
5 Cartoons That Perfectly Sum Up the UC Berkeley Protests

UC Berkeley was, quite literally, set ablaze last week as liberals threw their biggest hissy fit yet. This time it was over Milo Yiannoplos, the gay, immigrant, vehemently anti-PC Breitbart News editor who was scheduled to give a talk on Berkeley’s campus. 

The event was a part of Yiannoplous’ “Dangerous F*ggot” college tour, which has already hit dozens of universities across the country. While a number of these places have protested Yiannoplous’ appearance, no other campus has taken it quite as far as UC Berekley. Windows were smashed, fires were set, businesses were looted; all in hopes of silencing a man they disagreed with. 

What many students fail to understand is that what Yiannopolous is saying is still protected speech, and the best way to combat disputed speech is with more speech. But rather than listen to Yiannopulous and refute his points during an open and free debate, these students - and even some professors - burned the place to the ground, effectively shutting down Yiannoplous' talk, and more importantly, free speech. 

Here are five cartoons that perfectly encapsulate the Berkeley “protests.”

More like $100,000 worth of damage…

by Lisa Benson 2/03/2017

The Left’s answers for everything...

by Dana Summers 2/06/2017

How liberals "debate."

by Glenn McCoy 2/03/2017

The thing that once thrived most at Berkley is now failing. 

by Mike Lester 2/03/2017

The greatest damage done. 

by Steve Breen 2/03/2017