Violent Protestors Breach the Capitol

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Townhall Review
January 8, 2021

Townhall Review for January 9, 2021

Hugh Hewitt talks with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton about the protest near the Capitol that turned into a riot.

Hugh Hewitt and former Missouri Senator Jim Talent talk about what caused the violent protest at the Capitol building.

Hugh Hewitt talks with Eliana Johnson, of the Washington Free Beacon, about the Democrat agenda now that they control Congress and the White House.

Hugh Hewitt talks with Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher about what happened in the Senate run off race in Georgia.

Seth Leibsohn and Dr. Donald Siegel, author of the article titled “Pandemic Response is Our Vietnam”, talk about the way government uses statistics to keep us engaged.

Kevin McCullough talks with Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, about the pandemic’s effects and healthcare.

Charlie Kirk talks about Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and the “fudging” of her resume and other tales.

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