Results for: Barack Obama Website

We Have New Details About the Death of Obama's Personal Chef…arthas-vineyard-property-when-personal-chef-drowned-n2630311
– “The records, which are heavily redacted, indicate Barack Obama arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade. … “The next morning, the eyewitness was interviewed in the Obama residence, again with Barack Obama present. … The report from the Massachusetts State Police suggests that Barack and Michelle Obama “had been out for dinner” at the time of the…
Sore Losers
– Where were these people when Barack Obama blackballed Fox News? … It is no coincidence that this new age started after Barack Obama. … When Barack Obama was president, the political left said that was racism.…
It’s an Obama world: Students learn to talk like Barack Obama
– Here is an excerpt from the lesson plan: “Give them a handout of one of the transcripts of Barack Obama speeches from … (You can use speeches by other people, there are thousands on the website, but I like the Barack Obama speeches as he has high energy … The next step: “Play the MP3 or video file for the Barack Obama speech you chose (also on American Rhetoric), and ask students…
Obama Adviser Met With Hamas
– And you thought the Ayers/Wright scandals couldn't be topped.From the Times of London:One of Barack Obama’s Middle East policy advisers … Obama and we hope he will win the election." … on Cavuto a few weeks ago comparing Obama to Carter I remember Obama's presidential website states Obama would "talk to our foes and…
Tide Already Turning
– Fred Tausch was a maxed-out donor to Barack Obama's presidential campaign who has become so outraged about the stimulus bill he's now … I thought that when Obama talked about change, he was including that he would be more cautious about how we spend money," Tausch told … He's now spending more than $100,000 of his own money to promote his website…
Palin Investigation Tainted
Obama into question. … ’s decision to fire the state’s Public Safety Commissioner as Obama supporters. … Both Democrats have endorsed Obama for president and are currently supporting his candidacy, as identified on Obama's website.…
Obama's Faux Outrage Over Keating Five
– If Barack Obama is so outraged at John McCain’s involvement in the Keating Five scandal, why is John Glenn, another Keating  Five member … , doing surrogate work for Obama? … In August Glenn held conference calls with reporters on behalf of Obama, according to Obama's presidential website.…
MSNBC Teams Up With ACORN, La Raza,_la_raza
Obama for president." … Most of them are openly supporting Barack Obama and other Democrats in the November elections.Election Protection claims to be non-partisan … The Election Project features a snippet of her telling viewers about the project on their website.…
Obama Again Breaks Campaign Promise: No Sunlight before Signing
– On the campaign trail, Barack Obama promised that he would "not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity … to review and comment on the White House website for five days." … So Obama pledged during the campaign to institute "sunlight before signing."…
Former Lobbyist Holding Obama Fundraiser Tonight
– Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has promised he would not accept campaign donations from lobbyists, but apparently former … According to Obama’s campaign website, the minimum donation to attend is $1,000 and donations are encouraged up to $10,000. … Thos who raised at least $10,000 are given access to a “special pre-reception” with Obama. …
Purging: Deja Vu
– Remember when Hillary Clinton accused Barack of "scrubbing" his web site of all support for the war? … Here's a snippet from   a January '08 piece in the Huffington Post:"It is a fact that after Senator Obama spoke out against the war … So first Barack removed a speech opposing the war at a time (2004) when such opposition might have opened his "judgment" to question…
Gore Endorses Obama: So What?
– The day after Al Gore endorsed Barack Obama in Detroit, MSNBC kept repeating the allegedly big news with the on-air question … Al Gore, one of the last big-name Democrats, getting behind Barack Obama in a big way, making a speech that could have won him the … NBC's Lee Cowan trumpeted Gore's nod live from the venue in Detroit: "He says he'll do whatever he can to make sure that Barack Obama
Obama Promotes Singing Kid Vid
– A video circulating on the internet of school-aged children singing in support of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is … The Drudge Report linked to the YouTube video declaring “Obama Kids Sing for Dear Leader" Tuesday afternoon drawing much attention … The video was promoted on Obama's presidential website in an August 20 post.…
UPDATE: Obama Campaign Denies Purchase of
– to the bottom of the kerfuffle, which we discussed yesterday: The Democratic National Committee insists the website … wasn’t created by its team, or the Obama campaign apparatus. … UPDATE II: As I write this, Vice President Biden is hailing the "bravery" and "gutsiness" of Barack a speech to our troops…
Communist Paper Supports Obama
– A Communist newspaper is supporting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for president, praising his ability to “unite the … The piece argues, while Obama “is not a left candidate,” he is the best candidate towards advance the kind of “progressive change” … The editorial was originally published on July 15 and reprinted online at the Communist Party USA’s website.…
Communist Paper Supports Obama
– A Communist newspaper is supporting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for president, praising his ability to “unite the … The piece argues, while Obama “is not a left candidate,” he is the best candidate to advance the kind of “progressive change” the Communist … The editorial was originally published on July 15 and reprinted online at the Communist Party USA’s website.…
Sarkozy, Obama Not Netanyahu Fans?,_obama_not_netanyahu_fans
– A report has surfaced that French President Nicholas Sarkozy and our own representative President Barack Obama accidentally shared … The report includes the following details: French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that … According to the report, Obama replied: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"…
Huntsman Walks Back Assault Weapons Ban Flub
– The former Utah governor and ambassador to China under President Barack Obama said without hesitation during an extensive interview … Hewitt posted a transcript of the interview and Huntsman's subsequent email on his website,…
Obama Reacts to Skinhead Plot
– "I think what has been striking in this campaign is the the degree to which these kind of hate groups have been marginalized," BarackObama told Jon Delano of Pittsburgh's KDKA. … The two minute interview is available on KDKA's website HERE.…
In Obama’s America, A Somewhat Less-Free Press
Obama. … Obama and the company he keeps. … Sunstein laments the supposed “lie” that emerged during the 2008 presidential race, that “Barack Obama pals around with terrorists.…
Another Prominent Liberal Endorses Romney-Ryan
– Silverman's support of Romney is particularly notable as he publicly supported Barack Obama in 2008, has spent most of his life as … Silverman's endorsement is the lead article currently posted on the home page of our website.   … I thought Barack Obama was ideally situated to speak some necessary truths to the Islamic world. …
Ouch: Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Fall Two Million Short of Goal…lment-numbers-still-fall-two-millions-short-of-goal-n1769611
– Though surpassing the million mark is a positive sign for President Barack Obama’s landmark health care reform, the administration … — despite the website problems, despite the messaging problems.” … Obama (@BarackObama) December 29, 2013 However, based on America's reaction to the bill, few people will be…
Jay Carney: Of Course Obama's Big Campaign Donors Don't Get Hired as Diplomats Because They Donated…rs-dont-get-hired-as-diplomats-because-they-donated-n1794025
– Take for example George James Tsunis, a big Obama campaign bundler appointed to be the U.S. … As Henri Barkey at the Washington Post relates, Bell - whose resume, aside from handling big wads of cash for Barack Obama's political … Obama win the White House.'"…
– Prepare to be blown away, America: Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, unveiled a new logo and website for … Kaine used the event, which was booked as a “major announcement” for the party, to hail the accomplishments of President Barack Obama
President a No Show at Gettysburg -- Thank Goodness!
Obama has been busy selling ObamaCare and working "24/7" on the next rollout of the website. … Obama doesn't have competent help. … If Barack Obama had agreed to show up at the Sesquicentennial of the Gettysburg Address, the comparisons might not have been favorable…
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