Results for: is the us at war with iran

Sleeping With The Enemy
– acts of war against the United States—than that compiled by the Obama Administration. … What he must know is that the only reason Iran is negotiating at all is to have the sanctions lifted that are crippling its ability … What he must further know is that Iran has no intention to honor whatever accords it agrees to reluctantly accept just as the Obama…
No Point in More Defense Spending With Liberals in Charge…nt-in-more-defense-spending-with-liberals-in-charge-n1973781
Iran is about to bake a hot rock, Putin is laughing at us, and all the while President Feckless is bragging about snatching defeat … The problem is it has nearly $500 billion and so much of it is wasted. … But this is the real Army.…
Unraveling: Iran Blasts US 'Fact Sheet,' Takes Hard Line on Sanctions Relief, Inspections…ons-relief-wont-allow-inspections-of-military-sites-n1983130
– Last week, the Obama administration enthusiastically embraced the outlines of a potential nuclear deal with Iran, which was met with … decisive, and the publication of a US fact sheet showing terms that were at variance with the Iranian view of the agreement showed … Either Iran is retreating from the terms they accepted in Switzerland, or the Obama administration is spinning the American people…
Iran Nuke Deal Is No Deal At All
The first thing one needs to know about the nuclear deal with Iran is that it is not, in fact, a deal. … The purpose of the nuclear talks is less about stopping the bomb as it is launching a new era of engagement with Iran. … The question is: Is a new Iran possible? And, just as important, if it is possible, are the costs worth it?…
The Win-Win Delusion
– In exchange for not making these concessions, Iran is to be rewarded with the lifting of the remaining economic sanctions. … he insists is the only alternative to the deal now on the table. … If, over the weeks ahead, they understand that the agreement being finalized is likely to lead to the spread of nuclear weapons (with
Will Bob Corker Save the GOP?
– But Obama is not going to war with Iran. … Hence, goaded by the neocons, GOP candidates would spend 2015 and 2016 assuring the nation that war with Iran is still "on the table … A new Middle East war with a nation three times the size of Iraq, and with Dover receiving again the coffins and Walter Reed the casualties…
The Iran Framework: Devilish Details To Follow
– In this case, the devil is not in the details; the devil is Iran. … How do you negotiate with someone who has lied from the start and is told in the Koran that lying to "infidels" is permissible in pursuit … With Iran, past performance IS such a guarantee.…
Comparison: Previous Obama Demands vs. Terms of New Nuclear Framework
– President Obama insists that his administration's preliminary outline of a nuclear deal with Iran is a "good deal," and the best … That’s a long way from the standard set by President Obama in 2012 when he declared that “the deal we’ll accept” with Iranis that … Even during the ten-year pause, Iran is allowed to engage in "limited research and development with its advanced centrifuges.…
Revealed: What You Need to Know About the Iranian Nuclear 'Framework'
–  sanctions relief in exchange for going along with the program at its earliest stages.   … Iran also knows that it doesn't necessarily need to push its luck with dramatic breaches; the regime can cheat at the margins, and … problem -- which at the very least undermines is own leverage moving forward.  …
Liberty, Morality, and Discrimination
The answer is simple. … That means—to cut to the chase—that we may associate with anyone who wishes to associate with us; but we are equally free to decline … At least that’s what the First Amendment says — such as it is.…
The Ghastly Shadow of Munich
The full tragedy of that ill-fated agreement should warn us on the eve of the Obama's administration's gullible agreement with IranIran is not united. It is a mishmash nation in which over a third of the population is not Persian. … The United States is distant from Iran. But our allies in the Middle East and Europe are within its missile range.…
Howard Dean: Yeah, It's Time to Walk Away From the Iran Negotiations…for-the-us-to-walk-away-from-the-iran-negotiations-n1979430
The point is to pretend that Obama's permissive deal is the only thing standing between the US and a ground war in Iran. … Here's where things stand at last report: Top negotiators from several countries have departed Switzerland, despite the US' insistence … Because the rate of progress is "slow going," according to the British Foreign Minister, this is the farcical readjustment of expectations…
When Foreign Policy and National Security Are Based Upon Campaign Promises…national-security-are-based-upon-campaign-promises-n1978994
– Kennedy even quipped, “The absence of war is not peace.” … This is what Supreme Leader Khamenei announced at his February 18th address on the nuclear negotiations, “It is America that is stuck … can in no way be compared to [to the Iran of] 30-some years ago….Iran is moving forward, while the Americans, who have not succeeded…
Etiquette Versus Annihilation
