California Conservatives: Fighting and Winning In Huntington Park

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In Huntington Park, CA, one of the bluest districts in the state of California, but with some ruby red patriotism bursting through, one of the city councilmembers, Valentin Amezquita, the only one to vote against appointing two illegal aliens to city commissions, has opened up to Donald Trump’s immigration plan. I may not like Trump, but I do like that Democrats are considering Republican candidates.

At the October 6th city council meeting, Robin Hvidston and I presented an award to Nick Ionnidis (See picture above), one of the most well-respected and law-abiding legal residents in our country. He came to America with nothing, he made something of himself, and he has given everything to a country and city which he loves so much. And to read about the terrible actions that the city has put him though: It is just deplorable. Nick the Greek is a citizen-patriot, and he deserves justice, not disgrace.

The Huntington Park city council – the four members who defied federal and state law to appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions – is afraid of We the People, and we are glad for it. We have learned from the wicked masters themselves, like Saul Alinksy and Barack Obama, but have taken their tactics and tools to promote righteous values, eternal and infallible. Conservative principles have no constructive alternative, since they are constructive and endearing for all people, and need no replacement

A friend of mine, aerospace engineer Mark Mendlovitz of Beverly Hills by way of San Antonio, Texas, who has battled against unchecked illegal immigration for years, has gone back and forth with me about immigration, fighting amnesty and the Chamber of Commerce. On October 6th, he put his posting where his mouth is and addressed the city council with me. A resident from San Fernando Valley, home of liberal Congressman Brad “You wanna get into this?!” Sherman, also reached out after reading my previous article, and asked: “How can I help?” “Help us win, Dave!” I told him. More concerned citizens in California are not willing to concede the Golden State to moldy and corroded special interests, left-wing bullies, or Democratic corporate cronies.

We are putting into practice the same methods as the Founders, a tireless minority lighting a fire in the minds of now like-minded citizens. We have savaged the city council on Facebook and Twitter, reaching out to media affiliates in press, radio, and film. Members of the 90255 Homeowners Association have gotten involved, demanding that the city council respect their rights and property.

The irony in the latest city council meeting was too think to ignore. First, the members listened to extended testimony from the finance director, who informed the community that they are spending more than they are taking in. Already, the city faces financial woes, and they have not yet begun the fiscal forensic audit. Then the chief of police discussed a new program to enforce municipal codes in the city parks, where residents have complained about loitering, drinking, student truancy, and gang-banging. “Enforcement” was the watch word in the meeting. No Enforcement, no peace!

The irony was not lost on any one of us in the audience. How can this city council expect residents in the city to obey the law when they brazen refuse to, having appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions? Their lawlessness went one step further, and too far. In the latest fiasco to erupt at the Huntington Park City Council meeting, Mayor Karina Macias ruled a patriotic senior citizen, Dr. Robert Newman, out of order for saying “Yes” three times during my public comments.

He was exercising his freedom of speech, and yet the city council determined to have him removed from the city council chambers. Chaos ensued briefly, then our conservative cohorts brought out our cameras and video recorders, taking down everything. The Huntington Park police then appeared to relent, and informed Dr. Newman that they wanted to speak to him outside. Then they announced that he would have to leave for the rest of the evening. They clearly deceived him, then forced him to wait in the first floor lobby of City Hall. A long-time resident of California and citizen of the United States of America was forced out of a public city council, and two illegal aliens are allowed to sit on city commissions. Huntington Park elected officials have violated state and federal law, and now the Bill or Rights.

But we got it all on video, and everyone is learning about it. I have exposed the political machine behind the scenes, and the trail of deception connected to the rogue city councilmember Jhonny Pineda. They are really screwed.

California Conservatives are fighting the good fight.

And we are wining!