Trump Impeached a Second Time

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Townhall Review
January 15, 2021

Townhall Review for January 16, 2021

Hugh Hewitt and Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse talk about the latest effort by Democrats to impeach the President.

Hugh Hewitt talks with Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw about the second effort to impeach President Donald Trump.

Bob Frantz and Peter Kirsanow, member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, talk about the actions by social media to eliminate Parler.

Mike Gallagher talks about the how and why big tech moved so quickly against Parler.

Hugh Hewitt and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talk about the dangers the Chinese Communist Party pose for the new President.

Dennis Prager talks with restaurant owner Angela Marsden about the banning of outdoor dining at her restaurant while Hollywood filming crews were allowed to dine outdoors in the same parking lot.

Mike Gallagher examines how President-elect Biden missed a prime opportunity to help bring some sanity to the volatile situation in the nation’s capitol.

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