Lanhee Chen: North Korean Summit A Significant Step on a Long Road

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Townhall Review
June 12, 2018

President Trump’s historic summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un was a very significant step as the two leaders seek to bridge the wide chasm that has separated the two nations since the cessation of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula almost 65 years ago.

While the world made much of the handshake and the photo op between President Trump and Kim Jong-Un, our focus should really be on the hard work that comes now … in the wake of their meeting.

North Korea agreed to engage in complete denuclearization, but will we be able to both verify their actions and ensure they cannot restart their nuclear weapons program?

These are important questions that remain to be answered. 

We should all hope and pray for success.  And the recent summit was a huge step forward.  But we should also recognize that a difficult and long road lies ahead.


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