Obamanomics: Invest Elsewhere

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toyoAmerica used to be a major attraction for foreign investment. . . So what happened? Daniel Ikenson, from Cato, joined the program to discuss the worrisome trend of investment leaving America.

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Show Prep:

Daniel Ikenson, from Cato, joined the program to discuss America’s inability to attract foreign investment:

What’s Right With Ransom:

Big Three:

Number Three:

Lots of Data coming out this week; which of course means the Fed is going to be a big part of the discussion this week. Steve Leisman with CNBC ran through the data points that the Market is looking for this week.

Number Two:

Speaking of Data, the ISM was released – and impressed. For such stunningly good news, only Bloomberg’s Mike McKee is capable of reporting.

Number One:

So everyone is making a big deal about September’s opening rally. . . We don’t want to get “doom and gloom” on you here, but we should probably factor in a touch of reality.

Stocks in the News:


Other News:

Hey, at least someone is getting a pay raise under Obama.

Anyone else remember when Syrian rebels were caught with chemical weapons?. . . Why wasn’t that a “red line”?

Best line ever: Democrats Suddenly Realize What They Miscalculated About the World: Everything

Rodman is visiting North Korea. . . Again. Befriending despots and dictators must be “in” right now.

The full program, from start to finish, for your educational benefit: