Results for: chief world failing us

Oh, So Here's the 'White Supremacist' Accused of Vandalizing a Gay Pride Crosswalk With Swastikas…acist-vandalism-atlanta-rainbow-crosswalk-swastikas-n2612642
– "THEY TRYNA TEACH US BUT DONT HAVE THE GENESIS ACCOUNT RIGHT. … "De Facto World Ruler every jurisdiction and municipality every inch, is a Street N*gg*," he wrote on July 2. … "THE WORLD IS OURS," he told his Instagram followers.…
Altruism Is Not a Government Program
– Nothing the Government Forced on Us Worked  Social distancing, lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, masking, and quarantines: all of these … We call it obsession…  The Institutions Failed and Keep Failing  For masks, the incredible mesh of confusion and ridiculous policies … Justin Hart is the author of the new book: Gone Viral: How COVID Drove the World Insane and chief data analyst and founder of…
To Protect 'The Children,' Add Warning Labels on EVs
– Warning labels on pharmaceutical products let us know about possible side effects from their ingestion. … Way back in 2016, Amnesty International and Afrewatch released a report calling out major electronics brands for failing to do basic … China, of course, is the chief culprit, as the Chinese companies that own the DRC cobalt mines and process the cobalt into batteries…
Afghanistan Disaster Is Another Biden-Created Crisis
– As Taliban terrorists take control of Afghanistan and run rampant through the streets of Kabul, the world is witnessing in real time … It’s because Joe Biden botched our Afghanistan withdrawal, failing yet another leadership test as president.  … But it’s not what they deserve from their Commander-in-Chief in a time of crisis.…
The Shame of the Never Trumpers
– Well, at least they are consistent – when they were nominally conservative, the GOP squishes they backed led us to disaster, and the … – and a possible hostage crisis to boot that will require us to thaw out and redeploy Ted Koppel, is on them. … They failed then, and they are failing now, and when the Silicon Valley suckers funding these turncoat losers wise up and turn off…
The State Department's War on Trump
– "dreamers" and pursuing a "toxic agenda around the world." … But these career diplomats favor globalism, open borders and huge American handouts to multinational organizations and third-world … History reminds us what's actually going on here.…
Fire the Admirals to Encourage the Others
– Now, I would have fired him well before for failing to win the Afghanistan War. … In World War II, which America incidentally won, we fired lots of generals and admirals for failing to win. … The commander-in-chief made clear his intent.…
The Next Republican President Must Fix the Military First…xt-republican-president-must-fix-the-military-first-n2610493
– The president is the commander-in-chief. He just needs to command. … The service chief replacements need not be the next guy in line. … The commander-in-chief must command.…
The Central Front
– That is what we were told by once-Sen., now President-elect, soon-to-be commander in chief Barack Obama. … I hope they will be willing to apprise our new chief executive of some hard realities. … We just didn't fight back until nearly 3,000 of us were killed by Islamic radicals Sept. 11, 2001.…
Troubling Talk
Failing to declare this election a major victory in the war being waged against us by radical Islam is a mistake. Mr. … Instead, he talked about "communicating a message to the Arab world and the Muslim world that we are ready to initiate a new partnership … Some will say it isn't fair to make our new commander in chief stick to the facts. That's the trouble with television interviews.…
Obama's First Two Weeks
– In the areas of foreign policy, fiscal policy and now appointments, it is apparent that 52.9 percent of the electorate vouchsafed us … mediocrity of our national leaders, truth be told, has been apparent since the first baby boomer replaced the last member of the World … had the same problems President Obama's now have, to wit, employing domestic help (in Clinton's day, illegal domestic help) and failing
Silencing the Opposition
– Our experience and the evidence before us now demonstrate that the means chosen were counterproductive.” … It is for you, the listeners, not for us, to censor his programs. … Podesta, a former Clinton White House chief of staff, is president of the Center for American Progress (CAP).…
Get Me the Money - I'll Fix It
– His promises to change the way Washington works, bring health care to all, alter world climate, restore America’s prestige and solve … Banks failing? Bail them out. Auto companies floundering? Send cash. Medical costs going up? … Experience as a chief executive—unnecessary. Knowledge of business and the private sector—Who needs it?…
Tickling the World's Itching Ears
– Nowhere was that more clearly demonstrated than in his speech in Cairo to the Muslim world. … contradictions, duping themselves into believing that supposedly good intentions alone will trump facts and reality and insulate us … leader instead of his constitutional role as U.S. president and commander in chief?…
Obama: Ideologue-in-chief
– For a brief moment it seemed that US President Barack Obama was moved by the recent events in Iran. … To push forward with his illegal goal, Zelaya fired the army's chief of staff. … So if Obama's foreign policy has already failed or is in the process of failing throughout the world, why is he refusing to reassess…
Saying One Thing, Doing Another,_doing_another
– “We inherited an unsustainable $2.4 billion debt load from the previous management team,” chief executive Mark Shapiro announced. … In the real world, if your predecessor runs up too much debt, you have to reduce that debt to survive. … Instead, President Obama insists that, while “the reckless fiscal policies of the past have left us in a very deep hole,” he still…
Saying One Thing, Doing Another,_doing_another
– “We inherited an unsustainable $2.4 billion debt load from the previous management team,” chief executive Mark Shapiro announced. … In the real world, if your predecessor runs up too much debt, you have to reduce that debt to survive. … Instead, President Obama insists that, while “the reckless fiscal policies of the past have left us in a very deep hole,” he still…
Fess Up, Ben,_ben
– (Echoing the polls, the Journal editors concluded that “the country needs a new Fed chief.”) … So while many of us hoped the Fed chair would address the gold question, he never did. … Now it’s time for the Fed chief to do likewise.…
Too Good For This World: Waterboarding and Its Discontents
– Not its chief but the lower-downs. Maybe even the grunts. … — at what Americans on the front lines in this war on terror may have done for no better reason than to protect the rest of us. … This is the nature of the world in which we live.…
Reckless Obama Unprepared to Lead
– has been relentlessly pounding Barack Obama on his weakest ground: experience, fighting the war on terrorism and his judgment in world … tissue-paper-thin qualifications to be commander in chief and the leader of the free world. … McCain: 71 percent, Obama: 18 percent. -- Regardless of who you may support, who do you think has better knowledge of world affairs…
It's Time to Lead, Mr. President,_mr_president
– So the president calls a press conference to inform us that he isn’t responsible for the system failing. … The way the president sees it, it’s we—the American people—who make the terrorists want to hate us, maim us, kill us and disrupt our … Your first priority as Commander in Chief is to protect the citizens of the United States, not our image in the eyes of the world or…
State of the Union Grade: F
– And millions upon millions of us are wondering whether you will sugarcoat the truth again -- whether you will pad your performance … You've become a chief cheerleader for the "blame America" crowd and painted America before other countries as arrogant, intolerant … Your plan is failing. Your popularity is faltering. Our union is falling apart.…
The Political Manipulation of Selective Memory
– The Memorial Day Weekend before us is an annual reminder of sacrifice and service—the kind that makes all the rest possible—from the … Ignored is that fact that the 1930s were much tougher than anything any of us have had to experience recently. … War Two—or watch the classic World At War videos narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier.…
The First Rule of Strategy
– This week former US ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker called for the US to initiate a policy of diplomatic outreach to the Iranian-controlled … Ryan is the second prominent US official, after Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan, to call for the US to accept … It is true that much of the fault here belongs to the US.…
The Myth of Equality
– 21st century America, institutional racism and sexism remain great twin evils to be eradicated on our long journey to the wonderful world … How many scores of billions did this pathetic gain cost us? … us again and again.…
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