
I Don't Want to Hear Anything from LTC Bratwurst or the CDC

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Hi, everybody! Welcome to the "Stream of Kurtiousness!" This is, as you know, Bitey. This is my shameless dog portion of the "Stream of Kurtiousness" because everybody loves a dog, and, of course, you should love this dog. 

Let's understand, though, it is a dog of terror, but it is not quite as terrifying as (just think of this, if you will, I think you ought to be sitting down for it), imagine the cold, gnawing fear you experience if you are the manager of a Golden Corral, and Lieutenant Colonel Bratwurst waddles in and starts eyeing your steam tables for ham. 

Alexander Vindman, lieutenant colonel, retired, thank God, has a book out. And it has some stupid-ass title like, "Muh Integrity Is Overwhelming" or some sh**, I don't even know. He was on every liberal show. He's on "The View." Look, I've been out of the Army like six years, and I know it's changed some, but I'm kind of thinking that if Joy Behar approves of you, you're probably not a good candidate for being in the Army. And, of course, to the extent that he was in the Army, I mean, he was working at the White House where he was known for one thing and one thing only, which is stabbing his boss in the back. The boss who was actually elected to set foreign policy. The guy who won the election. No one ever voted for Vindman for anything except most likely to eat all the donuts before anyone else gets to them. This guy is a freaking disgrace.