
These Mass Shootings Sure Are Different Nowadays

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The media coverage of mass shootings has always been atrocious. It's riddled with the usual combination of fake news, hyperbole, and a gross ignorance of firearm laws. A simple Google search would show that most of what these anchors expound about in the aftermath of these tragedies regarding public policy is already law. It's not a question about action on the Hill; it's about law enforcement being unable or unwilling to enforce existing statutes. 

How many times have mass shooters been known to law enforcement? It's innumerable. The red flags are everywhere for the cases where the suspect was a white male, which earns at least a week of shrill lectures about gun control. Now, it's a couple of days tops before the media moves on, and it's because the recent string of mass shooters isn't fitting the molds to manufacture narratives to attack Republicans. 

Let me start by saying that it shouldn't be like this, but the media has long poured the foundations regarding these incidents, where the weapon and race are paramount, the only parts of the story that matter. It's not the victims of the families, though they mention those aggrieved parties before ripping into the AR-15 rifle, the GOP, and how prayer is a relic of the past. It's funny how those we entrust with the news are blind to the long-standing fact that we're the most religious nation in the industrialized world. 

The firearm lexicon is also butchered beyond recognition. Semi-automatic doesn't mean automatic firing—every firearm with a detachable magazine has the former regarding the firing system: all it means is self-reloading. The lack of knowledge of the laws is also appalling. Domestic abusers are already prohibited from owning firearms; there are background checks for all legal gun purchases from FFL dealers without exception, and the gun show loophole is a myth. Yet, the media doesn't care about the facts. 

It's all about the integrity of the narrative. An M16 rifle with an M203 grenade launcher attachment was featured during a computer simulation of the 2013 Navy Yard shooting; the perpetrator used a shotgun. This occurred right after Sandy Hook, so the media was trying to do everything it could to support new gun laws as Obama began his second term. No dice. Under Biden, we've had non-binary and black mass shooters commit heinous acts of violence, and these atrocities have been smothered with a pillow.

The recent shootings at East High School in Denver, Colorado, and Michigan State University were committed by two black males armed with handguns. Both perpetrators committed suicide after their attacks. The shooting at Club Q in November 2022 left five people dead and over 20 wounded at the LGBT establishment. The anti-GOP swipes halted as soon as the shooter was identified as non-binary. The tragic shooting at The Covenant School, a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, which left three children and three adult staffers dead, was committed by a transgender armed with two AR-15s and a handgun. This school shooting comes before the planned Day of Vengeance this community was about to hold in response to what they view as transphobic legislation being promoted by conservatives. 

White dudes aren't shooting people with AR-15s now—it's the Left and their ilk. The non-binaries are shooting up gay clubs, while the transgenders are targeting Christian schools. All of this does not make well for a media establishment beholden to the Democratic Party. They can't help when these are the facts. If it continues, it could drastically reduce gun violence coverage because liberals can't score points anymore. It's their side that's the problem now. Liberals know language isn't on their side on these issues; people can see past the nonsense, which is also heinously constructed and belligerent to the hilt. That's why there's this push to censor since it prevents a debate that will expose the liberal agenda as pathetically shallow and large parts of it unconstitutional. So, now these loons are resorting to murder.