With the conclusion of both the Democratic and Republican conventions, there was one aspect of the RNC convention that truly stood out, and that was the diversity of the speakers. With the media continually painting President Donald Trump as racist or racially insensitive, the first night of the RNC convention showcased something else, and so did the stories told by the speakers.
It was titled "The Land of Promise," highlighting America's promise to all who seek to work for it -- a future where one's dreams and aspirations can become a reality. It wasn't a promise that all people will equally succeed, which is what Democrats promise; instead, it was a promise that America will always be a place where you have an opportunity to succeed, a guarantee to partake in and enjoy the fruits of one's labor, though not a guarantee of outcomes.
As America's cities currently under Democratic leadership burn to the ground, -- a result of violence spreading across the country, from Portland, Oregon, to high-crime cities like Baltimore, Baltimore -- Black and poor residents will be impacted the most. As Republican Congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik noted in her speech, "I am asking you to help President Trump complete this great American comeback, and then I'm asking you to help me complete this great Baltimore come back." Trump understands, as HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson pointed out in his speech, that "a rising tide lifts all boats," and that is his promise to Black Americans and all Americans.
Contrast that with the message from Democrats. All we heard was that Trump is horrible, racist and not good for America. Yet, they laid out no detailed alternatives to Trump's policies -- because they don't have any. Their only message is that Trump is horrible, so elect us instead. Black Americans shouldn't fall for it. After decades of voting overwhelmingly for Democrats, urban cities across the United States remain in shambles. Crime is high, poverty remains high and education remains third-rate. Why in the world would anyone continue to vote for a party that spouts promises they rarely deliver on? Why should Black Americans fall for "Trump's a racist, so vote for us" message?
I'm in no way saying Donald Trump is perfect; he's far from it and certainly has his share of problems. However, what the Black community needs, and needs now, is economic independence. Then, as a community, more Black Americans can chart their course for success. Higher incomes generate more tax dollars for better schools, libraries and other shared public services such as transportation.
When people are making a good living, they're able to afford after-school programs and extracurricular activities for their children. These opportunities build character, discipline and teach children the necessary skills to be successful in life.
Economic freedom will permit more African Americans to become homebuyers, thus building and strengthening Black generational wealth for our children and grandchildren.
Black America must wake up and look for real results that can make a difference in the lives of everyday Black people. You don't have to like Trump, that's fine, but let's look at his results. Trump was able to sustain President Obama's economic growth and expand it to heights that no one expected. This led to the lowest Black unemployment ever recorded in American history. Though our country is battling the coronavirus pandemic right now, Trump can once gain restore America's economic engine.
Trump has outlined a robust plan to get Americans back to work, which will benefit all Americans, notably Black Americans. If given a second term, the Trump administration will work with the private sector and government to foster an environment that leads to the creation of 10 million new jobs in 10 months and 1 million new small businesses, which have been devastated by COVID-19. He plans to cut taxes to boost take-home pay, which will put more money into the pockets of those who need it most.
You're not free until you have economic freedom, and the reality is that most Black Americans do not. Most do not have enough in their savings for an emergency or good enough credit to purchase a home, and that must change if Black Americans are to prosper. No other group in the United States gives 90% of their vote to a single party, because there is strategic leverage in not doing so, and Black America must understand this. It's not about liking Trump; it's about the results that have happened and can continue to happen under Trump that should be a priority to Black Americans.
Ask yourselves this: Out of everything that Democrats have promised and continue to promise, why haven't they accomplished it before? The results speak for themselves.
To find out more about Armstrong Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.