Results for: Republican National Committee

Bowling, Beer and Pool with President Irrelevant and Governor Irrelevant…l-with-president-irrelevant-and-governor-irrelevant-n1860853
– “Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus criticized the White House’s priorities in a tweet Wednesday,“ continued…
Public Utility Attempting to Buy Arizona Elections
– APS is literally attempting to purchase its regulators in the state’s August 26th Republican primary (early ballots go out this week … will boomerang on the Republican Party. … She once chaired the House Energy Committee, and hails from Republican stronghold Yavapai County in conservative northern rural Arizona…
Column in Which I'm an Exact Genetic Copy of Both Evil Koch Brothers…im-an-exact-genetic-copy-of-both-evil-koch-brothers-n1868437
– Living under different laws than the rest of us is so ingrained in our national leadership, that it seems they hardly give it a second … “The present era of incredible rottenness is not Democratic,” wrote Mark Twain, “it is not Republican, it is national.” … What Jindal is referring to are the candidates who made bizarre comments during the election, like Todd Akin the Missouri Republican
Elections Are Coming And Republicans Are Wasting Their Time (Again)…coming-and-republicans-are-wasting-their-time-again-n1865568
– If you are a Republican candidate the first and most important thing to understand is this: It really doesn’t matter. … Mitt Romney was a high-road candidate like every Republican presidential nominee since Ronald Reagan’s second run. … Because the Republican National Committee has picked Cleveland for its presidential convention site.…
Rick Perry Surges with New National Platform
– Over the past three weeks, one Republican has gained more national attention than any other: Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX). … Perry has penned national op-eds on border security in The Wall Street Journal and The USA Today. Gov. … a national platform and a second look from the national media.…
RNC Initiates #FireReid Campaign
– Or so says the Republican National Committee -- which today launched its brand new campaign to wrestle control of the upper chamber … RNC National Press Secretary Kirsten Kukowski issued the following statement this morning: Today the RNC … Those calls will tell voters that the only way to stop Obama is to vote Republican and fire Reid.…
Primaries Show Republican Voters Wary of Tea party Candidates, Skeptical of Party Establishment…a-party-candidates-skeptical-of-party-establishment-n1875994
– I see more turbulence and undercurrents among Republican primary voters than usual. … Michigan had significant Republican primaries in six congressional districts. … In the Grand Rapids 3rd District, local and national business groups spent big money on challenger Brian Ellis.…
See Ya! Walsh Drops Out Of Montana Senate Race
– The Montana Democratic Party now will choose a replacement for Walsh to appear on the Nov. 4 ballot, along with Republican Rep. … About 175 delegates, including statewide and federal elected officials, county party committee leaders and the party executive board … Brian Schweitzer -- and was a Republican at the time.…
House Republican: That VA "Fact Sheet" on Patient Deaths Isn't So Factual After All…ican-the-va-mislead-the-public-about-patient-deaths-n1875442
– House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller recently sent a letter to VA Secretary Robert McDonald accusing … Simply put, as recently as last April, a VA “fact sheet” was widely circulated (to the committee as well as to reporters) alleging … patients were harmed as a result of delays in gastrointestinal care and "of these 76 patients, 23 have passed away," citing a "national
Is Senator John Walsh Going To Drop Out?
