Nikki Haley Spotlights Trailblazing Women in New Book

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Move over, Hillary Clinton and gutsy women. Meet 10 bold women—from the left, right, and middle–whose stories are worth telling. 

Former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s latest book, If You Want Something Done: Leadership Lessons from Bold Women, introduces readers to trailblazing, bold women who’ve gone unnoticed and been underappreciated by many.

Fans of Margaret Thatcher, to whom Chapter One of the book is dedicated, will appreciate the nod to her famous quote: “If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”

Upon receiving my copy for review, I consumed all 256 pages in a relatively short time. It’s an easy read. Haley’s writing style also keeps readers interested in her subjects and invites them to learn more. 

Trust me, you won’t put this book down. Why? It’s a lovely collection of stories about women who were “firsts” in their respective fields— women who broke barriers, women who defied the odds, and women who didn’t settle for “no” in their respective battles and challenges. These are women who transcended politics, geographical regions, and periods.

In addition to highlighting the Iron Lady, Haley introduces readers to nine other extraordinary women: former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Jeane Kirkpatrick, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, Cindy Warmbier, Nadia Murad, Virginia Walden Ford, Claudette Colvin, Virginia Hall, Wilma Rudolph, and Amelia Earhardt. 

Rest assured, these women aren’t simply admired for trivial reasons. They are deserving of the accolades heaped their way. Our culture, aided and abetted by many media figures, sadly undervalue their contributions. 

Haley should be applauded for spotlighting bold, courageous women. And book reviewers seem to agree, too.

Kirkus Review, a preeminent American book review magazine, complimented Haley for renewing interest in these 10 inspiring women, writing: “An inspiring collection that could lead to further study of these remarkable historical figures.” 

There are many books out there about women’s empowerment that preach “ra ra sisterhood” yet tear down men and ostracize their conservative female counterparts for not aligning with progressivism. 

Haley, alternatively, strikes a conciliatory tone and invites readers to judge these ladies on their merits and deeds. 

“I decided to write this book because there are incredible women who inspired me throughout my life, and I wanted other people to be inspired too,” she writes in the introduction. “From the big decisions to the everyday choices we make, I hope these stories give you the courage to live the life you want and deserve.” 

No wonder her third published book is being well-received by Americans. As of this writing, If You Want Something Done… landed the coveted eighth spot on the New York Times bestseller list in the Non-Fiction Hardcover category and is currently ranked 128 on USA Today’s Top 150 Bestsellers list.

Like the women prominently highlighted in her now-bestseller, the conservative newsmaker has endured her share of obstacles that made her stronger—not weaker. 

Recently, the former South Carolina Governor faced an ugly barrage of racist attacks from fellow women—unsurprisingly, the women of ABC’s The View. Another woman, New York Attorney General Letitia James, is also targeting Haley by leaking tax filings–including private donor information–about her Stand for America group.

Even in the face of attacks, Haley – like these 10 women– maintains poise, grace, and class. 

A key takeaway from Haley’s book is this: These profiles in courage can inspire us in media and journalism – especially conservative women– to seek out and tell stories of inspiring women presently blazing a trail. 

There are many bold, courageous women (and men) currently writing their own stories. Some have major platforms, while others may operate more quietly behind the scenes. They are fighting valiant battles in the name of freedom and liberty. And they aren’t sitting on the sidelines. 

Instead, today’s emerging leaders are running for office, managing businesses, standing up for women’s sports, and raising families, for example.

Who are powerful women that immediately come to mind? I must plug Townhall’s very own Katie Pavlich. If you care about independent contracting – which President Biden’s Labor Department is presently waging a war on – follow Fight for Freelancers co-founder Kim Kavin. Check out former State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus. Get to know investigative journalist Lisa Daftari, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chief-of-Staff Mandy Gunasekara, Independent Women’s Forum’s Patrice Onwuka, 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer Riley Gaines, and countless others. Their stories will be told in due time.

And I look most to my mom— a Lithuanian immigrant who worked her way up the corporate ladder before retiring—for daily inspiration and encouragement. 

Great books stand alone in a sea of published works. If You Want Something Done… by Nikki Haley is the perfect read to get you through a crazy election season. Be sure to order a copy here