
Oh Boy: Guess Which Member of #TheResistance Now Has Their Own Action Figure

We may have found a doll scarier than those dead-eyed porcelain children that always seemed to watch you sleep while you stayed in your grandparents’ spare bedroom: the Elizabeth Warren action figure. 

That’s right; thanks to a Brooklyn-based design company, you’ll soon be able to purchase your very own Sen. Warren doll. 

FCTRY, which sells products like “unicorn snot” and the “mustachifier,” started making what they call political action figures back in 2008. Naturally, they started with Barack Obama for the “die hard” Obama fans.

When the doll took off, FCTRY decided to donate a portion of the sales to the Obama campaign and the DNC. 

In 2015 and 2016, the company did the same for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, giving them each their own political action figures to help raise money for their campaigns. 

Even though its candidate lost, FCTRY didn’t want to leave out our new president and ever so kindly designed the Evil Trump “over re-action figure” equipped with “twitter-sized hands” and removable hair. 

A small portion of doll’s sales are donated to Border Angels, a non-profit that helps immigrants cross the U.S.-Mexico border. FCTRY called Border Angels a “pretty questionable charity that should probably be looked into.” 

“But we think it's a good PR move so we'll send them some money,” the company wrote on their webpage. “Whatever. You're welcome.” Hey, at least they’re honest. 

Unfortunately, the company didn’t stop with Trump. Last month, FCTRY set up a Kickstarter page to raise money for it’s next political action figure: Elizabeth Warren. 

The Elizabeth Warren doll comes complete with: 

  • Righteous fist to fight for the middle class 
  • Rolled up sleeves to wrestle with the big banks
  • Power blazer to toppled the patriarchy
  • Sensible boots to march on Washington
  • Prescription glasses to see though the GOP’s bullsh*t
  • Optimistic smile to give us hope 
  • One open hand to smack down Trump’s policies
  • Comfortable slacks to stand up for democracy 

FCTRY must've forgotten her Native American headdress. 

The company is hoping to team up with Emily's List, a non-profit dedicated to “getting pro-choice Democratic women elected to office,” once it raises enough money to produce the doll. 

So far, the Kickstarter page has raised $141,760. It’s goal was $15,000. 

FCTRY has promised to spin the “Stretch Goal Wheel of Wonder” every time the page reaches a new milestone. When it reached $100,000, the company announced it will be producing a new, “more distinguished, post- presidency” Obama doll. 

What member of the Resistance will be immortalized in plastic next?