– Now, the rumor mill is saying that national Democrats are trying to initiate a secondary protocol, which includes showing Sen. … Spokesperson for the National Republican Senatorial Committee Brad Dayspring tweeted this out earlier today: … Walsh is trailing his Republican opponent, Rep. Steve Daines, by double-digits.…
Dangerously Demagoguing Entitlements
– The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is financing an Iowa ad saying that GOP nominee Joni Ernst has “proposed privatizing … In Montana, the Republican senatorial candidate, Representative Steve Daines, is running an ad claiming that embattled Democratic … equaling 9.9 percent of GDP at that point, government will consume 27.5 percent of our economy before it does anything else … national
UPDATE: Border Security Bill Fails in Senate, Passes in Houseñoz/2014/08/01/today-border-security-bill-fails-in-senate-moving-in-house-n1873648
– — Republican Cloakroom (@RepCloakroom) August 2, 2014 Update - 9:30 p.m. … Every Republican and two Democrats, Sens. Mary Landrieu (LA) and Joe Manchin (W.VA), voted nay. … Bill language has not yet been posted or considered by the Rules Committee.…
The RNC's Birthday Present to Obama: A Constitution
– President Obama's birthday is on August 4th, and the Republican National Committee is sending him a copy of the Constitution.…
Rand Paul vs Marco Rubio
– But there is nonetheless an ideological battle occurring, not only on Capitol Hill, but throughout the Republican Party and across … There is a cold war brewing in the Republican Party over the utility of our security measures and how conservatives should approach … “Democrats would love for the Republican candidate to be the ‘fringe’ candidate.…
Obamacare Overruns
– From the National Journal's website: "The Obama administration has spent roughly $840 million on, including … By the way, Mullings was mostly written by Chuck DeFeo who is now the Chief Digital Officer for the Republican National Committee, … proving global warming is a farce, and 90,000 children from Central America showing up for the August recess, nothing gets the Republican
Republicans -- Future Versus Past
– and the passion to turn out and vote Republican this fall. … in Ozy about the 20th anniversary of the Republican takeover. … chairs and opening committee meetings to the public, among others.…
Richard Nixon's 100th Birthday
– The Republican Party was a house divided and a house in ruins. … To battle the scourge of cancer, he created the National Cancer Institute. … National Committee, then ambassador to the United Nations?…
Obama Sending Wrong Signal to Our Enemies
– WASHINGTON - President Obama's is putting together a new national security team at the Pentagon and the CIA that is said to be designed … This, in an age when global terrorism and rogue nations remain two of the greatest threats to our national security. … Obama is dramatically reshaping the direction and tone of our nation's national security team.…
Hey La, Hey La, Supply Side's Back: The New A-Team Arrives
– A new, solid, generation of Republican leaders is taking the field. … Tea Party Ted Cruz, dubbed by Mother Jones as the “Republican Party’s Barack Obama,” is proving a media magnet. … These, plus the Senate’s number two Republican, John Cornyn, all have signed on to serious monetary reform.…
Female vs. Male Senators
– The media mostly ignore other Republican women, like Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico -- at least for now. … favors same-sex marriage, bigger roles for government, more spending and higher taxes will be able to find common ground with a Republican … The chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., is no shrinking violet.…
Wanted: A President and a Congress Who Will Put Fat City on a Crash Diet…nd-a-congress-who-will-put-fat-city-on-a-crash-diet-n1491682
– And in many cases smart consolidations will improve service," says Tom Coburn, the waste-fighting Oklahoma Republican senator known … Obama's been pushing for more spending on science, including the $31 billion National Institutes of Health. … Its creaky, disorganized, snail's pace committee structure is basically the same one that existed in the 18th Century.…
Obama's Giveaway to the Communists
Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota and Chuck Grassley Iowa warn that the deal could give Wanxiang "access to these defense … of these assets, it is contrary to common sense to transfer this cutting-edge battery technology to China and disadvantage U.S. national … Whether we will allow Wanxiang to buy A123 with its new battery technology is now under review by CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment…
Obama is at Fault
– Just as it took a Republican (Richard Nixon) to go to China, I fear it will take a Democrat to reform entitlements. … Alan Simpson is a former Republican senator from Wyoming. Erskind Bowles is the former chief of staff to Bill Clinton. … In the latest round of negotiations, the president repeatedly mischaracterized the Republican position.…
Gay marriage battles brewing in at least 6 states this year…iage-battles-brewing-in-at-least-6-states-this-year-n1487534
– Also opposing the bill is Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Michael J. … McCaffrey, whose committee likely will consider the issue. … Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican turned Independent, supports gay marriage.…
How President Obama Lost His Shirt to John Boehner
– When we had a Republican House and Senate and a Republican in the White House, we couldn’t get that. And so, not bad.’” … Republican willingness to support the sequester, Mr. Boehner says, is ‘as much leverage as we’re going to get.’” … If so John Boehner will deserve to be more than a Republican, conservative, and tea party, hero.…
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