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The New Manifesto: Kamala Harris and the Rise of a Revolutionary America

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Today, America stands at a crossroads. The path we choose moving forward will determine the future of its method of wealth redistribution (i.e., will it remain as it is, or be cast explicitly in terms of racial and class struggle?). Moreover, the potential remaking of American history in revolutionary terms mirrors principles laid out in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. We do not merely face a possible political shift toward more liberal policies that expand the welfare state, but a movement with deep roots in neo-Marxist ideology, one that could fundamentally reshape the fabric of our nation.


At the heart of Marxism lies the promise of a classless society—a utopia where the working class unites to overthrow the owners (bourgeoisie). Marx envisioned socialism as the first step toward this ultimate goal, a transitional phase where the state takes control of the means of production to ensure equality. However, history has demonstrated that this first step often leads not to liberation but to the rise of authoritarian regimes where power becomes concentrated in the hands of a few. The very idealism that seeks to empower the working class frequently creates a vacuum for a dictatorial force to emerge—a leader who, under the guise of temporarily managing democracy, consolidates power and steers the movement toward tyranny.

Kamala Harris, in her pursuit of social justice, speaks of class struggle in terms of race and economic disparity. Her call for wealth redistribution and the reshaping of American history through a revolutionary lens at times resembles the demands laid out in Marx’s Communist Manifesto—a progressive manifesto that called for the abolition of existing property relations, the centralization of credit and communication, and the state-controlled redistribution of resources. 

"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place," she once claimed.

However, the fundamental flaw in this approach is not merely theoretical; it is deeply rooted in the profound misunderstanding of human nature and national sovereignty. As history has repeatedly shown, whenever power is concentrated in the hands of a few, even with the best of intentions, the result is often oppression and the erosion of individual freedoms.


The rise of a dictatorial force is not a hypothetical outcome; it is a predictable result of centralizing authority. In Marxist thought, the concentration of power was seen as a temporary measure necessary to transition from capitalism to socialism. Yet, in practice, this concentration of power rarely disperses peacefully. Instead, it solidifies into a new ruling class that often oppresses the very people it claims to be liberating. This is not just a flaw in the implementation of Marxist ideals; it’s also a reflection of a deeper truth about human nature—“absolute power,” as the old chestnut goes, “corrupts absolutely.” 

As a student of Marx, I do not raise these concerns as a pejorative or partisan attack but as a critical analysis of the historical patterns that emerge from neo-Marxist thought. The ideal of empowering the oppressed through radical change is noble, but it carries with it the seeds of potential tyranny. When too much power is entrusted to a single individual or technocracy—even temporarily, or with caveats attached, the likelihood of corruption and oppression increases dramatically.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern left, it’s crucial to remember that the road to revolution is fraught with danger. The rise of Kamala Harris as a champion of class struggle may inspire many, but it also raises questions about the future of American democracy. Will the supposed pursuit of justice lead to the creation of a more equitable society, or will it result in the concentration of power and the erosion of the freedoms that define our nation? 


The lessons of Marxism are clear: whenever ideals of class struggle and wealth redistribution are put into practice, the risk of dictatorship looms large. As we stand at this crossroads, we must carefully consider the path we choose. The trail of bloodshed caused by Marxist views in Europe, Russia, South America, and so many other countries offers us a stark reminder of what happens when power is placed in the hands of a few. In the same way, the choices we make today will shape the future of our nation. Let us hope that, in our pursuit of justice, we do not lose sight of the values that have made America a beacon of freedom in the world.

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