Yarbrough, 50, has been NAMB's Acts 1:8 challenge coordinator since 2002. He will become ABN editor effective Jan. 1, succeeding Charlie Warren, who is retiring after 11 years as editor.
"I am deeply humbled to be called as the next editor of the Arkansas Baptist News," Yarbrough said. "It has become increasingly evident to me over the past several weeks that God wants my family and me back in Arkansas. It will be a privilege to serve alongside our friends in the state, in addition to making new friends.
"The Arkansas Baptist News is an important trust and should play a significant role in advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ at home and around the globe," Yarbrough added. "I look forward to telling the story of how God is using Arkansas Baptists to boldly proclaim Christ to a lost and dying world."
In addition to directing the Acts 1:8 strategy for NAMB, Yarbrough earlier served as media strategist and director of church relations at NAMB. Previously he served as the communications director of the Missouri Baptist Convention from 1995-2002. From 1989-95, Yarbrough was an editor of a magazine, books and other publications at the Baptist Brotherhood Commission, which later merged with NAMB.
"The board of trustees of the ABN is very excited about our new editor, Tim Yarbrough," said Erby Burgess, ABN board president. "Tim brings with him experience, leadership and journalism skills and a wealth of ideas to creatively communicate Christ's story to the masses.
"Tim has a heart for missions, for Southern Baptists and for God's Kingdom work," added Burgess, pastor of Park Hill Baptist Church in Arkadelphia. "The work of the Arkansas Baptist News -- to inform, inspire and involve Arkansas Baptists in fulfilling the Great Commission -- will be greatly enhanced by Tim's leadership. I hope all Arkansas Baptists will plug into the ABN and be better informed so as to strengthen our effort of witnessing to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth."
Yarbrough's election came as a recommendation of the ABN personnel committee, chaired by Judy Shaddox, a member of Park Hill Baptist Church of North Little Rock.
"Tim is definitely the right person to continue the legacy of great editors who have 'informed, inspired and involved' Arkansas Baptists in the work of God," Shaddox said. "He not only brings a wealth of experience in journalism and technology, but a career that is marked with strong commitment to Southern Baptist work and to missions. His enthusiastic dedication to Christ and to the people in the pews is contagious."
Born in Kennett, Mo., Yarbrough's family moved to Arkansas in 1967, settling in Jonesboro. Yarbrough was saved during a revival at Walnut Street Baptist Church in Jonesboro. He and his wife Pamm were married in 1986 at First Baptist Church in Russellville. They also have been members of Baring Cross Baptist Church of North Little Rock and First Baptist Church of Maumelle.
From 1987-89, he was a section editor for the Arkansas Democrat, and earlier served as news editor and staff writer for various daily and weekly newspapers, including the Courier Democrat of Russellville. He taught journalism as a graduate assistant at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where he earned a master of arts degree in journalism. Earlier he earned a bachelor of science degree in journalism from Murray State University in Kentucky.
He also taught strategic communications as an adjunct professor at the University of Missouri School of Journalism and taught public relations at Columbia College, both of which are located in Columbia, Mo.
The Yarbroughs have two children.
Reported by the staff of the Arkansas Baptist News.
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