
Abortion Enthusiasts Show Us Their True Colors

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The recent decision by the Supreme Court to leave Texas' "Heart Beat" abortion law in place has brought out the usual hysterical and histrionic reactions from pro-abortion enthusiasts on the American political left. 

From the ridiculous to the downright demonic, "pro-choice" leftists have claimed Texas is "worse than the Taliban" for women and "literally" the "Handmaid's Tale" come to life

A person named Richard Hanania from a group called the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology took to Twitter to argue that many on the Left would recognize as creative, thoughtful, and insightful. Most people would see it as evil. 

Here's Hanania's argument: 

"You can't screen for Down syndrome before about 10 weeks, and something like 80% of Down syndrome fetuses are aborted, he tweeted. "If red states ban abortion, we could see a world where they have five times as many children with Down syndrome, and similar numbers for other disabilities."  

He continued: "Could be outliers in the whole developed world. There are already negative stereotypes of Americans in these states, one can imagine it getting much more extreme. What if they also ban genetic engineering and embryo selection, while other places go ahead?" 

Hanania concluded his revealing Twitter thread: "Will they maintain their belief in a small safety net and lower government spending in such a world? Would liberals change their minds about government spending if it ends up going to states that have much higher costs due to these laws? Many interesting things to think about." 

I really love that last bit... "Many interesting things to think about." 

Yes... "interesting things" like the ongoing ableist genocide of intellectually disabled human beings who are determined to be of lesser value than fine, upstanding people like Richard Hanania. 

I mean, seriously, who would you rather spend the better part of your day with, a person born with Down syndrome or Richard Hanania? 

God bless IWF's Beverly Hallberg for using Twitter to make the most beautiful rebuttal to this ghoulish "argument." 

It would be very easy and understandable to express outrage and disgust at the disgusting moral equivalence game that compares the protection of innocent, unborn children from slaughter to the public stonings and oppression meted out by the Biden-Supported Taliban in Afghanistan, but instead, let's examine these messages and find some gratitude in them. 

Hear me out...

In their zeal to thump their chests and scream over a law designed to protect babies from being killed in the womb, these leftists boldly expose their ideology as the morally bankrupt abomination that it truly is. 

Leftism often tries to project itself in the media and culture as a social-economic model designed to help those in need and provide financial or systemic support through government programs that redistribute wealth and riches from the greedy few to the exploited proletariat. 

That economic message tends to resonate and appeal to many peoples' good and generous instincts who want to help those who are less fortunate. 

However, the reality of leftist ideology is better revealed in this demonic enthusiasm for extinguishing every baby with Down syndrome before they are born. 

Like it or not, "we must keep abortion on demand legal so people like this won't be born" is the pro-choice argument.  

If "pro-choice" advocates disagree, they need to speak up. Because, as of now, these laws protect the people who are in favor of ableist genocide against intellectually disabled individuals. End of story. 

I mentioned gratitude above. Let me explain. 

These arguments are repulsive. Demonic, I will repeat because it needs to be repeated... Demonic. But, the pro-abortion movement rarely let these ideas see the light of day. I mean, it's the obvious end result of their support for abortion, but they dare not say it out loud. 

If it takes the Texas law for these zealots to expose the true, evil nature of their agenda, then thank God, literally, for that. 

It's hard to fight evil when evil doesn't reveal itself to the world. The evil moral equivalence of "American Taliban!!!" and the evil rationalization of genocide against babies with Down syndrome is hard to hear but incredibly important to understand. 

They've shown their cards. Now it's up to all of us to decide whose side we are on. 

As for me, I'll stand with Dave in Beverly Hallberg's tweet and against Mr. Hanania and his "interesting" thought experiment about all those "Daves" who are sure to be born now that they can't be murdered in the womb. 

Thanks, Mr. Hanania, for clarifying the issue.