Results for: national political news

Here's How the Biden Administration Is Reportedly Handling Iran Nuclear Deal…s-been-dealing-with-iran-over-memorial-day-weeekend-n2639581
– its European partners ahead of the IAEA board meeting next month: “Any speculation about decisions is premature.”Whenever there's news …  Every legal, constitutional, diplomatic, and political step must be taken to stop this! … Senate chaplain also offered a prayer for Raisi, and the condolences offered by the White House were defended by National Security…
The UN Should Memorialize the Iranian President’s Victims, Not Raisi Himself…ze-the-iranian-presidents-victims-not-raisi-himself-n2639533
– The international body already recognized a moment of silence shortly after the news of that death was confirmed, and then lowered … making every effort to promote an image of widespread public grief over Raisi’s death, the reality is that many Iranians greeted the news … The National Council of Resistance of Iran issued a statement explaining:“The curse of mothers and those seeking justice for the executed…
Opposition to U.S. Steel Deal is Misguided and Counterproductive…to-us-steel-deal-is-misguided-and-counterproductive-n2639455
– announcement of tariffs, and other protectionist measures aimed at China, is the latest increase of economic tensions and search for political …  Similarly, the national security rationale is a thin smokescreen meant to scare Americans with borderline jingoism rather than … Good news, then, that the signs are positive—although they do not favor the deal’s opponents.Nippon Steel’s offer handily beat other…
Democrats Are Stuck With Joe Biden as Their Presidential Nominee…stuck-with-joe-biden-as-their-presidential-nominee-n2639465
– fact that this is increasingly obvious, and that Biden finds himself fighting an uphill battle to prolong his already ancient political … big polling news last week was that The New York Times/Siena College, one of the country's most accurate pollsters, has Trump up in … This week, the big polling update came courtesy of the Cook Political Report, another highly regarded polling outfit.…
A Quick Bible Study Vol. 219: What the Bible Says About Stars…bible-study-vol-219-what-the-bible-says-about-stars-n2639511
–  News Flash: $1 Million Challenge to Replicate the Shroud of Turin – Contest Details.Thanks for joining us this … Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … Myra is also the Executive Director of and the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.…
How Gross Are Democrats?
– while I don’t deny Khan’s grief or the sacrifice his son made, I do find it gross that he’s been dining out on that death for political …  In a fundraising email sent under Khan’s name, he writes, “Derek -- In 2016, I stood on stage at the Democratic National Convention …  More than that, Khan joins Biden’s tradition of exploiting his own son’s death from brain cancer for political advantage.…
Here's When Schumer Plans to Vote on the Border Bill
– Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) dismissed the vote as “all political.” … “Most people see this for what it is: And that is sort of a naked attempt by the Democrats to get political cover on an issue that … is a huge political liability for all of the folks that are running this year,” said Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.).…
A Quick Bible Study Vol. 218: What the Bible Says About Brokenness…study-vol-218-what-the-bible-says-about-brokenness-n2639204
–  Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … She is also the Executive Director of and the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.…
Sham Elections Garner Farcical 8 Percent Support in Iran…elections-garner-farcical-8-percent-support-in-iran-n2639203
– However, a combination of voter apathy, disillusionment with the political system, lack of trust in the electoral process, restrictions … IRGC) commander who is on the international terrorist list for bombing the Jewish Community Center in Argentina, absurdly told a news … Slogans attacking Khamenei and Raisi have interrupted state-run national TV news broadcasts, with images of Maryam Rajavi, the exiled…
Did You Expect These Poll Numbers for Trump Out of Minnesota?
