The Great Destroyer

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“Politics is fought between the forty yard lines,“ remarked Charles Krauthammer just after Obama was elected in 2008. Krauthammer is right about nearly everything, but his rule clearly warrants an exception when applied to Barack Obama and his administration. Attorney David Limbaugh shows why in his new book, The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic.

This is the second book in Limbaugh’s very readable and insightful narrative of Barack Obama’s Presidency. The Great Destroyer picks up where Crimes Against Liberty left off in 2010. Limbaugh meticulously narrates how the President has been striding to the liberal goal line with nearly every policy, appointment and statement since taking office. Almost without exception, Obama implements or supports policies that negate America’s founding principles—individual liberty, limited government and the rule of law are among the casualties in the President’s war on the Republic.

You say, “’War on the Republic.’ That’s a little strong, don’t you think?”

You might think so until you read the book. I am a political junkie, but even I was shocked to see the extreme scope of Obama’s anti-American assault.

“Oh, but this was written by a Limbaugh, and Limbaughs are well known for their conservatism.”

If any liberal or so-called “independent” judgmentally dismisses The Great Destroyer simply because Limbaugh is a conservative, point out that people can present evidence objectively even if they personally are not neutral. First, neutral people rarely have the interest or expertise to write books! But more importantly, you can’t dismiss what Limbaugh says simply because he supports conservative policies. That’s a fallacy that cuts both ways—you’d have to dismiss everything Obama says because he supports liberal policies. The truth is, everyone has political beliefs. The issue is not those beliefs, but the evidence one presents!

David Limbaugh presents a wealth of evidence that Barack Obama is inflicting unprecedented injuries on America and the liberties of its citizens. He does the work the mainstream media refuses to do. In addition to using neutral sources, such as the Congressional Budget Office for financial data, Limbaugh quotes several liberals, administration officials, and, of course, Barack Obama himself to make the irrefutable case that Obama’s ultra-liberal positions are resulting in catastrophic negative effects for America. Unfortunately, his case is quite compelling.

The Great Destroyer is well organized by topic. Chapter headings include: The War on America, The War on Our Culture and Values, The War on the Economy, The War on Our Future, The War on Business, The War America’s National Security, and several others. The book also includes several helpful charts that display, at a glance, the current and impending disaster known as Obama’s economic policies.

Since The Great Destroyer is over 500 pages (including nearly 100 pages of endnotes), I can only summarize a few revelations that Limbaugh provides. These are from just two chapters of The Great Destroyer.

From “The War on Values and Culture”:

In prepared remarks, Vice President Biden said he had no objections to China’s forced abortion policy.

With several new policies and edicts, Obama has ensured that federal funds are now paying for abortion. He is clearly the most pro-abortion president in history.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan warned public school districts about blocking students from forming gay themed organizations.

HHS administrator Pam Hyde declared, “Your federal government has finally come out of the closet in support of LGBT youth.” HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said, “I want to tell you, you have a friend in this administration, who will stand beside you each and every step along the way.”

Obama’s HHS website promoted the idea that kids may “experiment” with homosexuality.

The Obama Administration initially refused to publicize the results of their own study that abstinence education programs actually work.

President Obama declared his support for “age-appropriate” sex education for kindergarteners.

The survey of our military men and women about “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” may have been a sham to mislead Congress—the executive report of the findings was written before the survey was actually taken!

Attorney General Eric Holder and Obama appear to be in collusion in refusing to defend, and even attempting to overturn, democratically decided laws defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

In July 2011, Holder ordered Banks to relax mortgage qualifications for the poor—the same insane policy that led to the housing crash in the first place!

Obama’s Justice Department refuses to prosecute several grievous injustices including video-taped voter intimidation by Black Panthers, and video-taped instances of potential sex trafficking, prostitution and underage abortions by Planned Parenthood.

Obama not only lifted the ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research (which has yet to cure any human being of a disease), he rescinded President Bush’s executive order to fund adult stem cell research (which has resulted in treating more than a hundred diseases and medical conditions). Obama is the “anti-science” president, not Bush!

Obama’s stance against the freedom of religious organizations to hire people with their values was so extreme that the Supreme Court ruled against him 9-0 (even his own liberal appointees disagreed!).

From “The War on the Economy”:

Contrary to his claim to save or create 3.5 million jobs, Obama has actually lost almost 4.1 million jobs – a jobs deficit of 7.6 million.

February 2012 was the worst one-month debt in U.S. history: $219 Billion (Bush’s deficit for all of 2007 was less than that!).

Four years in a row, Obama’s deficits have or will be in excess of $1 trillion, dwarfing President Bush’s deficits.

Obama has added more to the debt in three plus years than Bush added in eight.

Obama and his team have engaged in accounting gimmickry and unrealistic rosy predictions in an attempt to make their dismal plans look less dismal.

New research into 108 national economies shows that government “stimulus” spending—staunchly advocated by Obama—tends to have a net negative effect on the economy.

Despite promising not to raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 per year, ObamaCare will result in 17 new taxes or penalties that will burden all Americans.

Costs for ObamaCare will be nearly double original estimates (and most of the program hasn’t even started yet!).

Despite the President promising that people could keep their current health insurance plan, multiple sources report that a majority will loose their current coverage under Obamacare.

Union members comprise only 12 percent of all employees, but the Obama Administration has granted them 50.3 percent of all ObamaCare waivers. (By the way, if ObamaCare is such a good deal, why does anyone want a waiver?)

David Limbaugh provides more revelations in these two chapters and the other ten. You really need to get the book to appreciate the full breadth of the destruction—destruction that you are not going to hear from the mainstream media.

In the era of Obama, politics in America is no longer fought between the forty yard lines. Americans need to read The Great Destroyer to encourage enough voters to begin running the ball the other way—back to the principles that made America great.