The Big Mistake of Major Media

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Just like the rest of the mainstream media, business news networks are losing viewers left and right. (Well. . . Mostly right.) Jerry Bowyer, with Forbes, joined the program to weigh in on the Media, the Arab spring, and what’s right with Ransom.

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Show Prep:

Big Three:

Number Three:

S&P index committee chief, David Blitzer, sees a rough start to the fall trading season. . . Not because of the economy, but because of Washington. (What a shock.)

Number Two:

Well, we still have some time before the next Fed minutes are released, and it is already the buzz on all the talk shows. Why? Is there really nothing else worth talking about in the market?

Number One:

Once again, Scarlet Fu nails it with her chart of the day. According to the chart, if banks want to maintain their profits, they might have to start doing those things that traditionally earn banks money. . . Ya know, like lending money. (Of course, why would anyone want to right now?)

Stocks in the News:

Jerry Bowyer, columnist with Forbes and contributor for Townhall Finance, weighs in on Media bias, and foreign policy:

Other News:

As if Barack Obama’s dog being named after his masters initials wasn’t obnoxious enough, it turns out the little pooch also has his own travel accommodations.

Who needs charitable community organizations when you have an all-powerful federal government?

Great move Holder. . . Because nothing helps reduce crime like reducing sentences. (Haven’t we tried this before?)

The full program, from start to finish, for your educational benefit: