
There Is No Political Tribe That Deserves Your Complete Loyalty…political-tribe-that-deserves-your-complete-loyalty-n2334994
The first and, by far, the greatest reason is this: They do not believe that America is engaged in a civil war, with the survival of … If the survival of the United States hinges on the competence of the Trump administration, then the civil war is lost, I'm afraid. … David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.…
Breakup of the West?
– to have you with us." … is the altarpiece of the environmentalist international. … on the next U.S. war in the Middle East.…
Trump's Harsh Message Worth Sending
– McMaster can be pleased that the president's rhetoric has "evolved" and perhaps now understands that the Islamic State group is only … Words can't capture the perversity that drives such evil, but everyone knows the source; such evil is encouraged and abetted by IS, … The Gipper got a hard time from critics at home; they said his message was harsh, undiplomatic and unhelpful Cold War rhetoric.…
Cleaning Up Obama’s Wartime Messes
the previous eight years, the consortium of Sunni jihadists who are at war the U.S. and the West, Al Qaeda, its allies, the Taliban … In Syria, just one of the factions fighting a three-way civil war, there is the largest Al Qaeda affiliate ever, the al-Nusra Front … appoint a Viceroy with similar powers to that of Douglas MacArthur who ruled Japan at the close of World War II. …
Another Failed Attempt to Defend Sharia Law and Islam
Is the Bridge team correct? Let’s look at their claims one at a time. 1) The Quranic verses are cherry-picked. … , in preparation for burial), the funeral prayer is not to be offered for him and he is not to be buried with the Muslims.” … Today, Islamic countries like Iran and Sudan have the death penalty for “apostasy,” in harmony with the teachings of Muhammad and the
The Impeach-Trump Conspiracy
– CIA Director Mike Morrell: "On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is … Putin is not Stalin. Soviet divisions are not sitting on the Elbe. The Cold War is over. … With Reagan in Iran-Contra, they almost succeeded in destroying that great president as he was ending the Cold War in a bloodless victory…
Missile Defense Needs To Be A Priority
– President Reagan’s dream of a missile defense system was important during the Cold War, but the Soviet Union was at least a rational … Raised to be a god with absolute power, it’s unclear if he believes his own press or is in on the joke. … The deal with Iran all but ensures the Islamist regime will go nuclear in the near future.…
Stop Lying To Us
– itself, but the pathetic sissy whining, in the midst of throats being slashed, at the Brit who refused to adhere to the comforting … though her social media feed included a pledge of loyalty to Iran should America find itself at war with those sexually-inadequate … The hell with that, and the hell with them. We’re Americans, and it’s time to push back twice as hard.…
US-Led Coalition In Syria Is Exacerbating Terror Threat In Europe…on-in-syria-is-exacerbating-terror-threat-in-europe-n2343875
The fact that war is no longer as straightforward as it was when it was limited to rank-and-file armies commanded by generals at the … NATO must take action against any country trying to leverage the fog of war for its own political and economic gains at the expense … If Syria has allies such as Iran and Russia that it has invited into the country to restore stability, why is the U.S. bombing Syria's…
After the ISIS War, a US-Russia Collision?
– forces backed by Iran that have moved into a deconfliction zone around the town of Tanf in southwestern Syria, where there is a coalition … principal ally and leader of the Gulf Arabs in the regional struggle for hegemony with Shiite Iran. … , at the expense of Damascus, we could find ourselves in a collision with Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, Iran and even Turkey.…
Tit For Tat
– If the media is not going to be fair to both sides, they cannot expect the party they treat unfairly to care about the press. … We should all be concerned that the president seems very distracted by his war on the American press at a time North Korea, Russia, … But let us not pretend that the current hostility towards the American press is undeserved.…
Krauthammer Praises Trump's Warsaw Speech as 'His Best' and 'Reaganesque'…es-trumps-warsaw-speech-as-his-best-and-reaganesque-n2351829
– Watch the latest video at The full text of Trump's speech is below:  PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. … President Duda and your wonderful First Lady, Agata, have welcomed us with the tremendous warmth and kindness for which Poland is known … To the citizens of this great region, America is eager to expand our partnership with you.…
MSNBC Host: GOP Becoming More Pro-Putin Because He Advances White Christianity (But That's Not The Most Insane Part)…ore-proputin-because-he-advances-white-christianity-n2357867
– He quoted Obama as saying: "Just as we're getting on track with the Russians, this? This is a throwback to the Cold War. … This is right out of John le Carré. We put START, Iran, the whole relationship with Russia at risk for this kind of thing?” … So, if you really want to argue that the U.S. is giving the house away to Russia, start with blaming Obama.…
Is Iran in Our Gun Sights Now?
– But Iran does not want war with the United States -- for the best of reasons. … Who else wants a U.S. war with Iran, besides ISIS? … President Trump is key. If he does the War Party's bidding, that will be his legacy, as the Iraq War is the legacy of George W.…
Miscellaneous Media Musings
– America is in a civil war, but the two sides are fighting on different battlefields. … This is one of the main reasons the left was so gobsmacked by Hillary Clinton's defeat. 7. So the left is doubling down. … No one should be surprised at this -- look at the lengths to which the left goes to silence those on its own side of the issues who…
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