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LOL: Michael Moore, Parkland Students Partner Together... To 'Save America'

Michael Moore is known for his crazy, conspiracy-ridden movies that Lefties just love. He's back...again, and this time, his latest movie, Fahrenheit 11/9, focuses on the "evil" that is Donald Trump.


On Friday night, Moore held the first public screening of the film during the Toronto International Film Festival. To make matters even more interesting, Moore invited Parkland survivors David Hogg, Ryan Deitsch and Matt Dietsch to join him.

A questions and answers segment was scheduled directly after the film ended. Instead of taking questions, Moore instantly turned the microphone over to Hogg, the Dietsch brothers and two people from Flint, Michigan, to address the audience, which can be seen in a Facebook live:

Hogg used the time to rally the audience, despite not knowing that Canadians cannot take part in the American political process.

"I have a question for you guys: who's ready to save America? Who's ready to make America the country we say it is on paper and make it the actual country that it wants to be?" Hogg asked a crowd. "I think the most important thing to realize, however, is the problems we face as a country, whether it be water in Flint, Michigan or the mass amount of mass incarceration of people of color that can't vote. In Florida, the number of eligible African Americans that would otherwise be eligible to vote but can't because of a previous conviction is 21 percent. In Kentucky it's 26 percent. In Mississippi and Alabama it's 15 to 16 percent. These are people of color that have been discriminated against and still are to this day. And have had their rights taken away."


A member of the audience yelled, "Shame!" to which Hogg replied, "Turn that shame into your vote!"

Interestingly enough, Hogg was preaching to Canadians...about American elections and laws. 

"I think Canadians can make political contributions in the United States," he said with a laugh, while looking at Moore. He then realized what he said and told the audience, "Well, vote here [in Canada]. Learn from us. Don't let this happen here because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track."

One of the other Parkland survivors, Matt Deitsch, used the time to talk about his sister's experience meeting with legislators after the shooting.

"The film — and I've always applauded Michael Moore for this — makes you look at the reality of what's going on right now and I get emotional because the shooting was our sister's birthday and she lost three friends that day. Before I saw the clip of Parkland, I did not know she was going to be in the film," Matt Deitsch told the audience. "She was in the rooms with those lawmakers in Florida, at the Tallahassee, at the Florida state capital, where they're comparing mass shootings to cutting grass. I remember how defeated she felt coming back from that trip and I remember talking to her about what she learned that day with our state legislators. And I remember feeling hopeful because her and her friends realized how much they [legislators] had failed them [the students]. And they [the students] were able to communicate that failure in such an impeccable way, in such an intelligent way that we [March for Our Lives] were able to communicate that with the rest of the country and this summer we went on a 63-day road trip around this country with kids from all over America and that is what the film looked like, is meeting these people, in these communities, and talking about the issues that effect all of us, not just some of us. And so this film needs to be seen by more people and this film needs to inspire people to actually vote on November 6th because with youth registration rates doubled in every state, I know change will come on November 6th."


Moore took to Twitter to thank his special guests for going to Toronto with him:

But would Moore admit if he didn't receive a "standing ovation" from his audience? 

The Takeaway

It will be interesting to watch the interaction between Moore and the Parkland students moving forward. It seems as though both parties are using each other for personal gain: Moore to pimp out his new movie and the Parkland kids to reach die-hard Moore fans. 

The relationship seems to be mutually beneficial, if it'll have any pull in the United States. 

The saddest part of film's entire "theory" is the notion America was somehow stolen, that President Trump is somehow the enemy of everything America stands for.

How liberals view America (and Trump) can be summed up in one paragraph on Moore's website:

Ever since that fateful morning at 2:29 AM on 11/9/16 when the Associated Press officially called the election for Trump, we have been trying to save what’s left of our democracy. This is not a film telling you what a jerk Donald Trump is or what an buffoon Donald Trump is or what a liar Donald Trump is. You already know all that. Everybody already knows all that (except for your conservative brother-in-law, whose mind you’ll never be able to change). I wouldn’t waste your time or my time making that kind of film. And with all due respect to your conservative brother-in-law, we don’t need him. We’re the majority in this country, he’s the minority, he knows it, and that’s why he’s so mad!


The Left sees Trump as a threat to Democracy (and for clarification, we're a Republic, not a Democracy) and to the "American way of life." What they don't see is that those who voted for Trump want to preserve America's values of freedom, prosperity, rugged individualism and a love of country. 

President Trump is not the enemy. This isn't a battle against one man. This is a battle against American tradition...and our Constitution. 

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