
Time to Abort Democrats

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There is one week left in this election; if you haven’t voted yet, do it. But only if you’re going to vote for Republicans. If you’re going to vote for Democrats, I really couldn't care less if you do not vote. I’d prefer it. 

Since it’s the only thing Democrats can talk about, it’s time to exercise the only “choice” the political left will allow Americans to make and abort them, all of them.

Up and down the ballot, every Democrat everywhere is pretty much every other Democrat. As some candidates in purple states try to inch a little closer to Donald Trump on certain issues and away from Kamala Harris as both a candidate and a person, recognize that they are all the same. It does not matter what they tell you or how they phrase it; that (D) after their name indicates that they are lying.

If their lips are moving, they’re lying. If they’re breathing, they’re thinking about lying. If they’re sleeping, they’re dreaming about lying.

Abort them all.

Yes, Donald Trump is significantly better than Kamala Harris. Hell, so is the fish I have in my office; all it does is annoy the cats. But JD Vance is lightyears better than Tim Walz, with JD’s actual life accomplishments outpacing all the lies Walz has told about himself. Honestly, is there anything he hasn’t lied about – he was never deployed in the war, he was an assistant coach, he didn’t receive various awards, he was wasted while driving, not “suffering from hearing loss,” so he couldn’t comply with a field sobriety test. He’s as genuine as he is stable when he walks out on stage. I’ve seen homeless junkies wasted on meth in better control of their bodies than this Division 3 college mascot reject.

But it’s not just them. There isn’t a Democrat running for Senate worthy of voting for. Bob Casey Jr. in Pennsylvania has saved money on food his entire career as he’s been dining out on his father, Bob Casey Sr., name. His dad was the state’s governor, and his only accomplishment was taking advantage of that. He’s not smart enough to successfully operate a shoelace, but he’s smart enough to take advantage of that.

Sherrod Brown in Ohio sounds like Cookie Monster, only dumber. He’s about as left-wing as they come and dutifully avoids any tough interviews. He pretends to be conservative on some issues, but he’s not. It’s straightforward to say conservative things on issues the Democrats will never allow to come up for a vote. It’s not a brave stance to call for the elimination of unicorns since they don’t exist, nor is it heroic to speak favorably about securing the southern border if you know your party will never put you in a position to have to do anything about it.

Tammy Baldwin is in Wisconsin, and Jacky Rosen is in Nevada. Are you kidding me? Even if you live in one of those states, challenge your friends to pick them out of a line-up. They are non-entities who, like so many Democrats, are 5-year progressives. What that means is they govern and vote in goose-step, er, lock-step with the radical left for 5 years, then when they are up for reelection, become “conservative” in rhetoric and insignificant votes for that year. It’s a fraud, a game, and they all do it.

None do it more than Jon Tester. The flat-top fraud in Montana always plays the “aw, shucks” card like he just fell off the turnip truck and is shocked by the happenings in the “big city.” The truth is, Tester is a left-winger, through and through. He’s a millionaire who complains that his opponents are rich while begging normal people for money. When that 6th year in his term comes up, you’d think he was Ronald Reagan when he’s really Jimmy Carter, only worse.

It's telling that Democrats campaign like Republicans, isn’t it? Especially when they govern like communists. Don’t fall for it, and don’t let your friends fall for it. Vote against every single one of them, up and down the ballot. If your state offers a straight ticket option, use it. Suppose they don’t, enjoy the satisfaction of actively voting against all of them individually. However you do it, go to the polls and abort them all.