Hobby Lobby vs Sandra Fluke’s Birth Control Pill

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Sandra Fluke – the 30-something year old college student who made a name for herself by demanding that other people pay for her birth control, took to Twitter to condemn Hobby Lobby’s religious objection to Obamacare. Oral arguments were heard yesterday in Hobby Lobby’s case before the Supreme Court, where the Christian corporation is trying to make the case that the “contraception mandate” violates their religious beliefs. Fluke, and Obama’s government lawyers, insist that women who are being denied “free” birth control are having their natural rights violated. (I guess our founding fathers forgot about that gem when they drafted the first ten Amendments to the Constitution.)

Of course, Hobby Lobby’s religious objection to providing their employees with cost-free contraception is not violating anyone’s rights… After all, couldn’t the Sandra Fluke protégé who is working at Hobby Lobby simply take the 9 bucks from her paycheck, and mosey on down to Planned Parenthood? Isn’t that what PP is all about: Giving abortifacients and contraceptives to young women? A corporation refusing to provide its employees with certain elective prescription drugs is, by no means, equivocal to a violation of human rights.

Sandra’s cartoonish tweet wasn’t the only amateurish attempt among the Left to portray Hobby Lobby as an evil empire bent on imposing Sharia-style chauvinism on female workers. Protestors outside of the Supreme Court exercised their rights, outlined in the First Amendment, to accuse the company of bigotry. The blissfully hypocritical protestors seemed woefully unaware that Hobby Lobby employees are not forced, in any way, to subscribe to Christian beliefs regarding contraception… Female Hobby-Lobbiers (yeah… I made that word up) are free, in every way, to pursue their healthcare options outside of the company’s generous (albeit, religiously restricted) benefit plan.

It’s also amusing that if Hobby Lobby was to take a public stand against gay marriage, these same protestors would be demanding that the company “get out of people’s bedroom.” Doesn’t it then seem kinda strange that the Left should also demand corporations fund the bedroom activities of heterosexual couples? In fighting for expanded “reproductive benefits”, the Sandra Flukes of the world routinely remind us that we’re talking about their uterus… Well, fine. If it’s your uterus, then you should pay for keeping it baby-free.

Advocates of the birth-control mandate, however, also try to cloak their argument in sketchy science, and philosophically anemic arguments over what Christians should actually believe. A staff-writer at Forbes (Clare O’Connor) crafted the following sentence regarding Hobby Lobby’s objection to Obamacare’s mandated contraception coverage:

They [Hobby Lobby] believe these to be “potential life-terminating drugs”, although current science does not support that these contraceptives are indeed “abortifacients.”

So? What, exactly, does it matter? Corporations are being required to provide a specific healthcare “benefit”… A benefit that, regardless of Clare O’Connor’s scientific interpretation, runs contrary to the values adopted by that company. After all, aren’t businesses supposed to have “values”? Isn’t that why President Obama recently applauded Gap’s decision to raise their minimum wage? (He kinda forgot to mention that Gap still utilizes sweat-shop labor… But, I guess we can pick and choose what values to notice.)

The Sandra Fluke wing of the American Left is looking for more than a few free boxes of “plan B”. They are looking to redefine the American concept of “rights”, so that it might be indistinguishable from “wants”. To the American Left, a "right" is merely a gift from government... Or perhaps a rallying cry.

The Left used to scream, “Get out of our uterus!” while clutching their Planned Parenthood brochures like a bunch of abortion-funded beacons of female liberation… Well… It is your uterus. And now your employer wants out of it.