
CNN Is Triggered by ‘Riggers’ and Our Own Katie Pavlich Is Targeted by Hackery

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Glossary Over Things – CNN

  • This sounds so very close to offensiveness that they get to accuse Trump of the worst.

This is just the latest proof that the press concocts problems in order to go after Trump and not address anything regarding the numerous Joe Biden issues. In this latest lame effort, surrounding the fourth indictment of the former president (seriously, we know what Andrea Mitchell says about “fatigue” on this issue), Jake Tapper gathered a panel to look deeply concerned over some wording in a Trump post made on Truth Social.

The former president was commenting about the Georgia election and what he perceived to be efforts to rig the election, mentioning how some activity was looked at by him as proof they tampered with some results.

There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!”

Tapper and the gang were deeply concerned over Trump’s use of this term. In fact, they were so triggered by this, it was repeated on the air and they had it spelled out onscreen for the entire segment.

Low Octane Gas Lighting – MEDIAITE

At Mediaite, they are charged with the duty of monitoring the press. But when they fall back into the same ethically-challenged practices of those they cover, you end up with something resembling hack-inception taking place.

Our own Katie Pavlich was targeted by Michael Luciano regarding her “Special Report” appearance on Fox News, and the indolent effort was exposed rather immediately.

Luciano claimed that Pavlich said Donald Trump attempting to forcibly overturn the 2020 election result was just normal politics.

Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich characterized Donald Trump’s active effort to overturn the 2020 election as something that “is supposed to be a normal political process.” 

The facts – that is, Katie’s actual quotes – are supplied deeper in the piece (and available in the embedded video) and thus we can see what she actually was saying. That is, something completely different than what Luciano claims.

But it does feel like Democrats are allowed to pursue those things while Republicans are now being indicted for what is supposed to be a normal political process.

Presentation Paradox – THE ATLANTIC

  • If this is a call to get university elitists out of the public school system, then we are in agreement, for once.

High-minded thinker and self-proclaimed “expert” Tom Nichols elected to wade into the swampy discourse of the controversies with Florida schools. He decided to take exception with Christopher Rufo being appointed as an advisor for The New School of Florida, the failing university that is being addressed for improvements after nearly being closed down. 

Nichols took a look at what was taking place and decided that the concept of improving the quality and fortunes of a university was unacceptable because the “wrong” person was involved. He decided to come up with this retort to things.

You get to pick which is the more stunted result of his reveal here:

  • This means that we need to get Ivy Leaguers out of the school system.
  • Nichols is now an invalid voice as he hails from the very schools he was impugning.

(You are permitted to circle both.)

Pre-Written Field Reports – MSNBC

  • Yes, she sounds so horrible we agree she needs to be removed. We dare you!

On the “Jose Diaz-Belart Reports” program, the namesake host was speaking with Professor Marvin Dunn of Florida International University about the controversial Florida slavery curriculum. Lapsing into the already debunked narrative that one sentence in the 200-page report represented the entire course, Dunn then went further in calling out the black scholars who wrote this curriculum.

One, in particular, was pointed out as being problematic.

One of these people, one of these scholars that DeSantis is relying upon says she is grateful for slavery, she could be in Africa in some place worshipping a tree. She says Jews own everything.

Yeesh, dire stuff! One small detail we need to point out, however, professor: You were referring to State Representative Kimberly Daniels. She is a...um, how should we put this...?

Well, we’ll just say it – Daniels is a Democrat from Jacksonville.


We have covered how the viral hit song from upstart musician Oliver Anthony has been a great story and one that some in the mainstream press have taken exception to. Yes, when an artist dares to praise the downtrodden and offends the state for oppressive taxes and not helping the poor, the press has to rise up and defend the honor of those in power. Not a great look.

Joining the fray in quixotic fashion is writer Hannah Anderson at Christianity Today, who manages to get the point of the hit song “Rich Men North Of Richmond”. In her knee-jerk defense of those on the SNAP government food system, she manages to miss that what Anthony referred to specifically was the people who abuse this system, while his larger point was about the lower class being oppressed through confiscatory taxation.

It might have helped Anderson to avoid this embarrassment by first realizing she was echoing the distempered minds at imbalance news outlets. She then might have stepped back and thought about her approach.

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • Just go ahead and say, ‘Aloha, Mr. President!’

President Biden seems intent on creating the Maui fire catastrophe into his personal Hurricane Katrina. And the press is certainly intent on preventing this from occurring. After days of callously avoiding any type of formal comments on the tragedy, there was finally the announcement that Biden was going to make a trip to the island.

However, details are not something the White House feel they need to share. When asked by pool reporters if they could get any details from Biden about the trip, he delivered a familiar response – a terse “No.”

And then, as he trundles away, after not answering any questions on the serious matter, we hear the ever-grateful pool reporters shout out gratitude...for not being given anything tangible.