Stop the Dr. Oz Hate and Get With the Program

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I did not support Dr. Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate primary, but I am sure supporting him now against Heart Attack Shrek, the communist mutant who spent the first half-century of his life sponging off his parents and now wants to spend the second half sponging off the feds with a DC sinecure. John Fetterman makes Bernie Sanders look like Milton Friedman, yet there are still Republicans who are not all in on Oz.

Get all in on him, people.

Again, he was not my primary choice – to the extent a Californian (even one with roots in Pennsyltucky) should have any say in who the fine GOP folk of the Keystone State chose as their Senate nominee. But he was the Republican voter’s choice. Primaries mean something. That’s when the voters get to tell the parties’ power structures that we are going with this guy or gal or, in the case of Democrats, this non-binary being who identifies as a walrus.

If we believe in elections – and we have been pretty outspoken about the obnoxious election shenanigans we faced in 2020 – then we should act like it. Dr. Oz won. I was not pulling for him then. A lot of folks wanted someone else. But you know who didn’t? A plurality of the Pennsylvania GOP. So, where do we stand on elections? Are we for them or are we only for them when they go our way? Because if it is the latter, maybe such people would be more comfortable in the Democrat Party because that is their MO.

What’s the proper response when you lose a primary? It’s to suck it up, get on the team, and bring in the win. Again, yeah, maybe you didn’t want him. But you lost that argument. There’s little more obnoxious than Republicans getting in a hissy fit because they did not get their way after somebody else won fair and square. That is exactly – precisely – what the cruise ship cons, the Bulwarks schmucks, and the Never Trump sissies did. They lost, and they got mad.

These are bad role models, and imitating them will do nothing except make your pool boy happy. Very happy.

We need unity in the tough PA Senate race, and we are not getting it to the extent we need. Two of his opponents, David McCormick and Carla Sands, are now heading out on the campaign trail to support Dr. Oz. Do you think they are happy they got passed over? Nope. They are disappointed. But then duty called and they both picked up. They will run again in the future and Pennsylvanians should remember who showed up and fought instead of sulked. Yet Kathy Barnette, who came close to pulling off an upset, is apparently not getting on the team. She was famously a soldier and now she’s failing to fall in when it’s time to go over the top. That’s disqualifying. She should re-think her position and get out there for the Republican candidate. We already have too many pols putting their feelz first.

Is it hard to swallow your pride and get on-board? Yeah. So what? Life’s not fair. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and drive on. There are people out there who do not like the hardcore Doug Mastriano for governor either. You know what? They need to shut up and get behind him too. United we stand, divided we lose our country to the damn commies.

I know, I get the argument about voting for people who are not a perfect match. Dr. Oz has some positions, or had them, that we don’t like. Acknowledged. Now grow the hell up and support him anyway. He’s the Republican. In the general, that is the beginning and the end of the inquiry.

Politics is about choices, and this choice is binary. You can have a hulking Marxist ogre whose fried brain means he will be a ventriloquist dummy for the radical lunatics surrounding him, or you can have a guy who is going to be with us a good 95% of the time and give the GOP control of the Senate agenda. Anyone else remember Georgia? Not backing the Republicans in Georgia got us a ton of pinko judges and 87K new IRS stooges. Sitting out the run-off was a great plan.

This decision is as easy as choosing between receiving $1 million and seeing Brian Stelter, who is a potato, break dance naked to “Baby Got Back.”

And the party leaders need to set a better example. Mitch McConnell, as part of his continuing series of missteps, let himself be heard complaining to the regime media about the quality of the GOP Senate roster. That’s just dumb. Yes, candidates can be bad. If you have to deny you are a witch like that one in Delaware, that is bad. If you think it’s smart to state your eccentric views about sexual matters like the guy in Missouri, that’s bad. If you are a renowned heart surgeon and you call a vegetable plate “crudité,” that’s not bad. That’s just fodder for the Twitter shut-ins. Yeah, he’s got a bunch of houses. Why? Because, unlike his deadbeat rich kid opponent, he earned them. We should not resent Dr. Oz. We should want to be him.

The minion media narrative on Dr. Oz is that he’s losing big time. That’s regime propaganda, but this is a real fight and it is going to get serious after Labor Day when the normals start paying attention. Salena Zito, who has forgotten more about PA politics than the regime media will ever know, says that Dr. Oz is crisscrossing the state building contacts and mending fences after the primary, and that’s exactly what he should be doing.

We need to see The Donald in PA helping Dr. Oz out. It would not hurt for him to write some checks too. After all, it was Trump’s endorsement that got Dr. Oz nominated. And Oz better beat the Ox for Trump’s sake, because if the good doctor loses Trump will rightly share the blame. A winning record in primaries is a terrible thing if your hand-picked candidates cannot make it happen in the general too.

Cocaine Mitch is coming around too. Despite his ill-advised misgivings, his PAC is dropping tens of millions into the race with ads hitting the Hoodlum-Hugger in a Hoodie for his insistence that we need to open the prisons and close the precincts. That’s good stuff – let the Dems talk about New Jersey and Dr. Oz can talk about cracking down on crime. Dr. Oz’s own ads will land later – he’s got less money than Fetterman does because he doesn’t have a bunch of California and New York donors trying to buy the seat for the woke left. Save your ammo for the final protective fire in October!

Now, this meta debate over supporting a candidate you originally did not support is not new. Do you compromise your preferences to get a partial victory or stand firm to get a total win? The problem is that this was a question for the primaries. That’s where the party – the people of the party – answer the question in the form of picking a candidate. They answered it with Dr. Oz, so that’s the answer. You’re not showing McConnell or any of the establishment dweebs what for by shunning Dr. Oz – they did not pick him. PA’s Republican voters did.

Refusing to back Dr. Oz now in the general is not making any statement except that you are an emotion-driven brat mad because you didn’t get you way. Again, there’s a party for that and it’s symbol is the donkey.

Stop bitching and get to work getting Dr. Oz – and every other candidate with an ® after his/her name – elected!

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