In Huntington Park, Keeping Up the Pressure

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Conservatives have reviewed and dissected Hillary Clinton mentor Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, including this doozy: RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”Glenn Beck added this insight: “Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.”

Blogger Brian Hawkins noted that conservatives tend to give up too quickly. Samuel Adams, one of the leading lights in the American Revolution, reminded his sometime dispirited supporters: “It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” In Huntington Park, California, dedicated conservatives throughout the Southland are taking these lessons to heart. We are not letting up the pressure on a rogue city council which appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions.

Thirty minutes before the September 8th, 2015 city council meeting, Robin Hvidston of “We the People Rising” confronted one of the appointed illegal aliens, Julian Zatarain. She asked about his current status. I followed up, asking how he could possibly have been sworn in without any documentation. He repeatedly claimed to the national media that he was “undocumented,” did he not?

At this latest city council meeting, with fewer (media) press but still our pressure, more outraged citizens attended and voiced their opposition to this sinister attempt to push the envelope on amnesty, federal regulations and rule of law be damned. One Latino, born in Texas but living in Lennox, shamed opponents of the appointees as “racist tea party people.” Betty Retama, long-time resident-advocate in the increasingly corrupt, unaccountable city, fought back. Raul Rodriguez of “America First Latinos” shamed him into silence.

Unlike the last meeting (August 17th), more Hispanic youth wearing plain white shirts, attend with their signs to support the city council (who paid them or prompted them to come?) Some bore signs stating “Indocumentado. Sin miedo.” (Undocumented. Unafraid). One young couple sat on my right. How strange yet civil, that the two of us standing on opposing sides of amnesty could still sit peacefully next to each other.

Pro-American forces filled up the chamber, fully documented, prepared, and ready for the long evening. Two Orange County, CA residents sat to my left, furious with the Huntington Park City council’s lawlessness. Their chief intent for coming? To glorify the rule of law, without which we have no justice or peace. I recalled the story of one immigrant friend of mine, Salvador. He told me that he came to the United States not because he was looking for a better job (which he did get): “You see, Arthur, in Mexico, the police can just pull you over and say, ‘Give me twenty dollars, or I will write you a ticket.’” The brazen corruption there has worked its way stealthily into communities throughout Southeastern Los Angeles County. Its latest stop: “The City of Perfect Balance,” where anti-illegal immigration forces are restoring balance to civic engagement and local respect for national precedent.

In a rare departure from a growing norm throughout Southern California city councils (aside from allegations of questionable residences and malfeasance), the mayor opened the meeting with an invocation to God, seeking peace and wisdom. The council could answer their own prayer by rescinding the unjust and unconstitutional appointments. Before public comments, advocates from “Tree People” and public transit authorities described their large, centralized plans to bring more small-unit housing to the Southeastern LA corridor. Big Green has been subtly taking root in Huntington Park.

Another stunning irony quietly dominated the whole meeting, and remained disturbingly lost on the city council and the audience in support of the illegal alien appointees. In light of flouting federal law with their immoral appointments, the city council insisted on rules of decorum. Their rule of law was essential, selective enforcement if you will, with the chief of police announcing an unprecedented set of rules demanding quiet, from the speaking cards (arranged arbitrarily once again), to frequent remonstrance from the city council and police officers to be quiet. The city attorney, himself under heavy scrutiny, rattled off a number of prohibitions and strictures to intimidate people from speaking out.

During public comment, supporters prattled the “Nation of Immigrations” line (which Thomas Sowell has summarily debunked). One participant offensively referred to the city as “Brown Town.” A number of people (of all colors) criticized that racist remark. “Huntington Park” Betty chided the city council for reintroducing slavery, by appointing two commissioners without pay. Another protester slammed the city as “chaos” and “a ghetto.” Unsurprising, since no business will settle in a city with an uncompetitive property tax rate and rising crime (the chief of police related to me the high number of vehicle thefts). Sandy Orozco excoriated the council: “You are all dirty! I have so much dirt on all of you!” Read my comments here.

During recess, former mayor of Huntington Park, Ricardo Loya, blasted the numerous violations of the Ralph M. Brown Act, a long-standing California law to ensure that all government meetings remained open to the public with full participation from citizen in the community. He further commented that this appointment-drama was all a cover-up for bigger problems: unethical real estate sales, pension liabilities.

At the end of public comment, Mayor Karina Macias released her legal address to the public (after much lobbying and pressure, plus an uncooperative city clerk). Another Brown Act violation followed for me, right after public comment, when the council refused further discussion from the audience on consent items and agenda matters. I objected, but they rejected me, then the chief of police ejected me out.

More residents are meeting with me to plan the next steps. We have contacted the FBI, and the Los Angeles County District Attorney. Despite setbacks, the fight is gaining ground. Conservative activists will seek House Rep Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Commerce), then continue rallying for action. More than American Revolution, an American Restoration is breaking out in Southern California, hopefully to rekindle the spirits of patriots everywhere.