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So. . . . It Turns out the Tea Party was Right After All

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

After years of media ridicule, and name calling, NBC finally figured it out: Maybe the President wasn’t actually telling the truth when he said we could keep our current insurance. Michael Cannon, from Cato, joined the program to discuss the millions of Americans who are being dumped from their coverage in the wake of Obamacare.


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Show Prep:

Michael Cannon, from Cato, joined the program to discuss the millions of Americans who are being dumped from their coverage in the wake of Obamacare:

What’s Right with Ransom:

Big Three:

The Program in its entirety:

Other News:
Oh, wait. . . On second thought, I guess Obamacare does have some problems:
Just to name 1.5 million problems:
Obama: “I had no idea we were spying on Germany.” People around Obama: “Yeah. . . Yeah he did.”
Name the bigger threat: Illegal Immigrants, or “Man-Bear-Pig”?

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