Oh, Boy, a Hurricane!

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Like Pavlov’s dogs, when liberals saw a hurricane heading towards Florida, their immediate reaction was, slobber slobber drool drool. “Man made climate change caused this hurricane!” A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Weather’s Channel’s report that August had no hurricanes at all. Unusual, but not unknown. That fact produced no rush to deny MMCC (“man-made climate change”). The lack of hurricanes doesn’t disprove MMCC, one big hurricane, though, does prove it. No scientific evidence (other than the hurricane) is offered, just sheer demagoguery by psychopaths. “When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.” And people will listen to you, and some may even believe you.

Global warming/climate change no longer has anything to do with science; it has everything to do with politics, money, and power. It has become an undeniable, incontrovertible mantra of the left, and a huge, multi-billion dollar industry as well. In academia, it is law. Universities want grant money, and to get it, their professors must toe the MMCC line. The pressure is great in many fields—politics, business, academia—pretty much everywhere. A lot of people have a lot to lose if MMCC is not true. Because so much is at stake for so many, MMCC has become a religion, a left-wing cause they simply cannot sacrifice. It is also a path to power for them, and that is no small thing. Indeed, it is, almost indisputably, the most important of all.

The left craves, lusts for power and control. It is, by far, their greatest longing—to dominate, rule others, elevate and intensify their egos by having others obey them. They think they should have it because of their intellectual and moral superiority. And that will to power is probably the main reason they are so successful in obtaining and holding onto it. People will generally put forth their greatest efforts to achieve what they want the most, and will frequently be successful simply because they have put forth such time and effort. Michael Jordan is perhaps the greatest basketball player who has ever lived, not just because he was blessed with superb natural talent, but also, I suspect, because he was on the court practicing long after everybody else had gone home for the night. Power isn’t as important to you and me, to conservatives; it isn’t our all-consuming passion in life. We have various, more important interests, be it family, God, money, whatever. But not power. So, we do not expend as much energy and determination as liberals do in learning how to obtain it, and in exercising ourselves to utilize and keep it on the (rare) occasions when we do have it.

One proposition that has had wide acceptance in some circles is that liberals are much more adept at “government” than conservatives. They love government; it satiates their otherwise weak character by giving them a sense of power, and they know how to use it in ways a conservative would never dream of. How often do the Democrats steamroll Republicans? That isn’t because all Republicans are necessarily stupid. To us, government is a necessary nuisance, occasionally useful, usually tyrannical. Liberals are better at power for the simple reason that they love it and work harder at it.

And because power is the totality of their lives, their all-consuming obsession, their reason for existence, liberals will justify any action, wave away any scruples, pursue any unprincipled course, as they strive to obtain what they believe to be theirs by right of superiority. Thus, lying, stealing, cheating, deceit, and in some countries, even mass murder, are all defended in the quest for their goals. And if you can find a “scientific” theory (Darwinism) that removes God from the moral universe, all the better. Any action can then be justified in attaining the earthly utopia they believe they can lead us to. Not heaven after the grave; "heaven" here on earth. And only these liberal priests know how to get there. Since they are only trying to help the world reach that wonderful paradise, and since there is no absolute morality to restrict them, only a morality that justifies their objectives, it is allowable to remove any opponents who are slowing down or hindering the planet’s arrival at utopia. If the stupid conservatives would just shut up (or die) and let us run things, we’d have utopia in no time. Stalin’s peasants didn’t know what was good for them, and they were obstructing the arrival at “socialism,” so he just killed them. They were all going to die some day anyway. To the left, the greatest enemy, the most vicious, hateful foe, the opposition which must be destroyed, at any price, is the Right. And that is because the Right is trying to prevent the elitist Left from ushering in the magnificent worldly Shangri-la. The sooner the right is out of the way, the sooner we can all drink fruit punch on a beach in Hawaii. The left will even control the climate for us. They are that good. Just ask them.

So, wait for winter. If it is excessively cold, that will be because of man-made global warming. If it is mild, that will be because of man-made global warming. Why? Because of politics and power, not science. Here in Thailand, I suspect the weather will be like it always is because climate change, like transgenderism, only seems to happen in Western countries.

When’s the next hurricane? Slobber slobber, drool drool.

Mark Lewis is a native Texan currently living in Thailand. He has a Master's degree in history and has taught history and English in America, South Korea, and China. His first book, Whitewater, a western novel, was recently published, and is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Eliva.com. And check out his new blog at thailandlewis.blogspot.com