
The Insanity Continues

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In what appears to be a never-ending string of desperate, begging emails, this is the next installment of “who the hell falls for this stuff?” analysis/mockery of fundraising emails from the Democratic Party and their appendages. If you’ve ever noticed how Democrats and their media members all, suddenly, start using the same language at the same time, this installment is a shining example of just that. The latest Borg-esque talking point the left has adopted is securing the integrity of the vote is “the new Jim Crow.” And people are dumb enough to give them money because of it.

The thing about charges of racism, though only from the left, is they are accepted as beyond-question-true. It doesn’t matter how absurd it is – like the idea that requiring people prove they are who they say they are when voting – if a Democrat says something is racist, drones in the media parrot it out to the world unendingly. 

This latest talking point was first belched out by Stacey Abrams, the failed gubernatorial candidate in Georgia who pioneered refusing to accept election results; only she was cheered when she did it. The governor in exile has made a fortune proclaiming herself a martyr, against all evidence and rational thought, and a media hero. 

Since her gaseous emission, everyone and their brother (or sister, depending upon how they identify at that moment) on the left went into overdrive. And the money, we have to assume, started flowing as rapidly as this lie.

“BREAKING: Georgia GOP enacts MAJOR voter suppression law which Stacey Abrams calls "Jim Crow 2.0," starts one email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “Last night, Republican officials in Georgia enacted a law that is as dangerous as any in generations.  It allows officials to TAKE OVER local election boards,” it continues. 

A state setting its own election laws? The horror! Of course, that what the Constitution prescribes, so it’s not odd that Democrats would find this disturbing. They hold the Constitution in contempt, as it limits their ability to enforce their will on Americans. 

Ironically, as Democrats, both in fundraising emails and on TV, whine about the “TAKE OVER” of local elections in various states, they are pushing a law that takes over all elections on a national level – the comically named “For The People Act.” But who’s going to call them out on this, the media? That’s their salesforce, and they seemingly work on commission. 

In another email, Jamie Harrison, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, parrots the Abrams line about the new Georgia law, he then adds, “Let me be perfectly clear: This bill is intended to make it harder for folks in Black and Brown communities to vote. Full stop.” That line in Harrison’s email was in bold, so you know he is serious. 

How? The discussion on that is a mile wide and an inch deep. Harrison says the new law “imposes stricter voter I.D. laws, limits the number of ballot drop boxes, and even criminalizes giving people food and water as they wait in line -- sometimes for hours -- to cast their vote.” Aside from the more dramatic parts being garbage, as Karl Rove pointed out beautifully, even under these new “oppressive” laws in Georgia, the state still has more liberal voting security laws than Delaware, Joe Biden’s home state, which Democrats control. There is no outrage from Stacey Abrams over the voting laws in Delaware…

This is all, of course, about money. 

The Democratic Governors Association, after regurgitating all the standard talking points, gets right to the point. “We can’t let this stand, but highly contested races in battleground states aren’t won overnight – it takes time. The ONLY way to defeat GOP extremists is by investing RIGHT NOW – but we're falling short of our $25,000 goal, and we're running out of time before tonight's midnight deadline,” they say. That email was sent on March 26th, a random Saturday. What “deadline” were they talking about? They don’t say, they never say, because they aren’t appealing to logic. 

These emails are designed to get people worked up – toss out scary buzzwords, accuse Republicans of nefarious actions, give no details (because you’re not dealing with deep thinkers here), and tell them the only way to stop this horrible fate is to give them cash. People get rich off this, cults operate this way. 

All three emails I’ve cited this week were from March 26th, more were sent during the week, and more still will come this week. As long as a dollar can be milked out of some sucker, there will be a Democrat with a stool, a bucket, and the determination to get it. And they will get it. There’s a sucker emailed every minute…

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.