The Rebirth of Mao Zedong

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Mao Zedong (“Chairman Mao” to the Chinese people) served as the dictator of the People’s Republic of China from 1949, when the communists took over China, until his death in 1976.  Historians consider him the greatest mass murderer in human history, with somewhere between 60-70 million (after birth) innocent deaths to his credit.  This far outpaces Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler.  It would be hard to find a greater fiend in human history than Mao Zedong.

But since Mao’s death, no single individual in the Chinese Communist Party has been able to accrue as much power in his hands as Mao did.  Many have tried, but none has succeeded. 

Until now.

Xi Jinping has become the most dangerous man on earth, because he, without serious challenge, now unquestionably controls the Communist Party in China, a country with a huge economy, powerful military, and the largest population on earth.  At the current 10th Party Congress of the Communist Party, Xi was given an unprecedented third five-year term as President/General Secretary of the Communist Party.  This is actually unconstitutional in China, though the Chinese constitution is about as weighty to the CCP as the American constitution is to Democrats.  The Chinese Constitution states that a person can only serve two five-year terms.  This constitutional coup by Xi would be almost like, well, a President of the United States ordering the FBI to invade the home of a former President to find information that might prevent that former President from serving again.  Not exactly the same, but close.  Xi will now serve a third term, and no doubt, he will be dictator for as long as he chooses, probably for the rest of his life.  He is 69 years old, so he may be around for awhile.

A very bizarre event occurred on Saturday at the CCP meeting, one that solidified Xi’s power and sent a stern message to anyone in the Party who might dare to oppose him.  Former President Hu Jintao was sitting next to Xi when two men came, grabbed Hu by the arms, and forcibly removed him from the event.  Hu is seen apparently pleading with Xi Jinping, who basically ignored him.  Hu is gone, and nobody knows where.

The symbolism here cannot be denied.  International observers speculate that Xi orchestrated the event in order to send a warning to any possible opponents, to anyone who might have even a thought about challenging him.  Nobody will.  Xi is now free to follow any course he chooses, and there will be no serious resistance.

The Chinese people have not been given any clarification as to what happened in the Hu event, nor will they be—at least no true explanation.   The Chinese Xinihua News Agency posted the following hilarious statement on Twitter (which is blocked in China):  “When he (Hu) was not feeling well during the session, his staff, for his health, accompanied him to a room next to the meeting venue for a rest.  Now he is much better.”  Yes, accompanied him by forcibly dragging him out of the meeting.  Hu might indeed be resting peaceably now---with his ancestors.    

Xi hasn’t killed as many yet as Mao Zedong did; he hasn’t needed to.  We don’t know how many Uyghurs he has disposed of, and the number of “disappeared” dissidents who have “disappeared” forever will probably never be known.  The 6+ million deaths from the Wuhan virus can be directly attributed to him, as a new study (more on this in a subsequent article soon) indicates with near-virtual certainty that the virus was created in a lab. I have no doubt that the CCP released the virus into the world intentionally to not only see its effects, but also as a cover for China’s aggressions.  A few thousand Chinese deaths, and a few million others around the globe, are totally inconsequential to the Party that has killed more people than any other in history.  Xi Jinping is every bit as much of a moral monster as Mao Zedong was.  And now he has total power in China.  He’ll stop at nothing to accomplish whatever goals he has.  Taiwan is almost certainly on his radar, and soon, as in, before Joe Biden leaves office.

Xi Jinping, not Vladimir Putin, is America’s greatest enemy.  Americans, because of our western, Euro-centric history, have been slow to catch on that world power is shifting to Asia, and our knowledge of that continent is woefully inadequate.  We need to wake up soon to the greatest threat we face—a new Mao Zedong, who now has control of perhaps the largest military in the world and a huge economy.  Mao didn’t have that.  Xi does.

And we have Joe Biden as President.  

I said earlier that Xi Jinping is the most dangerous man in the world.  Maybe number 2.   After Joe Biden.   Stupidity in power is absolutely horrifying.

This is not good, folks.

Christmas is coming!  My 2nd Rob Conners western novel, River Bend, is now available.  Honestly, I think it is much better than my first book, Whitewater.  Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Eliva.com.  Get a 10% discount on the paperback at info@elivapress.com.  And check out my blog at thailandlewis.blogspot.com.