Results for: is the us at war with iran

Don't Trash the Nuclear Deal!
– While our NATO allies are imploring Trump not to destroy the deal and start down a road that is likely to end in war with Iran, Bibi … Why then is the world anxiously awaiting a decision by President Trump that could lead to an unnecessary war with Iran? … If it is any nation, it is China. Trump the dealmaker should find a way to keep the nuclear deal with Iran.…
Is the GOP Becoming a War Party?
– For they assume, rightly, that the president does not want war and, if he wins, there will be no war with Iran. … And Obama surely knows that an October confrontation with Iran, with war a possibility, or a reality, will mean the nation rallies … Whether there is a U.S. war on Iran seems up to the ayatollah now.…
Don't Let the "Congressional Impatience Caucus" Push us to War in Iran
The manner in which talk of going to war with Iran is being bandied about this election cycle, might lead an observer to conclude … Romney have pledged not to enter into war lightly, the facility with which the topic of war with Iran continues to be raised, leaves … Let us hope that those beating the drums of war, and who have grown impatient with measures other than war, remain in the minority…
Has Obama Called Bibi's Bluff?
– we will attack Iran if it rejects our ultimatum, Israel will bomb Iran and start the war itself. … will attack Iran, with all the consequences that will have for you, for us and for the Middle East. … If there is no reason to go to war with Iran, there is every reason not to go to war.…
Is This War?
– That prospect is the latest flashpoint with Iran, and one of the most serious. … But rising tensions with Iran and recent changes at Iranian nuclear sites have ratcheted up the level of U.S. alarm. … Iran is set to allow a team of UN nuclear inspectors into the country, and that, coupled with the recent rescue of Iranian sailors…
Remember When Biden Said Trump Brought Us 'Dangerously Close' to a War With Iran?…ump-brought-us-dangerously-close-to-a-war-with-iran-n2637816
– supposedly "brought us dangerously close to starting a new war with Iran without any semblance of a plan." … Donald Trump brought us dangerously close to starting a new war with Iran without any semblance of a plan.This moment requires a leader … predecessor and brought the U.S. dangerously close to war with Iran.…
Negotiations -- or War With Iran?
– Clearly, Graham believes an ultimatum, followed by an attack if Iran denies us "access to their nuclear program," is the way to "end … And what is the grave threat that justifies a war? … America's position as of today is: We do not want war with Iran, but will tolerate no Iranian bomb.…
Will Obama Play the War Card?
– Harry Reid is surely aware a U.S. clash with Iran, with him at the president's side, could assure his re-election. … off the negotiating track and put us on a track to war -- a war to deny Iran weapons that the U.S. … And if Iran is hell-bent on a bomb, why has Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair not revised the 2007 finding and given us
Let Israel Be Israel
– neighbors, assures us that Iran will not be able to “surprise” the West during any negotiations. … That reminds us of the slogan of the anti-war Left in the 1970s: “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?”   Mr. … Martin Dempsey said Iran is a “rational actor” on the world stage.…
Obama Posts Long Lecture About Trump Destroying His Iran Legacy
– Today’s decision to put the JCPOA at risk is a serious mistake. … "The JCPOA was never intended to solve all of our problems with Iran. … Without the JCPOA, the United States could eventually be left with a losing choice between a nuclear-armed Iran or another war in the
The Limits of American Power
– That is, under optimal conditions, the US needed nearly a month to respond to the largest foreign attack on the US mainland since the … They met with resistance from the US military. … So, too, the four months the US required to ready for war enabled Iran to plan and begin executing its plan to suck the US into a prolonged…
Will Obama Paint Mitt as Warmonger?
– Yet Woodrow Wilson won in 1916 on the slogan, "He Kept Us Out of War!" … "The last thing we need now is another war." "Are you (Ryan) ... going to go to war?" … This drumbeat, implying Romney and Ryan are champing at the bit to get into the war in Syria or into a new war with Iran, was deliberate…
The Fruits of Intervention
– -Iran talks? Or is someone trying to torpedo the talks and push Iran and the United States into military collision? … war with Iran would be an act of madness. … being pushed from behind into a war with Iran.…
On to Caracas and Tehran!
