
Biden Blows Hot Air on The Weather Channel, and Rachel Maddow Finds AR-15s for Babies!

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Low Octane Gaslighting – MSNBC

  • This is a remarkable display of histrionics absent of any facts.

In a truly amazing display of brazen incompetence, Rachel Maddow had a scorching expose on the firearms industry – THEY ARE SELLING GUNS TO BABIES!!!

While that sounds like hyperbole done for the sake of effect, no – this is actually what she is claiming. 

Maddow shared that she's discovered the company Wee Tactical, which markets a line of guns for children to use. Never mind that there have been small-sized guns for training purposes since forever, THIS firearm is called a JR-15, a smaller recreation of the AR-15, and is thus super scary. Never mind that this is a modified rifle that shoots a .22, which is commonly the ordinance kids use when learning to shoot. What had Rachel in a real dander was that there is a logo stamped on the breech that is a skull and crossbones with a pacifier in the mouth.

I think we can all come together around the somewhat obvious idea that if there is one consumer product that America needs, one thing we're just missing as a country, it's probably a gun that is specifically designed for babies. A gun specifically designed to be wielded by babies. Specifically, an assault rifle-style semiautomatic long gun made to look kind of like the civilian version of a U.S. military-issue M-4 rifle but sized down so like toddlers can use them.

There is really no excuse for this display – at all. Simply embarrassing.

Pathological Media Amnesia – CNN

  • We thinks the woman denies too much-eth.

Joining the ranks of journos who get strung up denying Democrats want to abort children up to childbirth – as Dasha Burns did in the Ron DeSantis interview – we enter onto the list Dana Bash.

Ms. Bash came out to declare that she knows of no Democrats who lobby for these late-term abortions, despite the collection of Democrat governors pushing such legislation. She also says this despite interviewing Democrats who make this very declaration to her face.


  • We can forecast the front of spin moving in from the White House communications office.

President Biden is on his climate tour to push his legislation, and he recently sat down with Stephanie Abrams for an interview on the edge of the Grand Canyon. We were joking yesterday about him fumbling with a weather map, but our dear leader managed to make an even bigger mess of things by simply sitting and talking. Here is some of his inclement commentary.

  • Claimed the country has already called a state of emergency in relation to the climate
  • Stated that we have a $365 billion climate control facility (which no one understands what he means by this)
  • Said "We're preparing the military by trying to deal with the climate stuff!"
  • Told Abrams we are dealing with incoming immigration challenges by fixing the lighting in their home countries
  • Announced we are getting rid of ALL of the lead pipes...in the United States
  • Said "We're now transmitting over those lines on the east coast, we're transmitting solar! I mean wind power."
  • Said he is still trying to end all oil drilling 

And then, because he is Joe Biden after all, there had to be a moment of improperly pawing the female interviewer.

Both Kinds of Standards – CNN

  • These days horrible presidential approval numbers are something to be upset about.

Remember, back in the Trump era, the Presidential Approval Numbers were something to be trotted out on the regular. In fact, for many outlets, it was basically a quotidian practice, with them either making it a news item in and of itself, or at least mentioning as much as possible how low those figures were trending for Trump.

In the Biden years, this is not such a readily referenced statistic, largely due to Biden being further underwater in the polls than his predecessor. But the other tell is how the press frames it whenever they do manage to mention the low approvals. 

There are drawn-out segments about what the public does not understand about how well things are for them. As Jake Tapper is bemused by the figures, he turns to a panel to have them offer explanations, and the best has to be from Ayesha Rascoe from NPR, who details that people only think the economy is bad.

The connection isn’t happening. And I know that has to be frustrating for his staff. When you look at the economy, when you look at the raw numbers, there’s a lot of good there! Everything feels more expensive, and I think that’s the issue that they have, is that they have not been able to connect and make people feel like Biden has done something for them.

See, you are not really suffering through high prices and other challenges to your finances – it only feels like you are suffering.

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

There was a time when Donald Trump had been scorched in the press over his comments about slain soldiers being “losers” and how these kinds of comments angered Gold Star families. We bring this up now, not as a dose of whataboutism, but to display that there had been a time recently when the press was curious and concerned about the impressions of these family members of fallen soldiers.

Those Trump quotes were unattributed and had eventually been debunked by those actually in attendance when he allegedly said these things. Meanwhile, this week, members of 13 families of the soldiers who were killed during the evacuation of Afghanistan are giving testimony about those events, and there has been plenty of examples given of the president acting in a crude and insulting fashion toward them.

At Newsbusters, Kevin Tober notes that none of the broadcast networks felt inspired to cover any of these family members or what was being discussed in the hearings on the disastrous withdrawal.