WMU introduces new trademark & tagline

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BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) -- WMU has introduced an updated trademark and a new tagline as key elements for the missions organization's branding.

WMU's trademark since 2006 has incorporated the letters WMU with a larger "M" to place emphasis on "missions."

The new trademark is an updated version of the original one adopted by WMU in 1913. The original graphic contained a number of elements, including the outline of a fish, an early Christian symbol; a flame or light representing the light of Christ in Christians to lead others to Him and to follow His light into the world; an open Bible representing knowledge of Scripture and teaching missions-related passages; and a globe expressing the idea of an outward focus on the peoples of the world.

WMU's new trademark incorporates two elements from the original version: the fish and a stylized circle or world.

"The colors of blue and green are fresh and appealing to both genders and, used in a stylized circle, they express the idea of sharing Christ in our world," said Julie Walters, national WMU's communications specialist.

"We believe this new graphic celebrates our heritage while embracing today's opportunities by better reflecting the active, friendly, reliable and invested mindset of those involved in global missions through WMU."

And missions -- the singular focus of WMU -- is emphasized in the Southern Baptist auxiliary's new tagline, "Missions for Life."

"Missions for Life sums up the purpose of WMU in a number of ways," Walters said. "First, it communicates that WMU promotes a lifestyle focused on the mission of God. In addition, the word 'life' is holistic like WMU in that we offer resources for all life stages from preschool to adults that help develop confident missions disciples. Missions is also the pathway for many to hear and learn about Jesus, the giver of eternal life."

WMU's tagline since 2005 had been "Change a Life. Change the World."

Also known as Woman's Missionary Union, WMU is based in Birmingham, Ala., is on the Web at www.wmu.com. WMU seeks to educate and involve preschoolers, children, youth, and adults in the cause of Christian missions. WMU promotes a missional lifestyle through age-level organizations in churches and hands-on mission experiences.

Reported by the communications staff of WMU.

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