– -- that propelled us into the forever war of the Middle East, retain its hold on the American mind? … of war with Iran." … The "war-with-Iran" tweet was swiftly deleted, replaced with a new tweet that spoke of "the common interest of combating Iran."…
How to Ensure a Big, Ugly War With Iran
with impunity the continental United States, the mixed American signals on the eve of the Ukraine war, the troubled Pentagon's recruitment … the attackers; 3) The US does not wish a wider war and has no plans to attack Iran itself. … He is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of "The Second World Wars: How the
Will Bibi's War Become America's War?
– Predator drone, to avoid killing Iranians, may not want a U.S. war with Iran. But the same cannot be said of Bibi Netanyahu. … Which is a pretty good description of the coastal defenses and naval forces of Iran. … While there is a cold peace with Egypt and Jordan, the Saudis and Gulf Arabs are temporary allies as long as the foe is Iran.…
Time for a Return to Checks and Balances
– While this does not mean that Iran is no longer a threat to the United States or its allies, it does give us time to conduct aggressive … This is why our government is constructed the way it is, with authority distributed equally among three branches of government. … Why not Iran? Are we to satisfy ourselves with the President's assurances that "he has his reasons," and leave it at that?…
GOP Blank Check for War?
The Pentagon has made clear that with two wars of nearly a decade's duration bleeding us, we do not want a third war with Iran. … And half of the centrifuges at Natanz have broken down. Undeniably, Iran is gaining knowledge of how to build a bomb. … Why, with all the issues going for them, House Republicans would announce full-throated support for a pre-emptive war on Iran that…
Is It Jaw-Jaw or War-War?
Is war with Iran inevitable, even imminent? Or is peace at hand? … that war with Iran is far from the mind of this city. … the opposite -- that war with Iran is indeed inevitable, and probably soon.…
How and Why to Kill the Deal
– If Iran remains a threat, the deal bars the US from taking any steps to counter it aside from all-out war. … from doing business with the US. … The devil in Obama’s deal with Iran is not in the mind-numbing details, but in the big picture.…
Good Infidel, Bad Infidel
–  At the beginning of the war against Hamas, President Biden “threatened” Hezbollah and Iran against escalating the war by saying …  Coupled with the US releasing to Iran $10 billion in frozen funds, the US policy has gone from acceptance and appeasing to actually … Basically, the US has given Iran the green light to target Jews anywhere else, just not in the US.Since December, Iran has admitted…
Who Wants War With Iran?
War with the United States would be a disaster. … Iran would be set back years.Who, then, wants war with Iran? … and Rick Santorum.And as the Obama administration is the major force in U.S. politics opposed to war with Iran, its defeat in November…
Can Trump Still Avoid War With Iran?
– President Donald Trump does not want war with Iran. America does not want war with Iran. … Still, if neither America nor Iran wants war, what has brought us to the brink? … Imposing on Iran the most severe sanctions ever by one modern nation on another, short of war, the U.S., through "maximum pressure,…
Is Mitt Being Neoconned Into War?
Is denying Iran the right to enrich uranium a reason for America to plunge into its fifth war in that region in a generation? … Before we outsource to Bibi and Ehud Barak the decision to take us to war with a country three times the size of Iraq, we need to know … But if we are going to go to war again, this time with Iran, the decision should be made in America, according to our Constitution,…
How Biden's Failed Policies Led the Way for Iran's Attack
–  Thanks to the president’s reckless actions and lack of policy, the United States is at risk of becoming involved in war with …  In 2020, Biden said that he feared former President Donald Trump would get the U.S. into war with Iran. … Biden on Trump - "As the walls close in on this man, I'm worried that he's going to get us to war in Iran."…
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