The Scourge of Opioids and the Looming Battle Over Trade
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Townhall Review -- March 10, 2018
President Trump cracks down on a growing epidemic, opioids. Andrew Sullivan sits in with Michael Medved to discuss the deadly depths of this powerful and all too available drug. Hugh Hewitt invites Ohio Senator Rob Portman about the STOP Act, a Congressional effort to address this life-ending menace. Heritage Foundation economist and presidential advisor Stephen Moore sits in with Larry Elder to talk about the dangers of the steel and aluminum tariffs that President Trump wants to implement. Pat Buchanan sits in with Mike Gallagher to share how the tarrifs actually are very pro-American. Dennis Prager discusses the Antifa demonstrations surrounding Christina Hoff Sommers at Louis and Clark Law School. Hugh Hewitt speaks with South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham about tariffs, FISA, and North Korea Denuclearization. Michael Medved shares new research from the Gallup organization on money and happiness.
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