– But surely the Nazi Holocaust during World War II should tell us that what is beyond the imagination of decent people is by no means … Should we bet the lives of millions of Americans on our ability to deter nuclear war with Iran? … The other reason is that, by going to the United Nations for its blessing on his agreement with Iran, he can get a bigger fig leaf…
Moral Supremacy and Mr. Putin
– If he is to negotiate a modus vivendi with a nation with an arsenal of nuclear weapons sufficient to end life as we know it in the … Undeniably, we were on God's side in World War II and the Cold War. … Augusto Pinochet dealt summarily with our common enemies in Chile, and when the Savak of our ally the Shah of Iran was not a 501(c)…
Glenn Greenwald: What The ‘Deep State’ Is Doing To Trump Is ‘A Prescription For Destroying Democracy’…to-trump-is-a-prescription-for-destroying-democracy-n2288815
– That’s the same reason the rest of us should celebrate such illegal leaks and protect those who undertake them, often at great risk … What they’re doing instead is trying to take maybe the only faction worse than Donald Trump, which is the deep state, the CIA, with … Taking out the partisan noise, what Greenwald is saying is not controversial.…
Former CIA Operative: I’m A Democrat, But This Effort By America’s Spies To Hamstring Trump Is Troubling…t-by-americas-spies-to-hamstring-trump-is-appalling-n2288748
The story goes that these individuals wanted him gone to protect Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran; Flynn was a staunch opponent to the … On the other hand, Flynn did mislead the vice president, which is why he was shown the exit, but the contents of the discussions, which … Ames’ flawed logic is eerily similar to that of his present-day colleagues who are engaged in a shadow war with their commander in…
The Three-Headed Hydra of the Middle East
– ISIS is simultaneously at war against the Assad regime, Iran and Iranian surrogates such Hezbollah, and Russian expeditionary forces … Two, work with the least awful of the three, which is probably Russia. … (The model is the savage Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988 that weakened U.S. enemies Saddam Hussein and the Iranian theocracy but resulted…
Finally, Real-World Experience Occupies the Oval Office…nally-realworld-experience-occupies-the-oval-office-n2293899
– A war which saw the destruction of a nation which was the natural buffer to Iran, resulted in the loss of over four thousand American … soldiers, the wounding of over thirty thousand, and the deaths of at least two hundred thousand Iraqi civilians and counting. … , and who is willing to work with any and all parties to get things done for the welfare of our nation.…
The Oscars: The Activism They Left on the Cutting Room Floor…rs-the-activism-they-left-on-the-cutting-room-floor-n2292683
– Dividing the world into the 'us' and 'our enemies' categories creates fear -- a deceitful justification for aggression and war. … When the then-president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, spoke at Columbia University in 2007, he was asked to explain the execution of … Fred Gottheil is an economics professor at the University of Illinois.…
Islamic Republic of Iran Celebrates the Oscars for Anti-Trump Stance
The Islamic Republic of Iran was well represented at the 89th Academy Awards show after Iranian director Asghar Fahadi won an Oscar … My absence is out of respect for the people of my country and those of other six nations whom have been disrespected by the inhumane … "Dividing the world into the 'us' and 'our enemies' categories creates fear, a deceitful justification for aggression and war," he…
Speaking Trump's Truth to Power
– President Donald Trump is the carnival barker with a megaphone and the loudest voice on the midway, shilling for the greatest show … Johnson during the Vietnam War. … And he continued with a critique of the prosecution of another war, this one of President George W. Bush in Iraq.…
Is McCain Hijacking Trump's Foreign Policy?
– Aflame with ethnic, civil and sectarian war in the 1990s, the western Balkans are again in political turmoil. … Syria's army, with the backing of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Shiite militias from across the Middle East, has carved out most of theWith the death of Communism, the end of the Cold War, and the collapse of the Bushite New World Order, America needs a new grand strategy…
The Middle East's Most Surprising Country
– Oman, where I have spent the past week, is an Arab country unlike any other. Count the ways. … At present, with a civil war raging in next-door Yemen and Iran making trouble right by Oman's Musandam Peninsula, which juts out … A once-closed country is now easy of access; US$13 buys a visa at the airport and Oman's natural beauty has made it a destination…
Lassie, Come Home
– unknowingly lead us into World War III." -- Sept. 1, 2013: "If the U.S. attacks Syria and hits the wrong targets, killing civilians … Assad is one of the least bad leaders in the entire Middle East. … Was America strengthened by the Iraq War? The apparently never-ending Afghanistan War? Vietnam?…
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