– "This race is close," Carleton College political analyst Steven Schier is quoted as saying. "It has been for several months. … It’s come as a surprise, I think, to a lot of people in national politics. … Highlighting explosive testimonies from porn star Stormy Daniels and former Trump attorney and perjurer Michael Cohen, the local news
The Trump Trial Farce Will Only Make Him Stronger
– It’s a political matter. … It’s a kangaroo court, an attempt to railroad a political opponent to keep him from winning the election against the desiccated, treacherous … The Democrat-donating judge, who should’ve recused himself based on his own manifest political bias and his daughter’s as well – she…
House Votes on Bill Forcing Biden to Release Aid to Israel…wont-even-let-pro-israel-bill-come-to-senate-flooe-n2639121
–  Gottheimer had led 26 Democrats in a letter to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan last week that expressed concern about … Scott Franklin (R-FL) shared remarks that Biden made while speaking to "PBS News Hour" in 2019. … It is obviously being done as a political calculation. And we cannot let this stand," Johnson highlighted.…
Steel Plant Falls in West Virginia, But No One Hears a Sound…ant-falls-in-west-virginia-but-no-one-hears-a-sound-n2638985
– The answer is simple: They have no political power. … The plant is in West Virginia, which has a small population and no major political figure nor any major industrial figure to lobby … news heard the silence that followed.All that is left here at the Weirton plant is the cleanup of the end of life.Come tomorrow and…
Dem Strategist Warns: Biden Is in Serious Trouble Because He Keeps Alienating Swing Voters…us-trouble-because-he-keeps-alienating-swing-voters-n2638965
– phenomenon:President Biden appears behind in all the swing states and his campaign appears all-too-focused on firming up his political … His operation seems to be run by people tugging him leftward, and the 'news' media tends to apply similar ideological pressure on him …  Trump and Biden were literally never tied in the national polling average in 2020, with Biden consistently leading by between…
Paul Krugman's Swipe at Trump Opened the Door for an Epic Roasting…ic-claim-so-wild-that-even-lefty-outlets-mocked-him-n2639014
– Biden was continuing) illegitimate, Krugman declared, “It’s up to America to determine whether its trade actions are necessary for national … These days, Americans’ views of the economy tend to be determined by political affiliation rather than the other way around… Republican … Democrats, on the other hand, are divided, with some progressives talking down the economy because they fear that acknowledging the good news
A Quick Bible Study Vol. 217: Celebrating Mother’s Day With the Mother of Jesus…ol-217-celebrating-mothers-day-with-mother-of-jesus-n2638913
–  Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … She is also the Executive Director of and the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.…
Why Scotland's Woke First Minister Resigned
– There’s been a lot of news on the home front, which allowed this news from across the pond to fall by the wayside. … with Trump’s Stormy Daniels trial, and a series of bad economic reports have added to the news avalanche. … Still, it’s good news: Scotland’s woke first minister quit before a vote of no confidence booted him from office.…
New Single Article of Impeachment Filed Against Biden
– Robinette Biden, Jr. has abused the powers of the presidency.Specifically, Mills' article of impeachment — first reported by Fox News … In doing so, President Biden used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States … It's the definition of quid pro quo.This is no joke—Trump continues to put his own personal, political interests ahead of the national
The Most Important Date in American History
– Trump said that “Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my administration.”President Trump also … Trump made it clear that he supports “Israel’s right to win its war on terror.”In a recent interview with Brian Kilmeade on Fox News … He is a political columnist, the author of America's Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel…
House Democrats Call on Biden to Secure the Border
– -Mexico border, according to a letter obtained by CBS News. … Republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border," Hernández added.Jack Pandol, the communications director for the National …  "It's a pathetic charade that says more about Democrats' political freakout over their open borders policies than it does about…
MSNBC Host: Donald Trump, Like Richard Nixon, Is Racist
– It was a plan that Richard Nixon leaned into for his political campaigns and his presidency. … Orval Faubus used the National Guard to keep black students out of Little Rock High. Gov. … Ellison, in attacking Trump in 2016, had the following exchange on a panel hosted by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.…
House Dems Are Asking for Executive Action on the Border, but KJP of Course Has Nothing…action-on-the-border-but-kjp-of-course-has-nothing-n2638795
– We don’t need more political grandstanding," Gluesenkamp Perez said. … I agree with Republicans that we have a national security issue at the border – but we have to stop using the border as a political … Congressman Golden believes that border security is national security.…
Indicted Henry Cuellar Insists He's Not Resigning
– Update: Fox News' Chad Pergram posted on Tuesday night that despite House ethics rules advising members against voting if they … Even as Cuellar insists he can win reelection, Cook Political Report changed the race for Texas' 28th Congressional District from " … The race at the time was ranked as a "Toss-Up" race by Cook Political Repot, but as "Lean Democrat" by other prognosticators.…
These Democrats Refused to Stand by Israel in Face of Antisemitic College Protests…d-by-israel-in-face-of-antisemitic-college-protests-n2638648
–  Columbia University has especially been in the news lately, where the NYPD moved in last week to do something about the pro-Hamas … Thomas Jean, Jr. in New Jersey's 7th Congressional District, which Cook Political Report considers to be a "Toss-Up." … He was also featured in last month's article.The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) targeted Rep.…
BREAKING: As Defeat Sets in, Hamas Plays Games With Ceasefire 'Agreement'
–  "The last thing I would ever want to do from this podium is put this very sensitive process at greater risk," National Security …  HAMAS ACCEPTS CEASEFIRE DEAL: Ismail Haniyeh, chairman of the political bureau of the Hamas terror group, "called the Prime Minister … of Intelligence and informed them that Hamas accepts their proposal for a ceasefire.”— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 6, 2024The news
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